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     尽管自上个世纪50年代以后,对于少数人权利保护的必要性的国际承认有一个渐进的发展过程,但是在冷战结束以后,族群冲突的急剧增加,使得少数人权利保护问题又变得极为重要和紧迫。时至今日,少数人的地位及其权利保护问题,在世界各地仍是无法回避的核心问题。到目前为止,《公民权利和政治权利国际盟约》(the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,以下简称《盟约》)第27条依然是专门用以保护少数人权利的唯一一条具有普遍拘束力的条约规定。尽管该条规定明确使用了“少数人”(minority)这一术语,正式承认了少数人权利的存在,但是,由于这一仅有的规定措辞十分谨慎,内容模糊含混,引起了很多争议,有关方面的理解各不相同。所有这些使得少数人权利的保护问题发展成为当今国际社会和许多国家面临的一个十分复杂又极为敏感的问题。如何依据国际法及国内法很好地解决这一问题,已经日益为世人所共同关注。本文仅拟在他人现有的研究成果的基础上,就少数人权利国际保护的层面,以《公民权利和政治权利国际盟约》第27条的规定为视角,结合国际实践中的具体案例,从“少数人”概念的界定、少数人权利的主要内容、少数人权利国际保护的必要性、少数人权利国际保护的主要途径、少数人权利国际保护的制度缺陷及其矫正、中国少数人权利保护的实践等几方面,对这一问题作一粗浅探讨,以期有利于促进少数人各种权利的有效保护及我国涉及少数人权利保护的法律制度的适时调整与逐步完善。
     第二章探讨少数人权利的主要内容。本文要探讨的是少数人权利的国际保护,所以在明确了少数人的概念之后,应该接着了解的是区别于多数人权利的少数人权利的主要内容,所以本章主要以《在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利宣言》(Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities,以下简称《少数人权利宣言》)的有关规定为依据,结合人权事务委员会受理的一些典型的具体案例,从六个方面,分析了少数人权利的主要内容。这六个方面的权利包括:享有自己的文化、信奉和践行自己的宗教、使用自己的语言、充分参与社会公共生活、成立和保持自己的社团以及进行平等、自由与和平的交往。尽管《少数人权利宣言》没有法律拘束力,但是它是联合国为了执行《盟约》第27条而专门制定的第一个以单独文件形式规定少数人权利的国际文件,是对于该27条的具有权威性的详细解释,而且该文件对于少数人权利的规定也比较全面。所以,本章主要以该文件为依据阐述少数人权利的主要内容。
It is a universal phenomenon that almost every State has one or several minority groups that are characterized by their unique national, ethnic, religious, linguistic or cultural identities which distinguish these minority groups from the majority of the population of the States or region (hereinafter referred to“the State of residence”) where they live. Minority groups have become a political force and an interest group, thus international community and all the States in the world can not ignore their existence, interest and influence. Harmony between minorities themselves, minority and majority, and the respect shown to unique characteristics of every group are the great treasure to the international community which has a diversity of nation and culture. It should be assured that national, ethnic, religious and linguistic appeals of different groups fulfilled and the minority rights protected, and that is the recognition of individual’s dignity and equality and that would be useful in relieving the tense between groups and individuals as well, and that would promote the potential of the pluralistic society and maintain the stability and harmony of the international system. Therefore, the issue of the protection of minority rights is closely linked to stability and unity of the States, the world’s peace and development and the future and destiny of human race.
     Although from 1950s on, international recognition of the necessity of the protection of minority rights has gained a gradual development, with the end of the Cold War, conflicts between ethnic groups have sharply increased and the issue of the protection of minority rights becomes important and urgent again. Hitherto, the issues of the status of minority and the protection of their rights still remain as the core issues that people around the world can not neglect. Up to now, article 27 of The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (hereinafter referred to the Covenant) is the only one provision which has the universal binding force to protect minority rights. The term“minority”is explicitly employed in the provision and the existence of minority rights is recognized formally, but due to cautious diction and ambiguous content, controversial arguments and different understandings arose. Thus, the issue of protection of minority rights has turned into a very sensitive and complex one that many States and international community should face up to. Public attention has been drawn to the issue and the way to solve it by international law and national law. With the base of other people’s study and the perspective of article 27 of the Covenant, also with reference to international cases, the thesis aims at a rough discussion in terms of definition of minority, major content of minority rights, necessity of international protection of minority rights and the major approaches to it, defects of international protection system of minority rights and the way to rectify it and China’s practice of protection of minority rights, so as to promote the adjustment and improvement of the law concerning protection of minority rights and assure the effective protection.
