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     2取材及检测指标各组实验结束后禁食12小时,10%水合氯醛腹腔麻醉后处死,股动脉取血离心取血清测ALT、AST含量;取肝脏称重后将相同部位肝组织(约0.3×0.5×0.5cm3)置于4%多聚甲醛溶液固定,用于HE染色;比色法检测肝组织MDA、SOD、GSH、GSH-PX含量;采取免疫组化及Western blot法检测Nrf2及ATM、γH2AX蛋白表达;流式细胞仪检测各组大鼠肝细胞周期和凋亡率。
     2.3Western blot检测各组大鼠肝组织Nrf2蛋白表达
     3.2Western blot检测ATM、H2AX蛋白在大鼠肝组织的表达
     2取材及检测指标各组实验结束后禁食12h,10%水合氯醛腹腔麻醉后处死,股动脉取血离心取血清测ALT、AST含量;取肝脏称重后将相同部位肝组织(约0.3×0.5×0.5cm3)置于4%多聚甲醛溶液固定,用于HE染色;比色法检测肝组织MDA、SOD、GSH、GSH-PX含量;采取免疫组化及/或Western blot法检测Nrf2及ATM、γH2AX蛋白表达;采用流式细胞法检测各组大鼠肝细胞周期和凋亡率。
     3.2Western blot检测结果
Objective: This study investigated the possible mechanism of the injuryeffects of cellular phone electromagnetic radiation on mice liver tissues andthe intervention effects of American Ginseng and silymarin capsules on theinjury by observing the changes of liver function, histomorphology,antioxidase activity, Nrf2protein expression, DNA injury, expression of theinjury repair proteins ATM and γ-H2AX, and the mice liver proliferation cycleand apoptosis.
     Effects of cellular phone electromagnetic radiation on mice liver tissues
     1Animal models and groups: Fifty clean grade SD male mice with thebody weight of200-220g were randomized into one normal group and fourirradiation groups with10mice in each group. The four irradiation groupswere divided into four groups with each group receiving irradiation for6,12,20and30days in the irradiation cage. The normal group did not receive anyirradiation. All the mice received normal feeding.
     2Sampling and testing parameters: After the experiment in each group,the mice were fasted for12hours, the mice were sacrificed by injecting10%chloralhydrate into the peritoneum of the mice. Blood sample was taken fromthe femoral artery and centrifuged. The blood serum was used to test the ALTand AST contents. The liver was taken and weighed, and some liver tissues inthe same location were taken (about0.3×0.5×0.5cm3) and fixed in4%paraformaldehyde solution for HE staining. The contents of MDA, SOD, GSHand GSH-PX in the hepatic tissues were tested by use of chromometry. Theprotein expression of Nrf2, ATM and γH2AX was tested by use ofimmunohistochemistry and Western blot. The cell cycle and apoptosis rate ofthe mice liver were tested by use of flow cytometry.
     1Effects of cellular phone electromagnetic radiation on mice liver function
     1.1General observation on the mice in each group
     The mice spirit status, food and water intake, excretion, skin, hair,activities and so on were observed, with no significant differences.
     1.2Comparison of serum ALT and AST of the mice in every group
     Compared with the mice in the normal group, the mice serum AST wassignificantly increased (P<0.05) in the radiation group receiving radiation for30days but did not have significant differences (P>0.05) in the radiationgroups for6,12and20days. Compared with the mice in the normal group, nosignificant (P>0.05) differences existed in the serum ALT in any of theradiation groups for6,12,20or30days.
     1.3Comparison of the mice liver histomorphology
     In the normal group, the liver tissue had clear and complete structure ofthe liver lobules with clear liver cell boundaries, similar size and one to twocircular or oval cellular nucleus in the center of the cell. In the6-dayirradiation group, the hepatic lobule did not have a clear structure, and thecellular boundary was not clear. Local cellular degeneration was present in theliver, the cellular nucleus disappeared, and the cytoplasm had vacuolardegeneration, indicating abnormal histomorphology. In the12-day and20-dayirradiation groups, the hepatic lobules were complete, the hepatic cells hadclear boundary, and some individual nucleus had pyknosis or disappeared,indicating abnormal histomorphology. In the30-day irradiation group,apparent pyknosis was present in the liver. However, the hepatic lobules werecomplete, and the hepatic cells had clear boundary, indicating abnormalhistomorphology.
