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After centuries of evolution, in the 21st century, many companies turned from capital-driven into innovation-driven. New starup businesses created flourishly. The new start-ups are easily to fail in the early stages of development. In order to facilitate the new start-up businesses, there appeared business incubation centers which give appropriate supports to the new companies such as business experiences, capital, technology and other resources. Business incubation centers assist new businesses to convert their creation and innovation energy into value and upgrade. Business Incubation Centers have been developed more than half a century since the 1960s. It is now a world wide trend that most countries promot the incubators operation in order to help their small and medium enterprises. Most of the incubators cooperate with the universities and research institutes to take advantage of their rich R&D energy. The University Business Incubation Centers not only support entrepreneurial projects, promote industrial upgrading, more importantly, they also integrate the region's economic resources to assist industrial development, diversify local businesses, effectively extend and transfer the technology to the businesses. Of coure, they also help creating employment and facilitate IT personnel to have more development and growth opportunities.
     Basically, the incubation of new start-ups is a Project, because it is from the start-planning-incubation (implementation)-monitoring/controlling and graduation (finishing). It is with the unique characteristics of a one-time item as well as temporary.The modern project management theory has budded since the 1960s. With the development and proliferation of technology, by the early 21st century, the development of project management has matured to become the most renowned management school of learning in the world. Although the Business Incubation Centers have the characteristics of Project, basically, most of the University Business Incubation Centers are still adopting the traditional management and business model.
     With more and more competition in industrial development and business operations for the new star-up companies, the University Business Incubation Centers also began to face more intense challenges which include the upgrading of professional accomplishment, innovation networks integration, the synergy of the overall value creation, business management and auditing. Also, how do the university business incubators increase their visibility and their "incubation brand".
     If we can combine the increasingly sophisticated Project Management Theory with the Project Management Theory to construct a set of values creation integrative project management models to help the operation of the incubators to enhance their management capacity, and make the incubators help there new firms more, it would be a matter of great significance in the management.
     The main contents of this study are as follows:
     1. To understand how do the University Business Incubation Centers intergate their internal and external social networks and enterprise resources to create value and build the incubation procedures.
     2. To research how do University Business Incubation Centers proceed knowledge on innovation and application of knowledge, and transfer knowledge into business innovation capability.
     3. To deeply explore how does "value-creation" generate contributions for new start-ups.
     4. To study how do University Business Incubation Centers use Project Integration Management skills to handle the value creation model.
     The purpose of this study is to use Resource-Based resource network, dynamic capabilities and entrepreneurial theories to upgrade the ability of value creation capability for the University Business Incubation Centers. With point view of incubation life cycle and project management, to study the relationships among resource-integration, value creation and value realization of the University Business Incubation Centers. To study "how" do Incubators operate resource integration, proceed knowledge and innovation capacity to incubate new businesses. Then construct a set of Value-Creation Project Integrative Management Models for University Business Incubation Centers.
     The conclusions of the study are:Use Resource Theory, Social Network Theory, Theories of Value Creation and Project Integration Management Theory to create a series of integrative Project Management Models for the Value-Created Projects of University Business Incubaors, with case study to prove them. These models are:
     M1. The Organization Integration Management Model for the Incubating Project of the University Business Incubators.
     M2. The Resources Integration Management Model for the Incubating Project of the University Business Incubators.
     M3. The Knowledge Integration Management Model for the Incubating Project of the University Business Incubators.
     M4. The Entire Integration Management Model for the Incubating Project of the University Business Incubators.
     M5. The Opportunity Confirmation and Value Positioning Integration Management Model for the Incubating Project of the University Business Incubators.
     M6. The Feasibility Study and Decision Making Integration Management Model for the Incubating Project of the University Business Incubators.
     M7. The Value Integration Management Models for the Incubating Project of the University Business Incubators.
     M8. The Value-Realized Process Integration Management Models for the Incubating Project of the University Business Incubators.
     M9. The Whole Process Integration Management Models for the Incubating Project of the University Business Incubators.
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