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As an enormous social change, customized enterprises are more need to carryout organizational change, this kind of organizational change is more complicated anddifficult, it’s necessary to research the process of this kind of organizational change.According to the study on the customization enterprise in different industries, most ofcustomized enterprises in China are within the operational activities orientedorganization, which is fit to industrial economy reproducible production as the basisof management mechanism. But this organizational system and managementmechanism cannot meet the needs of construction of innovative country and thedevelopment of knowledge economy. How a customized enterprise changes to aproject oriented organization, this problem is a research point for a profitableenterprise which exists for achieving a high efficiency, resources saving andimproving adaptability. Under this status, project oriented organization maturitymodel and improvement method of customized enterprise are researched.
     Based on project management, organization management, organization changeand management maturity model theory, the three main problems are studied: firstlyis the establishment of project oriented organization maturity model of customizedenterprise; secondly is evaluation method of project oriented organization maturity ofcustomized enterprise; thirdly is improvement method of project orientedorganization maturity for customized enterprise. In order to solve these threeproblems, quantitative and qualitative researches are implemented according tofollowing process.
     First of all, by literature review and theoretical study, the five dimensions ofproject oriented organization maturity of customized enterprise are organizationsystem, management mechanism, management methods, corporate culture andorganizational capacity, and the improvement methods involve enterprise strategy,culture, information system and stakeholder management. After drafting originalquestionnaire, through collecting the comments and suggestions from six projectmanagers with rich experiences and employed by customized companies, the finalquestionnaire had been issued.
     Secondly, by random and non-random sampling and issuing, there are116questionnaires had been collected and accepted reliability and validity test. Accordingto the content and statistic results from questionnaire, the model of customizedenterprise project oriented organization maturity is established.
     Thirdly, based on the summary and results from interview with seven experts ofproject management, the draft of “scoring card of customized enterprise projectoriented organization maturity “had been put forward after adjusting and modifyingsome items. Furthermore, through comparing original concept and the scoring card,the evaluation method of customized enterprise project oriented organization maturityhad been confirmed with several experts of project management.
     Fourthly, according to the research results and" customization enterprise projectoriented organization maturity scoring card", the improvement method for customizedenterprise project oriented organization maturity had been established.
     Taking a Taiwan’s company named C as a case, the analysis from case study hadproved the results from the theoretical study mentioned above, which can beconcluded as follow:
     Firstly, the organizational change to customization and the transformationtoward project oriented organization for customized enterprise involved fivedimensions, which are organization system, management mechanism, managementmethod, corporate culture and organizational capacity. And the maturity can bemeasured in four levels: initial, climbing, mature and excellence.
     Secondly, as for customized enterprise project oriented organization, thelongitudinal improvement route of the maturity must be accordant with the sequencefrom initial stage to excellence. In this path for improving maturity, it is not allowedto change according to other sequence.
     Thirdly, as for five dimensions of project oriented organization, there are somedependency relations: organization system determines the management mechanism,the management mechanism determines the management method, these threedimensions are performed by corporate culture, and the organization ability isdetermined by four aspects mentioned above. Moreover, these relations compose thetransverse priority sequence for maturity model.
     Fourthly, in longitudinal improvement process, transverse improvement mustaccording to the priority sequence arrangement within five dimensions, in order toaccomplish step-by-step and synchronous improvement mode.
     Fifthly, the improvement methods of customized enterprise project orientedorganization maturity need to support by the technical method of enterprise strategynamed " hard to soft" and the means of enterprise culture construction named " soft tohard", and information system construction and stakeholder management can beassistant methods for improvement.
     The innovation points of this dissertation can be summarized as follow: theestablishment of cobweb model of customized enterprise project orientedorganization maturity; providing the evaluation method of customizing enterpriseproject oriented organization maturity based scoring card; putting forwardimprovement methods for customized enterprise project oriented organizationmaturity.
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