     2Effects of cell phone electromagnetic irradiation on the liver oxidativedamage and the expression of antioxidase and Nrf2protein
     2.1Comparison of the liver MDA, SOD, GSH and GSH-PX in every group
     Compared with the normal group, the MDA level increased significantly(P<0.05) in the mice in every irradiation group, the SOD content decreased significantly (P <0.05) in the12and30day irradiation groups but not in the6or20day irradiation group (P>0.05). The GSH level decreased significantly(P <0.05) in the mice in all the irradiation groups, and the GSH-PX level alsodecreased significantly (P<0.05) in the20and30day irradiation groups ascompared with the normal group.
     2.2Nrf2protein expression of the mice hepatic cells byimmunohistochemistry
     Nrf2was expressed only in the cytoplasm rather than the nucleus in themice hepatic cells in the normal group, whereas Nrf2was expressed in thenucleus in every irradiation group. Compared with the normal group, the Nrf2expression was first increased, a little decreased and enhanced once again afterirradiation for6,12,20and30days. The order of enhanced expression ofNrf2from strong to weak was6-d>12-d>30-d>20-d>the normal group. Nosignificant difference (P<0.05) existed between6-d and12d groups orbetween20-d and30-d groups. But a significant difference (P<0.05) existed ineither6or12day group as compared with either20or30day group.
     2.3Nrf2protein expression in the hepatic cells by Western blot
     Compared with the normal group, the grey level ratio of the Nrf2proteinexpression in the hepatic cells in every irradiation group was significantlyenhanced (P <0.01), consistent with the immunohistochemistry results. Afterirradiation for6,12,20and30days, the Nrf2expression in the hepatic cellswas firstly enhanced, then a little decreased and increased once more, and theorder of Nrf2expression was from strong to weak in the groups:6-d>12-d>30-d>20-d irradiation groups>the normal group.
     3Effects of cell phone electromagnetic irradiation on the mice hepatic injuryrepair protein ATM and H2AX expression and the cell cycle
     3.1Expression of ATM and γH2AX proteins in the hepatic tissues in everygroup by immunohistochemistry
     The ATM protein was expressed in both the nucleus and cytoplasm in thehepatic cells in every group of mice. Compared with the normal group, theexpression of ATM was enhanced significantly (P<0.01) in the12,20and30 day irradiation groups. With the elongation of the irradiation, the mean opticaldensity of the ATM protein expression increased (P<0.05).
     γH2AX was also expressed in both the nucleus and cytoplasm in the micehepatic cells. Compared with the normal group, the γH2AX expression wassignificantly enhanced in the6,12,20and30day irradiation groups (P<0.05,P<0.05, P<0.05, P<0.01, respectively);With the elongation of irradiation,the γH2AX protein expression increased significantly.
     3.2ATM and γH2AX protein expression in mice hepatic tissues by Westernblot
     Compared with the normal group, the mean grey level ratio of the ATMprotein in the mice hepatic tissues was gradually increased significantly (P<0.01) after irradiation for6,12,20and30days.
     Compared with the normal group, the mean grey level ratio of the H2AXprotein in the mice hepatic tissues was gradually increased significantly (P<0.05,P<0.01,P<0.01,P<0.01) after irradiation for6,12,20and30days,respectively.
     3.3Comparison of the cell cycle
     G0/G1stage cells (%): Compared with the normal group, the percentageof the G0/G1stage cells was highly significantly in the6,20and30daygroup(P<0.01;P<0.05; P<0.01; P<0.01).
