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Under the knowledge-based economy background, modern management theory has moved towards the study of human based management. Employee satisfaction has become the focus point among the studies in industrial and theoretical circles.
     Firstly, under the condition of knowledge-based economy, this treatise discussed how employee satisfaction severely impacts company development. From the discussion, it illustrated the focal issue as well as the basic material and framework of the research in this treatise.
     Secondly, on the basis of study in the foundation of employee satisfaction, it further defined the basic principle of employee satisfaction. This section explained the theory and method of employee satisfaction; it analyzed direct observation of employee management, determinants of employee management, and the multiple correlations of the explanatory variables. A scheme has been demonstrated to provide an overall solution for the previous problems.。
     Thirdly, it conducted in depth study in four theories, the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, Alderfer’s ERG Theory, and Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, to define employee expectation and illustrated the representative variable of employee expectation. Under the study of Allport’s and Rokeach’s Value-Based Classification theories, it figured out the basic intension variable underlying employee’s sense of value and pointed out the mechanism why employee selects challenging tasks.
     Fourthly, this section defines the perception of employee from psychological aspect. Based on the principles of managing behavior in organizations, it divided the problem of employee perception in to four parts which are organizational remuneration, organizational pressure, organizational rights, groups and teams. Furthermore, this treatise provides the employee perception representative variable based on employee satisfaction study.
     Fifthly, while analyzing organizational commitment, it illustrated the representative variable of organizational commitment from three perspectives such as affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment. Under the analysis of employee’s loyalty principles, this section also discussed internal loyalty, external loyalty and the congruence of loyalty; and further provided the representative variable of employee loyalty based on employee satisfaction study.
     Lastly, based on the previous sections, it established the structural equation model of employee satisfaction, designed the employee satisfaction survey, and conducted empirical research using the data and background of Jinan Steel Energy Power Company. The research includes dimensions such as the overall employee satisfaction, employee satisfaction between gender, age, education background, income, and positions, which will prove the validity of this treatise.
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