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On January 9,2006,President Hu Jintao in national science and technology general assembly,called the whole party and the society as a whole to hold on the Chinese characteristics independent innovation ways , for building the innovative country working hard , for comprehensive building the well-off society further more and speeding up the new situation of the socialist modernization.President Hu proposed,profound understanding of the world new scientific and technological revolution bringing the opportunities and challenges,solid achieve the major mission of building the innovation country. Building the innovation country has been the major mission of our country, building the innovation country really,we must deepen understanding of innovation continuously,construction the national innovation system,for building the innovation country providing strong support.
     This paper is divided into 7 chapters:
     Chapter I is introduction, puts forward the background and research value, the research content and method, summarizes the innovation points and demonstrates the research technique path.
     Chapter II is the study of innovation bodies’information requirement, and Analysis of the innovation environment. Based on the comparison of the analysis of the system of independent innovation of China's enterprises,universities,research institutes and other major innovation in independent innovation system and its information needs, Depth analysis of important factors,colleges innovation bodies information requirement and the impact of innovative colleges, depth analysis of colleges innovation bodies information requirement, function and the relationship of mapping.Then analyzes the information Infrastructure, which college’s independent innovation required.
     Chapter III is the study of the college independent innovations information on the use of the mechanism and its influencing factors. This chapter first dissection of the relationship between the independent innovation and information utility. And then from the perspective of information utility, through the innovative activities, deeply reveals the mechanism of the information utility in the innovative activities.
     Chapter IV is the study of the college independent innovations information assurance system.In this chapter, Demand on college independent innovations information, analysis of information security system framework of objectives and principles, information security systems is composed of elements, and explore to build information security system.
     Chapter V is the study of the college independent innovations information assurance system operating mechanism.In this chapter. Firstly, construction the colleges and universities independent innovations information assurance system the overall mechanism of figure, and then focus on analysis the colleges and universities independent innovations information assurance system external, internal operating mechanism and other mechanisms.
     Chapter VI is the cases studies.In this chapter,taking our typical research universities independent innovations information platform for an example,analyzed and summarized the colleges and universities independent innovations information services system less than. And put forward corresponding countermeasures.
     Chapter VII is conclusion and prospects.In this chapter,summing up the full text,and looking further studies.
     Chapter VII is conclusion and prospects.In this chapter,summing up the full text,and looking further studies.
     College will become a powerful force in the great action of the comprehensive construction of innovation-oriented country. College of independent innovation activities should be under external conditions of incomplete information, from the decision-making process to achieve, it means that to master all of the information needed for innovation. However, innovation activities are under conditions of incomplete information, from beginning to end, this requires a steady flow of information security services to provide reliable information assurance to ensure the whole process of knowledge innovation, in order to minimize the uncertainty of activities,and Increase the possibility of the success of innovation activities. Therefore, it needs to strengthen the college information service system of independent innovation from the structure and platform.
     To accelerate the advancement of independent innovation capacity is necessary that we seize the opportunity which a new round of world scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution. It is also a need to thoroughly change the way we in the international competition in the passive position of the passive situation, to seek long-term economic development of the initiative and to Long-term competitive advantage. Building an innovative country is a long-term and arduous task; we are still at the initial stage of independent innovation, Therefore, we need to do basic work, and then step by step, do well in the process of independent innovation of each link, the government and college should have this as an important task, the development of independent innovation as the driving force, and continuously upgrade the capacity of independent innovation of information-oriented security.
     Although this paper makes great effort on this direction, the topic of information security of college independent innovation not only have much theoretical content, but practical content is more predominant. As the theory should be combined with practice and application, on the basis of the research in this paper, the following issues centered on this topic should be studied further:
     (1) College Independent Innovation strategic effect on building innovation-oriented country need to be studied further from the macro-level.
     (2) The inherent mechanism of the dynamic evolution characteristics of college independent innovation information utilization need to be revealed from the micro-level.
     (3) From the point of view of the practice of college independent innovation, building information security system should be verified in practice, with a view to be improved.
     (4) To further improve the model and framework of college’s independent innovation security system for the designing, and efforts to apply it to practice.
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