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Reform is the strongest voice of today's China, and land institution reform is one of the hot and difficult. As one of the three public powers on land, land-use regulation reform has an important position, and thus has a special value for research. However, based the current intermixed "freak", land use regulation reform firstly faces the problem of which way to go.
     Under the condition of China's national characteristics, compared with case-style permission model, rule-style zoning mode outstands by reducing the corruption opportunities for government employees, curbing the illegal use of land by government, improving the fairness of government services, enhancing the vitality of the market economy, and promoting social stability and other advantages. Thus, this paper choses "land use zoning reform China" as the topic, which is explored in depth and systematically.
     Based on current regulation conditions and practice experiences, the central issue of this paper is how to establish a mature Chinese land use zoning system, value-oriented by scientific-ness, rule-ness, fairness, and efficiency. To solve this problem, this paper gives the research as follows.
     (1) First, on the basis of the practical zoning characteristics'analysis, the ideal vision of China's land use zoning reform is depicted, to set goals for later research.
     (2) Second, on the basis of the establishment of analytic framework, the action route of China's land use zoning reform is designed, to establish later research logic.
     To push forward the reform process, after the above-mentioned vision description and route design, this article then carries on the following studies.
     (3) In perspective of land use planned regionalization and land use regulation, land use zoning's theoretical cognition is deepened, on scientific connotation, epitaxial composition, and theoretical basis.
     (4) The situation, problems and improvement of land use zoning's environmental institutions is analyzed in-depth, focusing on fundamental constitutional institution, land properties arrangements, and space planning system.
     (5) The situation, problems and betterness of land use zoning's governing policies is analyzed in-depth, focusing on planned regionalization system and zoning powers.
     (6) Land use zoning's methodology and technical support is explored in detail, including the scientific construction of planned classification units and planed regionalization units, as well as comprehensive zoning delimitation.
     (7) Based on the analysis of the current situation and problems, land use zoning rules'reconstruction is expounded, including procedural rules and substantive rules.
     Through the above argumentation and elaboration, this article contributes innovatively in the following areas:model selection of China's land use reform, characteristics and advantages and disadvantages of the zoning practices, vision description and route design of China's land use zoning reform, analysis and optimization of land use zoning's environmental institutions and governing policies, scientific construction of planned classification units and planed regionalization units, reconstruction of substantive and procedural zoning rules, et al. However, there is still many inadequacies attributed to time, space or ability's constraints. But, exploratory research in many ways is given after all, and related content can be continued in the future to enrich and deepen.
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