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     2.NF-κB/p65和NF-κB/p50表达的免疫组化测定:正常组,假手术组可见少量的NF-κB/p65和NF-κB/p50蛋白的表达,而模型组的NF-KB/p65和NF-KB/p50阳性细胞大量表达(P<0.01),NF-κB/p65和NF-KB/p50阳性细胞数随时间点有依次减少的趋势。BYHWD, MC,PDTC组,均能显著抑制NF-KB/p65和NF-KB/p50的表达(P<0.05或0.01)。用药7天,14天后,BYHWD组与MC组,PDTC组间差异无统计意义,用药21天后,NF-KB/p50蛋白的表达,BYHWD与PDTC组比较,表现出些许优势(P<0.05)。
     3.I-KB的表达免疫组化测定:正常组,假手术组可见大量阳性细胞I-κB的表达,模型组的I-κB阳性细胞少量表达,BYHWD,MC, PDTC组,均能显著增加I-κB的表达,差异显著(P<0.01)。用药7天后,米诺环素组效果最好(P<0.01),用药14天后,BYHWD组与MC组均优于PDTC(P<0.01),用药21天后,BYHWD组明显优于MC,PDTC组(P<0.01),表达在时间趋势上,BYHWD组和MC组21天的阳性细胞表达较14天减少
     4. BrdU阳性细胞数的免疫组化测定:正常组、假手术组可见少量BrdU阳性细胞,模型组可见BrdU阳性细胞增加,有随时间增加的趋势,但是增长缓慢,BYHWD,MC,PDTC组,均能显著增加BrdU阳性细胞的数量,差异显著(P<0.05或0.01),用药7,14天后,各用药组间不具有显著性差异(P>0.05);用药21天后,BYHWD在阳性细胞数目上与同期各组比较具有显著性差异(P<0.01),BrdU阳性细胞数随用药时间的增加而增加。
     1. BYHWD与MC, PDTC一样可减轻局灶性脑缺血后大鼠脑组织因缺血而造成的梗死和神经功能损伤。
     2. BYHWD与MC, PDTC一样可通过调控缺血脑组织炎症因子NF-κBp/65,NF-κB/p50和I-κB表达,从而抑制炎症反应,提示BYHWD可能是通过调节I-KB的表达调控NF-κB炎症信号通路来达到对大鼠局灶性脑缺血损伤的保护作用。
     3. BYHWD与MC,PDTC一样可促进脑缺血后缺血组织的细胞增殖来达到组织修复的目的,细胞增殖的趋势与NF-κB通路因子变化趋势提示,补阳还五汤可能是通过调控NF-KB通路来影响细胞增殖。
     To explore The effects of BuyangHuanwu Decoction on the signal transduction of NF-κB factorn and cell proliferation on rats following focal cerebral ischemia to provide proof for clinic to facilitate work.
     Rat model of cerebral ischemia injury was created by the middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) with suture method, healthy adult SD rats were randomly divided into the normal group,Sham-operated group,ischemia group and BYHWD treatment group,MC treatment group,PDTC treatment group, Animals were receiveid different processing and killed at7,14,21Day point,after operation.The nervous deficit symptoms were observed and the infarct size ratio was measured by triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining after the cerebral ischemia. In addition, The expression of NF-KB/p65, NF-κB/p50, I-κB and BrdU were detected by immunohistochemistry technology.
     1.Neurological function deficit symptom scores and infarct size ratio: compared with the normal group and the sham group,The model group had seriously neurological deficit and increase the cerebral infarct size ratio(P<0.01),the cerebral infarct size ratio and,neurological function deficit symptom scores decreased along the survival time increasing at7,14day point..after7,14,21days'treatment, the treatment groups all could significantly improve the grade of nerve function in comparison with the model group(P<0.05or0.01), and significantly decrease the cerebral infarct size ratio(P<0.01). the difference Between the treatment groups is not significant (P>0.05). the cerebral infarct size ratio decreased along the survival time increasing.
     2.The result of the expression of NF-KB/p65, NF-κB/p50by immunohistochemical stainingshow that:the normal and Sham group have a few positive NF-κB/p65, NF-κB/p50cells;In model group, the expression of NF-κB/p65, NF-κB/p50seriously increased(P<0.01), The expression of NF-κB/p65, NF-κB/p50decreased along the survival time increasing,BYHWD, MC, PDTC,treatment group, all could significantly inhibit the expression of NF-κB/p65, NF-KB/p50(P<0.05or0.01). after7,14days'treatment, the difference Between the treatment group is not significant.after21days'treatment BYHWD displays the trifle superiority in comparison with PDTC(P<0.05).
     3.The result of the expression of I-κB by immunohistochemical staining show that the normal and Sham group have an massive positive I-κB; In model group, the expression of I-κB seriously decreased BYHWD, MC, PDTC, treatment group, all could significantly increase the expression of I-κB(P<0.01), after7days'treatment,MC treatment result is better than the other treatments result, after14days'treatment(P<0.01), BYHWD,MC treatment result is both better than PDTC treatment(P<0.01), after21days'treatment, BYHWD treatment result is better than MC and PDTC treatment(P<0.01), at14,21days'point the expression of I-κB at BYHWD,MC treatment group decreased along the survival time increasing.
     4.The result of the expression of BrdU positive cellby immunohistochemical staining show that the normal and Sham group have a few BrdU positive cell, In model group, the expression of BrdU positive cell increase,but not much, The expression increased along the survival time increasing, BYHWD, MC, PDTC, treatment group, all could significantly increase the expression of BrdU positive cell(P<0.05or0.01), after7,14days'treatment, the difference Between the treatment group is not significant (P>0.05), after21days'treatment BYHWD displays superiority in comparison with the other the treatment groups (P<0.01).
     1. BYHWD has the same efficacy as MC,PDTC on deereasing infarct size ratio and neurological function deficit symptom.
     2. BYHWD has significant protection on cerebral ischemia injury in rats, BYHWD has the same efficacy as MC,PDTC on control inflammatory factors expression in Protein,which may be related to the inhibition of inflammatory cytokine secretion and expression.and inducing the inflammation in brain tissue.The result maybe show that BYHWD protect brain by regulate the the expression of I-κB to control signal transduction of NF-κB factor,revealed the mechanism of inflammatory action in the view of signal transduction of NF-κB factor.
     3. BYHWD has the same efficacy as MC, PDTC on tissue self-repair by promote cell proliferation after focal cerebral ischemia, cell proliferation's tendency and factor of signal transduction of NF-κB change tendency prompt that BYHWD possibly affects the cell proliferation through regulating signal transduction of NF-κB.
     4. the function of BYHWD to be more remarkable at the recovery period.
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