     S stage cells (%): Compared with the normal group, the percentage of theS stage cells had no significant (P>0.05) decrease in the6,12and20dayirradiation groups but significant decrease (P<0.01) in the30day irradiationgroup.
     G2/M stage cells (%): Compared with the normal group, the percentageof the G2/M stage cells had significant decrease (P<0.01) in the6,12and20day irradiation groups. No significant differences (P>0.05) existed among theirradiation groups.
     3.4Comparison of the Hepatic cell apoptosis rate
     Compared with the normal group, the hepatic apoptosis rate wassignificantly increased in the6,12,20and30day irradiation groups (P<0.01). Compared with the6,12,and20day irradiation groups,the30-d group hadsignificant differences(P<0.05).
     1Long-term cell phone electromagnetic irradiation is a cause of diseaseand may lead to the damage to the hepatic histomorphology in a time-efficientmanner.
     2The cell phone electromagnetic irradiation is closely related to thehepatic damage, the antioxidase activity change or the Nrf2expressionchange.
     3The abnormal histomorphology caused by cell phone electromagneticirradiation is closely related to the hepatic DNA damage, activation of therepair-related ATM and H2AX protein expression, and changes of the cellcycle and apoptosis.
     The intervention effects of American ginseng on the hepatic damagecaused by cell phone electromagnetic irradiation
     1Grouping: Forty clean grade SD male mice were randomized into thenormal,12-d irradiation group,12-d irradiation plus silymarin group, and12-dirradiation plus American ginseng group, with10mice in each group.
     2Sampling and testing parameters: After the experiment in each group,the mice were fasted for12hours, the mice were sacrificed by injecting10%chloralhydrate into the peritoneum of the mice. Blood sample was taken fromthe femoral artery and centrifuged. The blood serum was used to test the ALTand AST contents. The liver was taken and weighed, and some liver tissues inthe same location were taken (about0.3×0.5×0.5cm3) and fixed in4%paraformaldehyde solution for HE staining. The contents of MDA, SOD, GSHand GSH-PX in the hepatic tissues were tested by use of chromometry. Theprotein expression of Nrf2, ATM and γH2AX was tested by use ofimmunohistochemistry and Western blot. The cell cycle and apoptosis rate ofthe mice liver were tested by use of flow cytometry.
     1The intervention effects of American ginseng capsules on the liver histologyof the mice model in the12-d irradiation group
     In the normal group, the cell structure was clear in the mice liver withdefinite demarcation. The cell had consistent size with the nucleus in the cellcenter and rich cytoplasm. In the12-d irradiation group, the hepatic lobuleshad complete structure, the nucleus of the hepatic cells shrank or partiallydisappeared with apparent karyopyknosis. Compared with the modelgroups,the hepatic atrophy was apparently less severe and was nearly normalin the silymarin or the American ginseng group.
     2The intervention effects of the American ginseng capsules on the oxidativedamage to the hepatic tissues in the12-d group
     Compared with the normal group, the hepatic MDA was significantlyincreased (P<0.05) but the hepatic SOD and GSH were significantly decreased(P<0.05) in the12-d group. Compared with the12-d group, the hepatic MDAwas significantly decreased (P<0.05) but the SOD, GSH and GSH-PXcontents were significantly increased (P <0.05) in the12-d irradiation plussilymarin group. Compared with the12-d group, the hepatic MDA wassignificantly decreased (P<0.05) but the SOD and GSH contents weresignificantly increased (P<0.01and P<0.05, respectively) in the12-dirradiation plus American ginseng group.
     3Intervention effects of American ginseng on the hepatic Nrf2proteinexpression of the12-d irradiation mice group
     In the normal group, the Nrf2protein expression was only in the hepaticcytoplasm of the mice with no apparent expression in the hepatic nucleus. TheNrf2protein expression was mainly in the nucleus in the other three groups.Compared with the normal group, the mean optical density absorbance of thehepatic Nrf2protein expression in the12-d irradiation mice model wassignificantly increased (P<0.01), with expression in both the cytoplasm andthe nucleus. Compared with the12-d irradiation group, the mean optical density absorbance of the hepatic Nrf2protein expression was significantly(P<0.005) decreased in the12-d irradiation plus silymarin or Americanginseng group.