     The first chapter of the thesis primarily discusses the definition of minority. Theoretically, the definition of minority should come first in the study of protection of minority rights so as to be clear about beneficiary who are supposed to get international shelter. Therefore, appellation of minority, present definition of minority, elements of minority definition, definition of minority in the thesis and other concepts related to minority definition will be focused to analyse the definition. The emphasis is laid upon the analysis of various present definition of minority and the thesis makes the best of their merits and combines the objective and subjective factors together to put forward a reasonable definition in the author’s opinion which paves the way for the later discussion. The analysis of the relation between minority definition and other relevant concepts will also be useful in understanding the basic connotation of minority definition. The thesis adopts the perspective of article 27 of the Covenant, so“minority”in this thesis confines to national/ethnic, religious or cultural minorities. The second chapter discusses the major content of minority rights.
     Since the task of the thesis is to study the international protection of minority rights and the first chapter gives the clear definition of minority, major content of minority rights which differs from majority rights should be conveyed accordingly, so the second chapter, based on the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities(hereinafter referred to Declaration on the Rights of Minorities) and some cases considered by human rights committee, analyses minority rights from six aspects and they are: the rights to enjoy their own culture, profess and practise their own religion, use their own language, participate in public life, establish and maintain their own associations and free and peaceful contacts without discrimination. The Declaration on the Rights of Minorities does not have a legal binding force, however, it is the first international document which is specially set up for the article 27 of the Covenant and provides an authoritative and particular explanation and a complete prescript concerning minority rights. Hereupon, the second chapter is primarily based on the document to expatiate on minority rights.
     The third chapter of the thesis focuses on the necessity of international protection of minority rights. From the angle of the thesis’s structure, the necessity of international protection of minority rights should at the heel of that of the content. Apart from human rights enjoyed by every individual, minorities should be granted other special rights. Protection of human rights should be provided equally to minorities and other people, as for special rights of minorities, the special protection is needed. Hereupon, the necessity of equal protection is dealt with firstly in the thesis and the necessity of special protection is highlighted later. Making the best of present study and research, the thesis criticizes the misunderstanding that there is no need for minorities to enjoy special protection since equal protection is guaranteed. Finally, the author points out that minority rights are not absolute but relative and should be restricted within a certain range.
     The task of the fourth chapter is to study major approaches to international protection of minority rights. Before the discussion of how to protect minority rights, the necessity of the protection of minority rights having been discussed, then the thesis proceeds to illustrate how to protect these rights. Some relevant international human rights documents are needed to be laid down and corresponding measures are expected to be taken to live up to the point. In fact, significant achievements have been made in the field of international documents, which provides legal reference for realization of international protection of minority rights. Nevertheless, there are some flaws in the execution of international human rights conventions i.e. realization of human rights protection. Therefore, the chapter focuses on the State Parties Periodic Reporting System, the Inter-state Complaints Procedures, the Individual Communication Mechanisms, Universal Periodic Review, Early Warning Mechanisms, Promotion by Non-Governmental Organizations, International Denouncement, International Sanctions, Judicial Protection etc. to analyze and comment the major approaches to the protection of minority rights.
     The fifth chapter discusses the defects and rectification of the international protection systems of minority rights. Due to the defects of the systems, there are some problems in international protection of minority rights. Thus, on the basis of the presentation and analysis of international protection systems of minority rights in the previous chapter, the fifth part selects some important ones and analyses the defects of them and approaches to rectification. These systems include: the State Parties Periodic Reporting System, the Inter-state Complaints Procedures, the Individual Communication Mechanisms, Universal Periodic Review, Early Warning Mechanisms and Judicial Protection and so on.
     The sixth chapter of the thesis emphasizes China’s practice in the protection of minority rights. After the discussion of major problems of international protection of minority rights and in accordance with international human rights conventions as well as China’s legislation, the last important point is to make an analysis of China’s practice in the protection of minority rights. Firstly, it makes the declaration that China’s ethnic minority groups constitute a very important part of minority in International Law, and then it proceeds to expatiate on historical background and basic system of China’s protection of the rights of ethnic minority groups, and last it analyses existing problems and management strategies. China has joined into 25 international human rights conventions and enthusiastically taken legislative, administrative and judicial measures to promote the protection of the rights of ethnic minority groups. With the improvement of legislation and enhancement of execution, China and international community will be hand in hand to make constant efforts to advance the healthy development and steady progress of China’s protection of the rights of ethnic minority groups as well as international human rights.
