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Since the reform and opening up, China's tourist hotel industry has been rapid development and now plays a more important role in the national economy, but compared with developed countries, our country tourist hotel enterprises exist many problems in their growth stage, there are many tourist hotel business exist for a short time, or only in the short time growth, unable to realize the sustainable growth of long-term, not to speak of competing with the international hotel enterprise, therefore, to explore the tourist hotel growth factors becomes very urgent. At present, the research mainly focuses on industry level and the influence of single factors, systematic research on the growth of tourist hotel is few, theoretical research lags behind the actual development, which provides space for the study.
     The thesis firstly sorts out firm growth theory and researches the problems of enterprise growth, which establishes the foundation of the paper. Then analyze the growth stage of enter prise, development environment, development present situation and the existence question of tourist enterprise hotels which laid the realistic foundation. Then conducted qualitative research by using grounded theory on the growth of main influence factors of Tourist Hotel, finally, summed up the key factors influencing the growth of enterprises through the comparative study of document and interviews, and ultimately determine nine key factors. Finally,draws the conclusion:the key influence factors of different stages of tourist hotel ent erprises lead to different choices. Then choose three representative case of tourist hotel enterprise, discussesthe action mechanism of the main influencing factors, finally, give suggestions on the tourist hotels of different growth stages.
     Based on theoretical research and empirical research, the paper have the following innovations:
     Firstly, the thesis performs empirical research on tourist Hotel industry growth by using the first-hand survey data. Previous studies on Chinese tourist hotel industry growth mainly concentrated on the category of experience and practice field, and without using the original research method from the high generalization. This paper tries to use the first-hand data, using structural equation modeling, systematically to explore and examine the key factors affecting the growth of China tourist hotel industry and identify the key factors of different growth stages.
     Secondly, this paper attempts to research tourist enterprise by combining the empirical study with case study.General for the growth of enterprise, either from a data set to analyze different factors that impact the degree of enterprise growth, or from the case study experience discuss different factors which influence on tourist hotel company of different growth stages, so as to draw general conclusions. This thesis combines the empirical analysis with case analysis, both from a quantitative science point of view to study the influencing factors on the tourist hotel business growth, and from the perspective of qualitative experience to discuss key factors to the growth of a typical tourist hotel company, two of which were all blend into one harmonious whole, supporting each other, to construct the solid research framework.
     Finally, based on the representative three hotel enterprises cases, the thesis sets up three stages path of China's tourist hotel business growth under the background of internationalization by combining with the effects of different key factors in different growth stage.
     Tourist hotel business of China is in the transition from the start-up period to the development period; to research the development of tourist hotel enterprises will help us to guide the development of tourist hotel business. This research not only makes the tourist hotel business growth theory more complete, but also makes the tourist hotel enterprises and relevant departments have more accurate understanding for the growth of tourist hotel business growth, it can provide the reference for the strategic planning of tourist hotel enterprises and government, so it has certain practical significance.
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