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Under uncertain conditions, the entrepreneurs’or entrepreneurial teams’value-creating behavior of taking actions to integrate resources and undertake risk are called Entrepreneurship. During the period of taking jobs in the city, the returned rural migrant workers (RRMWs) broadened their horizons, accumulated a wealth of work experiences, and grasped many entrepreneurial skills, all these become potentials to start a business. Under the backgrounds of the urban-rural income gap becomes wider, the speed of urbanization becomes quickly and the rural entrepreneurial economy develops gradually, it’s so popular to choose Entrepreneurship for the RRMWs, but many of them failed at last. Bases on this reason, this paper studies the RRMWs’entrepreneurial behavior, at the same time, divides the entrepreneurial behavior into the planned behavior, the decision-making behavior, the cooperative behavior and the incentive behavior, and then builds models analyzing these behaviors and the factors which influence them. First, all these studies are helpful to distinguish the influential factors of the enforcement of the entrepreneurial planned behavior, to measure the influential degree of the desire to the behavior most scientific, to master accurately the main motive of the entrepreneurial decision-making behavior under uncertain conditions, to make clear the chance judge during the process of entrepreneurial decision-making behavior, the decision-making behavior self efficiency evaluation and the choice ways of the decision-making behavior. Second, all these studies are better to understand the process of the entrepreneurial cooperative behavior objective, find the breakthrough point to evaluate the new entrepreneurial entity, grasp the influential degree which the heterogeneity of the entrepreneurs’experience and the trust of the cooperative members to the performance. Third, all these studies are beneficial to understand and grasp the importance and necessity of the Entrepreneurial incentive behavior, help the entrepreneur, the entrepreneurial cooperative team and the government use the models of the incentive behaviors according to different organization forms, implement the appropriate incentive behaviors.
     According to the Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Psychology, Modern Entrepreneurship and Modern Management Theories, this paper summarizes the entrepreneurship behavior theory and the research dynamic of domestic and overseas, bases on fully defining the relevant concepts, statistically analyzes the entrepreneurial behavior status of RRMWs, researches the entrepreneurial planned behavior, the entrepreneurial decision-making behavior, the entrepreneurial cooperative behavior and the entrepreneurial incentive behavior differently. In order to increase the persuasiveness of the research, the paper uses the methods of normative analysis, empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis etc., and analyzes the literature review with the method of normative analysis , collects the basic data with the method of questionnaire investigation, analyzes the status of the entrepreneurial behavior with the method of empirical analysis, analyzes the factors which affect the RRMWs’will of entrepreneurial planned behavior, analyzes the motive of entrepreneurial decision-making behavior with the model of multi-factor sort scale, analyzes the influential factors of the entrepreneurial decision-making behavior with variable precision rough set theory(VPRST), analyzes the essence of the entrepreneurial cooperative behavior with the hypothesis of cooperation utility, analyzes the factors which influence the performance of the entrepreneurial cooperative behavior with the model multiple regression, constructs the model of team incentive with the quantitative method, analyzes the process of the RRMWs’entrepreneurial decision-making behavior, the cognize perceive and basement of the entrepreneurial cooperative behavior, the motive and form of the entrepreneurial incentive behavior with the qualitative analysis under uncertain conditions.
     The main conclusions of this paper are included: (1) There are many characteristics of the RRMWs’entrepreneurial behavior, such as lack of entrepreneurial planning behavior, decision-making behavior depends much on the empirical subjective judgment, imitation is a rational choice of the RRMWs’entrepreneurial behavior, team-oriented cooperation is the main form of the start-up cooperation of RRMWs, individual entrepreneurs mainly choose self-employment incentive behavior, the incentive behavior of the family partnership entrepreneurship is mainly consist of self-motivation behavior and family incentive behavior, the government's incentive policies are relatively slowly.(2) The intention depth of RRMWs’entrepreneurial planning is a decisive factor for the planning behavior choices, the intention dependency of RRMWs’entrepreneurial planning is a promote factor to he behavior choices, and there is adhesion relationship between the entrepreneurial planning intentions and behaviors. (3)Under uncertain conditions, survival needs are the main motivation of the RRMWs’entrepreneurial decision-making behavior, their entrepreneurial behaviors are poverty-driven and include some economic rationality, and the family-happy motivation plays the role of links ties from the business economic benefits to the life utility of RRMWs’ entrepreneurs.While, the decision-making behaviors of RRMWs can be divided into six types by the systematic VPRST analysis, such as knowledge-oriented, policy-oriented, personal courage-oriented, personal experience-oriented, personal dedication and personal risk-oriented.(4) The trust and the experience heterogeneity are the basement of the RRMWs’cooperative behaviors, and are closely related to the implementation and the performance of cooperative behaviors. There are not significant correlations between the Functional Experience Heterogeneity (FEH) and the product / service innovation, the interaction terms of Industry Experience Heterogeneity (IEH) with the emotional trust and the cognitive trust influence the product/service innovation significantly , positively and predictable. There are several intermediary relationship on the effect-transferring paths among the variables, such as between the emotional trust and IEH, between the cognitive trust and IEH, between the cognitive trust and FEH. (5) Improving the entrepreneurial psychological capital of the RRMWs and realizing the public goals are the remote cause of entrepreneurial incentive behavior, and there existes an objective principal-agent relationship during the process of the team-based entrepreneurial behavior, the government’s incentive policies are the main external reasons to the incentive behaviors. The self-motivation behavior model, team motivation behavior model and government policies motivation behavior model are the organic entirety.
     The possible innovation points of this article include:(1)The imitation is the main feature of the planning and decision-making behavior of the RRMWs.(2) There exists differences in dimensions between the entrepreneurial planned intention and behavior .(3)The factors which influence the performance of entrepreneurial cooperative behavior have complex effect-transferring relationships.
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