     The issue of the protection of minority rights is long-standing, comprehensive and profound. With the article 27 of ICCPR as the foundation, the thesis begins with the definition of minority and combines with cases to analyse aforesaid problems. The thesis holds the view that minority refers to:“the persons who have been living in a State for a certain period of time, in a non-dominant position, numerically on a certain scale but inferior to the rest of the population of the State, possess national, ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics differing from those of the rest of the population and have a sense of solidarity directed towards preserving these characteristics.”Equal protection is far from enough for minority to enjoy their rights, so special protection should be guaranteed. Various measures should be taken to rectify the defects of international protection systems of minority rights though they provide system guarantee at some aspects. States should undertake the responsibility to protect minority rights but with the precondition of maintaining the unity of State and integrity of territory. China’s protection of ethnic minority groups has made a great achievement, but there is still some space to work on and China will work together with international community to promote the healthy development of minority rights protection and international human rights.
①“少数人群体”又简称“少数群体”。关于当今世界少数群体的人数和规模,并没有公认的确切的统计数字。这里只能提供来自有关参考资料的估计数字。这些数字表明,世界上有1/10到1/5的人需要借助特别措施保护保护其权利,假如这些少数人常常在社会中处于最不利的地位,其成员常常遭受歧视和不公正的待遇,不能参与有意义的公共生活和政治生活。但是,现有的各种估计往往是以不同的有时甚至是很不清楚的标准为依据的,而且很多的时候只考虑个人选择的结果,忽视了客观标准的作用。这样,以不同的标准进行的估算,结论自然会有很大的不同。比如根据有一种估计数字,现在世界上大约有5,000种民族上的少数人,有3,000种语言上的少数人。参见联合国经社理事会文件:《在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利》(E/CN.4/2004/75);[奥]曼弗雷德·诺瓦克著,毕小青、孙世彦主译:《民权公约评注》,生活·读书·新知三联书店2003年10月第1版,第475页; See also The Foreword in Minority Rights in Europe: European Minorities and Languages, S. Trfunovska (Ed.), T. M. C. Asser Press, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2000.
    ②Cecilia Thompson,“The Protection of Minorities within the United Nations, in Minority Rights”in Europe: European Minorities and Languages, S. Trfunovska (Ed.), T. M. C. Asser Press, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2000.
    ①Cecilia Thompson,“The Protection of Minorities within the United Nations”, in Minority Rights in Europe: European Minorities and Languages, S. Trfunovska (Ed.), T. M. C. Asser Press, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2000.
    ①PCIJ, Series B, No. 17, 1930.
    ②常设国际法院的表述是这样的:“…the‘community’is a group of persons living in a given country or locality, having a race, religion, language and traditions of their own and united by this identity of race, religion, language and traditions in a sentiment of solidarity, with a view to preserving their traditions, maintaining their form of worship, ensuring the instruction and upbringing of their children in accordance with the spirit and traditions of their race and rendering mutual assistance to each other.”See F. Capotorti, Study on the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (1979), UN Doc.E/CN.4/Sub.2/384/Rev.1, Para. 21.
    ③Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law,”in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992.
    ②See Jay A. Sigler, Minority Rights: A Comparative Analysis, Greenwood Press, London, England, 1983, p. 5.又见李忠:《论少数人权利——兼评<公民权利和政治权利国际公约>第27条》,载王家福、刘海年、李林主编:《人权与21世纪》,中国法制出版社2000年9月第1版。
    ①卡波托蒂的主张是,该条规定对于所有这些群体都是适用的。See F. Capotorti, Study on the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (1979), UN Doc.E/CN.4/Sub.2/384/Rev.1, p. 96.
    ②See Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law”, in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992.
    ③Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law,”in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992.
    ②Philip Vuciri Ramag,“Relativity of the Minority Concept”, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 1. (Feb., 1992), pp. 104-119.
    ③Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law,”in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992, pp. 25-26.
    ①[奥]曼弗雷德·诺瓦克著,毕小青、孙世彦主译:《民权公约评注》,生活·读书·新知三联书店2003年10月第1版,第484页。See also Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law,”in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992.
    ③Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law,”in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992.
    ②Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law,”in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992.
    ③F. Capotorti, Study on the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (1979), UN Doc.E/CN.4/Sub.2/384/Rev.1, para, 567.考虑到这一点,可以说,主观要素是可以在客观要素之中体现出来的。
    ①Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law,”in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992.
    ②Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law,”in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992.
    ③See F. Capotorti, Study on the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (1979), UN Doc.E/CN.4/Sub.2/384/Rev.1, para, 567.
    ③Javaid Rehman, International Human Rights law:A Practical Approach, Pearson Education Limited, 2003, p. 302.