     3.2Western blot results
     Compared with the normal group, the mean grey level ratio of the Nrf2protein expression in the12-d irradiation group was significantly (P<0.01)increased. Compared with the12-d irradiation group, the mean grey level ratioof the Nrf2protein expression in both the12-d irradiation plus silymarin andAmerican ginseng groups was significantly (P<0.05and P<0.01,respectively) decreased.
     4Intervention effects of American ginseng on the hepatic ATM and H2AX inthe12-d irradiation group
     Compared with the normal group, the mean grey level ratio of the hepatictissue ATM increased significantly (P<0.05) after irradiation with enhancedexpression. Compared with the12-d irradiation group, the mean grey levelratio of the hepatic tissue ATM in the12-d irradiation plus silymarin orAmerican ginseng group decreased significantly (P<0.05and P<0.01,respectively) with decreased expression.
     Compared with the normal group, the mean grey level ratio of the H2AXin the hepatic tissue in the12-d irradiation group increased significantly (P<0.05) with increased expression. Compared with the12-d irradiation group,the mean grey level ratio of the hepatic tissue H2AX in the12-d irradiationplus silymarin or American ginseng group decreased significantly (P<0.05andP <0.01, respectively) with decreased expression.
     5Intervention effects of American ginseng on the cell cycle and apoptosis rateof the12-d irradiation mice
     5.1Intervention effects of American ginseng on the cell cycle
     Compared with the normal group, the hepatic cells at the G0/G1stagesincreased significantly (P<0.05) after irradiation in the12-d irradiation group.Compared with the12-d irradiation group, the hepatic cells at the G0/G1stages had no significant change (P>0.05) in the12-d irradiation plus silymarin group. However, the hepatic cells at the G0/G1stages decreasedhighly significantly (P<0.01) near normal level in the12-d irradiation plusAmerican ginseng group.
     Compared with the normal group, the hepatic cells at S stage had nosignificant change (P>0.05) after irradiation in the12-d irradiation group.Compared with the12-d irradiation group, the hepatic cells at the S stage inthe12-d irradiation plus silymarin group decreased significantly (P<0.01)while those in the12-d irradiation plus American ginseng group had nosignificant change (P>0.05).
     Compared with the normal group, the hepatic cells at the G2/M stagesdecreased highly significantly (P<0.01) in the12-d irradiation group.Compared with the12-d irradiation group, the hepatic cells at the G2/M stagesin the12-d irradiation plus silymarin group had no significant (P>0.05)change while those in the12-d irradiation plus American ginseng groupincreased highly significantly (P<0.01).
     5.2Intervention effects of American ginseng on the hepatic apoptosis rate of12-d irradiation mice
     Compared with the normal group, the apoptosis rate of the hepatic cellsincreased significantly (P<0.01) after irradiation in the12-d irradiation group.Compared with the12-d irradiation group, no significant differences (P>0.05)existed in the hepatic apoptosis rate in the12-d irradiation plus silymaringroup whereas a significant decrease (P<0.01) existed in the hepatic apoptosisrate in the12-d irradiation plus American ginseng group.
     1Long-term cell phone electromagnetic irradiation is a cause of diseases,and this cause of disease is characterized as warm heat pathogen which is oneof the six external factors causing diseases. The warm heat pathogen can leadto damage to the QI YIN. The Chinese medicine, American ginseng, has thefunction of tonifying QI and YIN for the treatment of diseases caused by QIand YIN deficiency. The American ginseng capsules have an interventioneffect on the hepatic damage of the mice with12-d irradiation.
     2The American ginseng capsule can improve the abnormal changes ofthe hepatic histomorphology and is related to its function to decrease theoxidative damage, the Nrf2expression in the hepatic cells, and the proteinexpression of ATM and H2AX, and to affect the cell cycle and cell apoptosis.
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