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Based on Porter's Diamond Model, the new trend in international competition and the essential feature of animation industry, this dissertation proposes a New Diamond Model for international competitiveness analysis from the perspective of innovative advantages. It also claims that international competitiveness of contemporary US animation industry is based on innovative advantages.
     After a thorough analysis of factors exerting influence on international competitiveness of US animation industry, this dissertation reveals the inherent relationship between innovative advantages and international competitiveness of animation industry, which would further deepen our understanding about Creative Cultural Industries, and provide implications for innovation-oriented development of Chinese animation industry.
     The innovative advantages of contemporary US animation industry are as followings:
     1) The innovation of factor conditions lies on two aspects:for human resources, the rise of creative class in American society since 1990 has provided creative talents and intellectual support for US animation industry;venture capital floods into US animation industry not only innovates capital factor,but also promotes the development of CG technology.
     2) The interaction between US home market effect and cultural discount has expanded US animation market from domestic to international, and fostered new market demands. Domestic market has sustained high production costs of US animated films while international market has become the profit source.
     3) The industrial value chain of US animation industry has evolved to " Customer Value Creation" at its core after 1990s, which harvests profits in various industries, and thus becomes a most important strategy in promoting internaitonal competitiveness of US animation industry.
     4) The innovation of related and supporting industries provides direct output, indirect support and market demands for US animation industry.
     5) Beneficial and flexible cultural industrial policies help to promote international competitiveness of US animation industry.
     The constant innovation of these five key factors has laid a solid foundation for international competitivenss of US animation industry. The dissertation consists of nine chapters:
     Chapter 1 raises the research question:what are innovative advantages for US animation industry? What is the relationship between innovative advantages and international competitiveness? Besides, chapter 1 clarifies the research methods and defines some definitions.
     Chapter 2 is literature review about US animation industry and international competitiveness. A new diamond model based on innovation is also proposed in this chapter.
     After examining box office performance of 241 US animated films, Chapter 3 introduces the tripartite competition model of US animation industry.
     Chapter 4 examines the innovation of factor conditions-the rise of creative class in American society since 1990 and the flood of venture capital into US animation industry.
     Chapter 5 illustrates interaction between US home market effect and cultural discount has expanded US animation market from domestic to international, and fostered new market demands.
     Chapter 6 is about the evolution of the industrial value chain of US animation industry, a most important strategy in promoting its internaitonal competitiveness. The industrial value chain of US animation industry has evolved from "with production at its core" to " Customer Value Creation" after 1990s, with various value points. Specifically, it strengthens prediction of box office performance of motion picture industry; in production, it adopts cross media, deculturization,reculturizaiton and high concept strategies; in release, it adopts synergy to strengthen cooperation with different industries;in exhibition, it adopts parallel exhibition of movies in film theatres around the world and digital screens strategies.
     Chapter 7 is about the innovation of related and supporting industries which provide direct output, indirect support and market demands for US animation industry.
     Chapter 8 is about how beneficial and flexible cultural industrial policy promotes international competitiveness of US animation industry. At home, the focus of US government policy has been shifted from anti-monopoly to deregulation and tax incentives. Abroad the Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA) is the voice and advocate of US animation industry. Through intellectual property rights protection and WTO, MPAA promotes US cultural products export.
     Chapter 9 concludes that international competitiveness of US animation is based on innovative advantages, and a new diamond model based on innovative advantagesis drawn. It also discusses implications for quality-oriented development of Chinese amimation industry.
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    1 稀释每股收益(Diluted earnings per share)是以基本每股收益为基础,假设企业所有发行在外的稀释性潜在普通股均已转换为普通股,从而分别调整归属于普通股股东的当期净利润以及发行在外普通股的加权平均数计算而得的每股收益。该数据由迪斯尼公司2008年报、梦工厂2007年报、2008年财政状况发布、新闻集团2008年报整理。
    2 标准普尔500指数英文简写为S&P 500 Index,是记录美国500家上市公司的一个股票指数。这个股票指数由标准普尔公司创建并维护。标准普尔500指数覆盖的所有公司,都是在美国主要交易所,如纽约证券交易所、Nasdaq交易的上市公司。与道琼斯指数相比,标准普尔500指数包含的公司更多,因此风险更为分散,能够反映更广泛的市场变化。与道·琼斯工业平均股票指数相比,标准·普尔500指数具有采样面广、代表性强、精确度高、连续性好等特点,被普遍认为是一种理想的股票指数期货合约的标的。
    3 同伴指数以前是标准波普尔娱乐休闲产业指数,该指数虽然在2002年停用,但该指数能反映出一个产业的代表性情况。标准波普尔娱乐休闲产业指数包括的公司除了沃尔特迪斯尼公司,媒体公司还有时代华纳、CBS,维亚康姆;以及希尔顿酒店、麦当劳、星巴克和Canival Corporation, Harrah's Entertainment, Inc., Marriott International, Inc. and Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, Inc., Brunswick Corporation, Darden Restaurants, Inc., Yum! Brands, Inc.
    4 数据来自梦工厂动画公司官方网站:梦工厂2007年报。
    1 迪斯尼公司官方网站:http://corporate.disnev.go.com/, Disney Annual Report 2008.
    2 时代华纳网站:时代华纳2007年报。
    3 王雪野,《国际文化资本运营》,中国传媒大学出版社,2008年,第105页。
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