    ②Ryszard D. Komenda, The Failure of the International System of Protection of Human Rights: Ethnic and National Minority Rights, University of Ottawa, Canada, April 1996, p. 7.
    ③几乎所有的国家都害怕承认其境内具有少数人,害怕保护少数人的权利会刺激有关少数人的分离和独立倾向,从而导致国家的动荡和分裂,破坏国家的稳定和统一。比如法国,就宣称其领土内没有任何少数人,并进而因为少数人问题而对于《公民权利和政治权利国际盟约》第27条提出保留。See Deon Geldenhuys and Johann Rossouw,“The International Protection of Minority Rights”, a special report complied for the F W de Klerk Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2001, p. 5. See also Ryszard D. Komenda, The Failure of the International System of Protection of Human Rights: Ethnic and National Minority Rights, University of Ottawa, Canada, April 1996, p. 7, footnote 12.
    ①Cecilia Thompson,“The Protection of Minorities within the United Nations”, in Minority Rights in Europe: European Minorities and Languages, S. Trfunovska (Ed.), T. M. C. Asser Press, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2001.
    ①其英文的表述大体上可以译成:minority refers to the persons who have been living in a State for a certain period of time, in a non-dominant position, numerically on a certain scale but inferior to the rest of the population of the State, possess national, ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics differing from those of the rest of the population and have a sense of solidarity directed towards preserving these characteristics.
    ①Christian Tomuschat,“Status of Minorities under Article 27 of the U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,”in Minorities in National and International Laws, Satish Chandra (Ed.), Deep & Deep Publications, D-1/24, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi, India, 1985.
    ②由于土著人民长期坚持不懈的努力,从20世纪80年代开始,国际社会便渐渐地用“土著人民”(indigenous peoples)称呼“土著居民”即“土著人口”(indigenous population),如1989年的《土著和部落人民公约》和2007年的《联合国土著人民权利宣言》等文件都是如此称呼土著人的。本文为行文方便,一律使用“土著人”这一称谓,其含义大致相当于英文的“indigenous peoples”。See also Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law,”in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992.
    ①[奥]曼弗雷德·诺瓦克著,毕小青、孙世彦主译:《民权公约评注》,生活·读书·新知三联书店2003年10月第1版,第486页。See also Christian Tomuschat,“Status of Minorities under Article 27 of the U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,”in Minorities in National and International Laws, Satish Chandra (Ed.), Deep & Deep Publications, D-1/24, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi, India, 1985.
    ②See Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law,”in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992.
    ①Sandra Lovelace v. Canada, Communication No. 24/1977. See also Gudmundur Alfredsson, Erika Ferrer, updated and revised by Kathryn Ramsay, Minority Rights: A Guide to United Nations Procedures and Institutions, London, Minority Rights Group International, 2004, p. 23.又见周勇著:《少数人权利的法理》,社会科学文献出版社,2002年4月第1版,第72-74页。
    ④Patrick Thornberry, Minority and Human rights Law, The Minority Rights Group Report, No. 73, 1987. See also Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law,”in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992.
    ①Jelena Pejic, Minority Rights in International Law, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Aug., 1997), pp. 666-685.
    ①See Rhona K. M. Smith, Textbook on International Human Rights, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 331-332.
    ④参见《少数人权利宣言》第2条第4款和第5款。See also E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.5/2005/2, para. 37.
    ⑤下文已经提到,通过在少数民族聚居的地区实行民族区域自治,中国在确保少数人充分参与社会公共生活权利的实现方面做得非常成功。一般情况下,在对于影响少数人自己或其生活于其中的整个社会的事务行使有关权力方面,区域自治或者类似的安排无疑会大大增加少数人参与其中的机会。See also E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.5/2005/2, para. 46.
    ②See also E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.5/2005/2, para. 42.另外,关于中国这方面的具体情况,参见下文的有关论述。
    ①See E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.5/2005/2, para. 71.
    ①See E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.5/2005/2, para. 44.
    ①See E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.5/2005/2, para. 52.
    ①Deon Geldenhuys and Johann Rossouw,“The International Protection of Minority Rights”, a special report complied for the F W de Klerk Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2001, p. 6.
    ③Deon Geldenhuys and Johann Rossouw,“The International Protection of Minority Rights”, a special report complied for the F W de Klerk Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2001, p. 6.
    ①Deon Geldenhuys and Johann Rossouw,“The International Protection of Minority Rights”, a special report complied for the F W de Klerk Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2001, p. 7.
    ②Deon Geldenhuys and Johann Rossouw,“The International Protection of Minority Rights”, a special report complied for the F W de Klerk Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2001, p. 7.
