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Although the study Li Shang-yin has been overall and profound, there are still some problems await penetrating into. For instance, historical poems haven't roused enough attention from academic field. The author thinks that it is significant to research his historical poems deeply and systematically. First, it is helpful to understand the personality, ideal and art contribution of Li Shang-yin. Furthermore, the people can get rid of deeply rooted prejudice against Li Shang-yin. Secondly, the historical poetry itself bound with cultural meaning and appreciation of literature value, enable folk to mould their personality and learn lessons.
    The paper consists of the following parts.
    In the first chapter, the author focuses on two aspects. On the one hand, Li Shang-yin lashed out at the social evils. Regal fatuity, together with separatist rule by military governors, eunuch monopolize, party vying faction grade dense disease, destine know clearly late Tang dynasty in a dangerous situation. On the other hand, it comments analyses Li Shang-yin versus history and realistic animadvert and reflective thinking, jut stress thereof out "industry and thrift make a country strong, excessive escape conquer a nation" and "rise and fall of a nation, in the hands of man, day not phase in advance".
    hi the second chapter, from rein historical materials, conceive consult piece, art achievement equiangular ritzy degree precede analyses. The author thinks that, Li Shang-yin chant epopee have got as follows notable characteristics. 1 Flowery diction, wield the pen to record the truth, hi order to vitalize his country, Li Shang-yin spoke sternly from a sense of justice using flowery language. 2 rein historical materials; do a job with skill and ease. (1) The artistic conception; of the one, at piece character ruler frame middle construct regard throughout a great number liner, think of met kilo carry (2) Dead allusions, the choice of typical materials and ingenious conceive. (3) The combination of art verity and history verity, recover its poetic status from history. 3 His poems are artful and significant. The author emphasizes Li Shang-yin's achievement and contribution from chant epopee and seven characters restrain perspective.
    In the third chapter, the subjectivity and objective factor, probe Li Shang-yin chant epic style genesis of the third chapter, from impact thereof style characteristic. Author
    thinks that, objective factor primarily: The fineness tradition of the one, tang dynasty withal history for inspects; The misery consciousness, especially middle and late Tang dynasty withal worry aid for oneself allow taxis wound of the two, tradition scholar-bureaucrat; The encounter, incline Li Shang-yin must have been to ream thereof verse concealed gloomy beautiful crooked to of the both three, late Tang worry dying, gloomy the range of politics, and rectitude honest and brave of person. Four, front a worthy person poesy create empirical art save, and late Tang dynasty chant history of wound popular Parnassus up.
    Subjective factor primarily: Collecting extensively, which lay a foundation of his great achievements. Li Shang-yin was original in conception. Li Shang-yin was upright and above flattery courage and insight super group such bearing, establish know clearly Li Shang-yin at attack the abuse of the age. Li Shang-yin's ideal sublimity, belief stuck to, such spirit, contribute for his upright poetic characteristically.
    The author does not intend to praise too much of Li Shang-yin's, but try her best to broad readers' horizon on the understanding of his poems, as well as show one aspect which is usually ignored: Li Shang-yin's great courage and insight; upright personality; concern himself with his country and people; and outstanding contribution toward historical poems. It's hopeful that Li Shang-yin's poems can be judged and evaluated fairly and objectively. Furthermore, to borrow historical poems warning and values; put emphasis on their moral judgments; and anal size their art characteristic contribution and
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