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     1. RT-PCR检测c-Jun和β3Gn-T8在SGC7901等六种肿瘤细胞株中的表达情况。
     3.设计并构建4条针对c-Jun mRNA靶点的siRNA真核表达质粒载体pGPU6/GFP/Neo-shRNA,同时设计shRNA-无关序列作为阴性对照(negativecontrol,NC),并构建表达载体;培养SGC7901细胞,以脂质体法转染细胞,荧光显微镜观察以最高转染效率和最低细胞死亡率为原则,优化转染条件,根据优化的条件将pGPU6/GFP/Neo-shRNA质粒转染胃癌SGC7901细胞,应用RT-PCR和western blot方法在mRNA水平和蛋白水平上检测四组pGPU6/GFP/Neo-shRNA对c-Jun基因表达的抑制作用,筛选出干扰效果最好的一组表达载体用于后续实验;设计空白对照组(Blank组,SGC7901细胞株)、阴性对照组(NC组,pGPU6/GFP/NC质粒转染的SGC7901细胞)、c-Jun-shRNA组(pGPU6/GFP/c-Jun-shRNA质粒转染的SGC7901细胞)为研究对象,经G418筛选,获得稳定转染表达载体pGPU6/GFP/c-Jun-shRNA的SGC7901细胞;应用RT-PCR和western blot方法在mRNA水平和蛋白水平上检测c-Jun基因沉默后β3Gn-T8的表达;应用CCK-8试剂盒检测三组细胞的增殖能力;应用凝集素细胞免疫荧光和FITC标志的凝集素流式细胞术检测三组细胞多聚乳糖胺糖链的表达。
     1. C-Jun和β3Gn-T8在肿瘤细胞株中的表达:我们检测了胃癌细胞株SGC7901及AGS、恶性脑胶质瘤细胞株U87及LN229、乳腺癌细胞株MCF-7及MDA-MB-231中均有不同程度的表达,其中,胃癌SGC7901细胞株中c-Jun呈中等表达水平,β3Gn-T8呈高表达。
     3. shRNA表达载体的构建及其对胃癌生物学行为的影响:靶向c-Jun mRNA的四个pGPU6/GFP/Neo-shRNA重组质粒表达载体经酶切、测序鉴定,证实载体构建成功;重组质粒表达载体通过脂质体介导转染人胃癌SGC7901细胞,在荧光显微镜下观察到绿色荧光, RT-PCR和western blot结果证实pGPU6/GFP/Neo-shRNA-1949对c-Jun表达抑制的效果最好,因此,选择该shRNA载体,构建后续对c-Jun稳定下调的稳定细胞株;RT-PCR和western blot方法检测鉴定c-Jun基因沉默后SGC7901细胞株中β3Gn-T8基因在mRNA水平和蛋白水平表达均下降;CCK-8实验结果显示c-Jun基因沉默后SGC7901细胞增殖能力明显下降;凝集素细胞免疫荧光和流式细胞术检测结果显示c-Jun基因沉默后β3Gn-T8表达下降导致细胞上多聚乳糖胺糖链的表达量降低。
     4. C-Jun、CD147和多聚乳糖胺链在胃癌组织的表达:结果显示c-Jun在胃癌组织的表达显著高于癌旁非肿瘤胃组织;CD147在胃癌组织高表达,而在癌旁非肿瘤胃组织几乎无表达;凝集素结合的多聚乳糖胺糖链表达在胃癌细胞和胃粘膜上皮细胞的胞浆中,棕黄色颗粒状。在弥漫型胃癌中的表达呈深棕色,而在肠型胃癌的表达为浅棕色,在某些肠型胃癌的癌细胞腺腔侧的胞浆及胞膜中呈深棕色颗粒状强阳性表达。在肠型胃癌的腺腔中和印戒细胞癌的粘液池中有强阳性颗粒。而在癌旁非肿瘤胃组织上皮细胞中的着色强度及范围明显弱于胃癌细胞。此外,在低分化腺癌中表达较高,而在高分化腺癌中表达较低。
     1. C-Jun和β3Gn-T8在六种肿瘤细胞株中均有表达,胃癌SGC7901细胞株中c-Jun呈中等表达量,β3Gn-T8呈高表达;
     4. C-Jun、CD147及多聚乳糖胺糖链结构在人胃癌组织的表达较癌旁非肿瘤胃组织显著增加。在弥漫型胃癌中多聚乳糖胺糖链结构的表达要强于肠型胃癌。
     During the progression of tumorogenesis, the expressions of glycosyltransferasesare significantly altered, bringing about abnormal structures of glcoconjugates on thesurface of malignant cells. β1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferases (β3Gn-Ts) familymembers are involved in synthesizing galactan backbones of β1,3-N-acetylglucosamine.Among them, β3Gn-T8engages in synthesis of poly N acetyl galactosamine of N-linked glycoproteins. Our previous study indicated that β3Gn-T8, through regulatingMMP-2expression, took part in proliferation, invasion and metastasis of gastric cancer.Thus, the role of β3Gn-T8on MMP-2expression might be a novel and promisingtherapeutic strategy for gastric cancer. β3Gn-T8contained the binding sites oftranscriptional factors Ets-1and c-Jun within several hundred base pairs upstream theTSS in this study,To further illustrate the correlation between β3Gn-T8and invasivegrowth of gastric cancer, this study was designed to explore the transcriptionalregulation on β3Gn-T8by transcription factor c-Jun and the influence of c-Jun genesilence on bioactivities of β3Gn-T8and gastric cancer cell line SGC7901. Then,expressions of c-Jun, CD147and Polylactosamine chain in human gastric cancer weredetected and their correlationships were discussed to probe new therapeutic method forgastric cancer.
