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Trust is a hot topic in e-commerce research field both for academic and commercial world. In recent years, electronic commerce has made a great progress in China, and online transaction grows quickly. However, online purchase conversion rate in China today is still much lower than developed countries such as America, Britain, Japan and Korea. The percentage of online transaction amount in total social consumer goods sales is relatively low as well. One important reason of this phenomenon lies in risk and lack of trust and it continues to hinder electronic commerce's development especially for online transactions.
     Recently, Online-transaction Platforms such as Taobao.com is fast growing. These kind of Web sites have played a critical role and helped breed and promote online transactions in China, and now they are very important and indispensable part in the online purchase market. With the versification of seller, the C2C auction model of these platforms has been changed. Athought transactions through these platforms today are sinliar with B2C transactions, the platform is quite different from traditional B2C e-commerce Web site. However, in e-commerce trust research filed most studies have given their attention to consumers' trust to the sellers on B2C Web site, and very few studies concerned consumer trust to the platform itself.
     Previous researches have found interactivity is a key factor and important condition to trust building, however few existing e-commerce trust studies have considered the influence of interactivity. Therefore, considering the importance of trust in online transaction and the lack of academic attention on consumer trust to online transaction platforms, this paper discussed factors that affect consumer trust to online transaction platforms. Through theoretical analysis this paper developed hypothesis and research model, and three empirical studies were conducted based on these hypothesis. The first study explored the effect of interactivity to consumers'trust in platform; the second study validated the influences of three kinds of trust antecedents including interactivity to consumers'trust in platform based on previous classification; and the third study paid attention to consumers' purchase behavior on online transaction platforms.
     Data were collected through online survey. Based on a two-wave collection, we got 408 usable questionnaires. All respondents are Taobao.com users. SPSS and AMOS were used to analyze data. Results showed all of the three antecedents have significantly positive association with consumers' trust in platform. Interactivity had both direct and indirect influence on consumers'trust in platforms. Specifically, regarding the indirect effect, interactivity first affected consumers' perceived control, then perceived control affected institutional trust, and finally institutional trust affected consumers' trust in platform. Trust propensity also had an indirect impact on consumer trust in platform through institutional trust. Consumer trust in platforms had no significant influence on customers' purchase behaviors on platforms. Interactivity had a positive effect on customers'highest purchase price only when institutional trust is high.
     To sum up, this paper focused on the antecedents of customers' trust to platform and purchase behavior, and emphased on the influences of interactivity. The findings demonstrated customer's trust in platforms was different from trust to traditional B2C Web sites. Based on these findings this paper also gave some practical advices.
    29原文为what business buy, Kaplan和Sawhney将其分为运营物料(operating supplies)和制造物料(manufacturing inputs)(?)两大类。
    30原文为how business buy, Kaplan和Sawhney将采购方式分为系统性采购(systematic sourcing)和现货采购(spot sourcing))两类。
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