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Entrepreneurial activity is the foundation of economy. Innovation and Entrepreneurial spirit is the source of economic dynamism and the soul of development. Also, Entrepreneurship has become one of the most effective way in the promotion of full employment. Currently, Entrepreneurial activity is highly appreciated in nations of the world, and an increasing number of countries has been developped policies to encourage and support entrepreneurial activities. Practice has proved that entrepreneurship is playing a unique role in promoting the efficiency of resource and the process of wealth creation.
     Promotion of entrepreneurship can accelerate rural economic development, transformation and upgrading, resolve employment issues and increase their income, etc. Combined data with logic, qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis methods, the law and characteristics of farmer’s entrepreneurial behavior, the association of entrepreneurshhip and farmer’s income inequality, farmer’s employment, rural inequality and poverty and economic development in rural China was researched in the dissertation.
     Based on the basic understanding of peasant Entrepreneurship such as small-scale, low level, uneven regional development, etc. Made use of discrete binary Probit model and logit regression model to analysis the factors that impact on peasant entrepreneurial cognition and entrepreneurial behavior, that shows following knowledge and conclusions: First, different from young farmers, the middle-aged farmers are more likely be impacted by geography and topography. In addition, the“age”factor impact on middle-aged is more prominent than young peasant. And gender, household income level are important factors that impact on the younger farmers. Second, the effcts of human capital and entrepreneurial training is particularly significant, especially of the vocational training, economic capital is not as important as human capital and social capital for farmers to succeed in business.Otherwise, Using of structural equation model to analyze the farmer’s capacity of entrepreneurial risk-bearing, which showed that: (1) of several factors such as farmer's "mental qualities", the risk psychological, risk preferences and risk perception, the mental qualities is largest, its value reached to 0.829, risk preferences ranked second of 0.811. (2) taking account of farmer’s personal characteristics: as to the age, the relationship between the risk-bearing capacity and farmer’s age is inverted U-curve. that is, compared to young and old farmer, risk-bearing capacity of the middle-aged should be higher; as to income, the more income, mean risk tolerance stronger. difference from the expected of people, there is a certain inverse relationship between farmer’s education level and their risk tolerance.
     Analysising the changes of peasant entrepreneurship forms and Outlining the rules and characteristics of farmer’s entrepreneurship. forming of these judgments: Firstly, household sideline production, specialized households, Co-specialized households, etc. is the special form of peasant entrepreneurship under special historical conditions. The form of township enterprises that is the sense of peasant collective entrepreneurship, which opened the wave of rural entrepreneurship, but the individual economy and private economy is the main form of peasant entrepreneurship in the new period. Secondly, the average years of schooling of peasant who start a business is 9.6 years, they mostly at the age of 30 to 40 years, and their income showed a high level of diversification and monetization. Compared to the non-business-family, entrepreneurial household consumption structure has undergone a significant changes, that is the Propensity to consume is larger in addition to food, the PC of home living, transportation and education were respectively 0.212,0.176 and 0.141, that is the top of three in all consumer products, which showed similarity as to the price elasticities and expenditure elasticity, the cross-price elasticity of non-business-family is smaller than the family-with-business. Thirdly, during the process of industrialization and urbanization, the peasant entrepreneurship will undertake the transfer of urban industry as the mainstream, and, gradually integrated with intensification,and the main trend of peasant entrepreneurship will be modern agricultural park, modern planting and breeding district, one village,one product ,etc.
     The study also used of related software to analysis of entrepreneurship effects on the rural labor migration, its’employment effect, role on poverty and inequality, as well as the pulling effect on farmer’s income. reached the following basic judgments and conclusions: First, the overall trend of employment effects was decreasing, compared to the employment elasticity of output, capital employment elasticity was smaller; employment elasticity of individual entrepreneurship and private sector is larger than collective entrepreneurship. To different industries, the tertiary industry flexibility was greater than the second and primary industry. Second, peasant entrepreneurship has significant influence on the transfer of rural labor force. Third, peasant entrepreneurship, on the one hand, raising the level of overall income and reduce rural poverty levels, but on the other hand, exacerbated income inequality in rural areas. Fourth, overall, entrepreneurship have lasting positive driving role in boosting farmer’s incomes, and it is larger in the eastern than the western, but this pulling effect is becoming increasingly weakened. Fifth, business in the 30 to 40-year-old age group is the most efficient, the higher level of education, entrepreneurship with higher the efficiency, non-farm business sector more efficient than the agricultural sector.
     The dissertation analyze the entrepreurship that impact on changes of rural economic structure and rural economic growth. reached the following views and conclusions: First, the entrepreneurial activities and the development of rural non-agricultural industries were uncoordinated. In recently years, the rural entrepreneurship talent’s coupled value has been negative, the coupling margin value were maintaining a high standard, the largest is -17.20% in 2003, -11.13% in 2004 and -5% in 2007, which is still very high. rural entrepreneurial talent can not meet with the development of the rural non-agricultural industries’needs. Second, Different forms of peasant entrepreneurship, its’economic growth effcts is different. The pulling effects of Private investors is obvious, while the individual entrepreneur is not obvious or even negative,the rural non-farm business activities and the emergence of division of rural labor made about 20% contribution to rural economic growth.
     Based on the existing research literature that on peasant entrepreneurship, to explore the concepts and theory that mining and use of traces and information of farmer’s entrepreneurial behavior. The viewpoint as following: First, the digging traces and information of entrepreneurial behavior will not only help the Government to fully grasp the business situation of countryside, but also to deepen the theory of peasant entrepreneurship research. Second, in order to promote peasant entrepreneurship, the status, that mining and use of traces and information of entrepreneurial behavior is not systems must be change to forming a full range of system that extended to the scope of before, during and after the business and so on..
     Finally, it explored the paths of entrepreneurship in four areas from building teams of entrepreneurial human capital, construction business information and technology services support platform, and analysised how to build system policy for the construction of entrepreneurial economy from aspects as the material investment policies, human capital investment policy and industrial development policy. On this basis, this chapter concludes what the author had done in the research, its’originality and put forward some policy implications.
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