     1. detect expression of c-Jun and β3Gn-T8in6tumor cell lines.
     2. Predict c-Jun binding site on β3Gn-T8promoter of gastric cancer cell lineSGC7901by using the bioinformatics software. Based on the prediction, truncatedβ3Gn-T8promoter series and expression vector of sense c-Jun were constructed. Transcription activity of truncated β3Gn-T8promoter series was analyzed by luciferasereporter gene expression analysis and then combination of c-Jun and β3Gn-T8geneswas detected by chromatin immunoprecipitation assay (ChIP).
     3.4gene silencing plasmids pGPU6/GFP/Neo-shRNA targeting c-Jun mRNA anda negative control were constructed and transected into SGC7901cells byLipofectamine. Then, the most effective siRNA was screened and identified by RT-PCRand Western-blot for further experiments. Before and after c-Jun gene silence, theexpression of β3Gn-T8was detected by RT-PCR and Western-blot; cell proliferationwas analyzed by CCK-8kit and expression of Polylactosamine chain was detected byflow cytometry.
     4. The expression of c-Jun, CD147and Polylactosamine chain on tissue microarrayof10cases of human gastric cancer and10adjacent non-tumor gastric tissues byimmunohistochemistry. Clinical and pathological parameters of gastric cancer werecollected for correlation analysis of c-Jun, β3Gn-T8, Polylactosamine chain, CD147andMMP-2expression.
     1. Both c-Jun and β3Gn-T8were expressed in tumor cell lines, such as SGC7901,AGS, U87, LN229, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231. Gastric cancer cell line SGC7901expressed moderate level of c-Jun and high level of β3GnT8.
     2. According to bioinformatics prediction, many c-Jun binding sites were found inβ3Gn-T8promoter. Luciferase reporter gene expression analysis showed that c-Juncould activate transcription of truncated β3Gn-T8promoter series.(-561/+8) promoterregion had the highest transcription activity and was c-Jun dose dependant. Chip foundcombination of activated c-Jun and β3Gn-T8DNA.
     3. pGPU6/GFP/Neo-shRNA targeting c-Jun siRNA significantly inhibited mRNAand protein expression of c-Jun. After being transfected into SGC7901gastric cancercell line, the expression of β3Gn-T8mRNA and protein were down regulated bypGPU6/GFP/Neo-shRNA-1949by RT-PCR and Western-blot. Examined by CCK-8,cell proliferation ability decreased obviously and expression of Polylactosamine chain wasproved to be down regulated by FCM and luciferase reporter gene expression analysis.
     4. The protein expression levels of c-Jun in gastric carcinoma tissues were higherthan those of the adjacent normal tissues.CD147which was highly expressed in gastriccarcinoma tissues could not be detected in adjacent normal tissues. The brown-dottedPolylactosamine chain positive products were detected on the membrane and in thecytoplasm of the gastric carcinoma cells. The expression level on adjacent normaltissues was obviously lower than that on carcinoma tissues. Moreover, the positive ratein poorly-differentiated denocarcinoma was significantly higher than that inwell-differentiated adenocarcinoma.
     1. Both c-Jun and β3Gn-T8were expressed in6tumor cell lines, among whichgastric cancer cell line SGC7901expressed moderate level of c-Jun and high level ofβ3Gn-T8.
     2. Bioinformatics prediction found many c-Jun binding sites in β3Gn-T8promoter.Luciferase reporter gene expression analysis showed that c-Jun could activatetranscription of truncated β3Gn-T8promoter series.(-561/+8) promoter region had thehighest transcription activity and was c-Jun dose dependant. Chip found combination ofactivated c-Jun and β3Gn-T8DNA. Taken together, c-Jun takes party in expressionregulation of β3Gn-T8in SGC7901.
     3. pGPU6/GFP/Neo-shRNA targeting c-Jun siRNA was successfully constructed.The expression of β3Gn-T8mRNA and protein were obviously down regulated bypGPU6/GFP/Neo-shRNA-1949. Cell proliferation ability and Polylactosamine chainswere inhibited obviously.
     4. The protein expression levels of c-Jun, CD147and Polylactosamine chain ingastric carcinoma tissues were higher than those of the adjacent normal tissues.
     In summary, transcription factor c-Jun takes party in positive regulation ofβ3Gn-T8promoter in SGC7901. shRNA targeting c-Jun significantly inhibitedβ3Gn-T8expression and ability of proliferation, invasion and metastasis of SGC7901.Similar to the expression pattern on SGC7901, the expression of c-Jun, CD147andPolylactosamine chain on10cases of human gastric cancer tissues were significantlyhigher than that on adjacent normal tissues. It was speculated that β3Gn-T8might be involved in tumor invasion and metastasis by regulating MMP expression throughCD147signal pathway. These findings provide new insight into β3GnT8targetinggastric cancer therapy.
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