    ①[1935] PCIJ, Series A/B, No. 64, Minorities Schools in Albania, p. 19.
    ②Malcolm N. Shaw,“The Definition of Minorities in International Law,”in The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights, Yoram Dinstein (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1992.
    ①一般也简称“条约监督机构”(treaty monitoring bodies)或“条约机构”(treaty bodies),是监督缔约国履行其公约义务的常设机构,其成员由来自不同国家的独立的人权专家组成。条约机构的成员一般是由其所属国提名,再由缔约国选举产生,以个人身份任职,不接受任何国际组织及本国政府的指示。各个条约机构的主要职能包括:审议国家报告;解释有关条约;审查个人来文;主持专题讨论等。See also Gudmundur Alfredsson, Erika Ferrer, updated and revised by Kathryn Ramsay, Minority Rights: A Guide to United Nations Procedures and Institutions, London, Minority Rights Group International, 2004, p. 10.
    ②Minority Rights (Rev.1), UN Fact Sheet No. 18.
    ①For further details see "Manual on Human Rights Reporting", United Nations Centre for Human Rights and United Nations Institute for Training and Research, United Nations, New York, 1991.
    ①See also Ibid., p. 119.如后所述,我国法律对于少数民族在政府机构中的代表权问题已经作出明确规定。
    ②提交报告国的代表一般会获准在第二天回答委员会成员的提出的问题,这样他们就有时间就有关问题的回答请示本国政府,并进行其他的准备工作。See also Gudmundur Alfredsson, Erika Ferrer, updated and revised by Kathryn Ramsay, Minority Rights: A Guide to United Nations Procedures and Institutions, London, Minority Rights Group International, 2004. p. 13.
    ④Minority Rights (Rev.1), UN Fact Sheet No. 18.当然,缔约国对于这些意见和建议的执行情况,在其下一次提交的定期报告中要予以说明,再次接受审查。
    ②Gudmundur Alfredsson, Erika Ferrer, updated and revised by Kathryn Ramsay, Minority Rights: A Guide to United Nations Procedures and Institutions, London, Minority Rights Group International, 2004.
    ②See Gudmundur Alfredsson, Erika Ferrer, updated and revised by Kathryn Ramsay, Minority Rights: A Guide to United Nations Procedures and Institutions, London, Minority Rights Group International, 2004, p. 21.
    ②比如在前述伯纳德·奥米纳亚克诉加拿大案(Bernard Ominayak v. Canada)中,人权事务委员会就基于申诉人所提出的其群落的文化和生存濒临灭绝边缘的紧迫情况,发出临时保护指令,要求加拿大政府采取临时措施,以尊重和保护该群落的经济基础和土著生活方式。参见周勇著:《少数人权利的法理》,社会科学文献出版社,2002年4月第1版,第102页。
    ①See Gudmundur Alfredsson, Erika Ferrer, updated and revised by Kathryn Ramsay, Minority Rights: A Guide to United Nations Procedures and Institutions, London, Minority Rights Group International, 2004, p. 22.
    ①See Basic facts about the UPR, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/UPR/Pages/BasicFacts.aspx, 2009年3月10日访问。
    ①Minority Rights (Rev.1), UN Fact Sheet No. 18.
    ②Minority Rights (Rev.1), UN Fact Sheet No. 18.
    ②Gudmundur Alfredsson, Erika Ferrer, updated and revised by Kathryn Ramsay, Minority Rights: A Guide to United Nations Procedures and Institutions, London, Minority Rights Group International, 2004, p. 36.
    ③Gudmundur Alfredsson, Erika Ferrer, updated and revised by Kathryn Ramsay, Minority Rights: A Guide to United Nations Procedures and Institutions, London, Minority Rights Group International, 2004, p. 36.
    ④ICTR/INFO-9-2-587.EN, Arusha, 27 February 2009.
    ②The United Nations Human Rights Treaty System: An introduction to the core human rights treaties and the treaty bodies, UN Fact Sheet No. 30.
    ①The United Nations Human Rights Treaty System: An introduction to the core human rights treaties and the treaty bodies, UN Fact Sheet No. 30.
    ①http://www.un.org/chinese/News/fullstorynews.asp?newsID=11184. 2009年2月24日访问。
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    www.ili.org International Law Institute
    www.ila-hq.org International Law Association
    www.asil.org American Society of International Law
    www.europa.en.int European Union
    www.oas.org Organization of American States
    www.wto.org WTO
    www.hrweb.org Human Rights
    www.ejil.org European Journal of International Law
    www.law.indiana.edu Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies

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