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Relationship of parent-subsidiary corporation is an internal relationship during group's growing up which must be properly dealt with. Seeing from the world, a key factor of the successful development of multinational company is effective promotion parent-subsidiary companies'coordination development of transnational corporation interior. In contrast, our country's groups often ignore subsidiaries'collaboration during the development process. Enterprise groups'innovation advantages not only come from the parent company, also from the subsidiary, subsidiary is not only the parent company's function extensions, and the important sources of innovation are research and development. Building a good relationship between company and its subsidiaries, improving enterprise group R&D collaborative mode, enhancing the ability of research and development, are the key of enterprise group obtaining the long-time development.
     Based on the synergetic theory perspective, the use of empirical research theory and methods, improving enterprise R&D performance as the ultimate goal, and drawing lessons from domestic and international relevant theories results, the paper divides enterprise group R&D into the three dimension of parent-subsidiary corporation synergy, subsidiaries synergy and company internal synergy, and the paper study four major factors of strategic orientation, organizational culture, incentive mechanism and communication mechanism influence the dimensions of enterprise group R&D synergy, and the influence of realization degree of every dimension to R&D performance. The paper reveals the inherent law of enterprise R&D synergy, and constructs the research framework of R&D synergy, from theoretic to and broads the research perspective of, and also provides a theoretical basis for enterprise group R&D system collaborative development and the enhancing of innovation capability.
     First of all, the paper reviews on the home and abroad related literatures about the enterprise group, synergy and R&D, to clarify the interrelation of the concepts. On the basis of comparison and analysis, specific research ideas are formed, and build the foundation for research framework. Then combining with the related literatures, the enterprise group's development synergy divided into three dimensions of parent-subsidiary corporation synergy, subsidiaries synergy and company internal synergy, and put forward the theoretical framework and research hypothesis of enterprise group R&D synergy influence factors, synergy level and R&D performance. on the basis of confirming the descriptive analysis and research methods, taking enterprise group R&D synergy as the research object, through measurement methods of statistical analysis, such as structural equation model, regression analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and validity test and so on, testing the theoretical framework and hypotheses, and discussing the research conclusion to promote the group R&D synergy realization and promote the R&D performance practice. Research results are as follows:
     First, the parent-subsidiary company R&D synergy is more influenced by the parent company's strategic direction, group culture and communication mechanisms, subsidiaries R&D synergy is more influenced by incentive mechanism and communication mechanism, internal synergy is more influenced by the incentive mechanism and communication mechanism. Higher strategic matching degree will promote the parent-subsidiary company R&D synergy to achieve better, and improve R&D synergy level; organizational culture of encouraging innovative can inspire the parent-subsidiary company to carry on collaborative innovation and can create R&D synergy value; subsidiaries R&D synergy and the company internal R&D synergy should pay more attention to the incentive mechanism and communication mechanism, and provide a good material and spiritual incentive for R&D members, and establish a rational communication platform of information, resources, technical; smooth communication mechanism can promote the effective transfer of resources, such as the main information, knowledge, and form the R&D synergy sharing atmosphere and build the harmonious and efficient R&D synergy network.
     Second, parent-subsidiary corporation synergy, subsidiaries synergy and company internal synergy all have a significant impact on R&D performance. Enterprise group can greatly reduce product development costs, expand the scale of research and development, increase the innovation of product, reduce the cost of R&D, improve R&D efficiency with technology synergy and resources sharing, and acquire R&D performance more than a single body.
     Three, parent-subsidiary company synergy has partly intermediary role between strategic orientation and group R&D performance; parent-subsidiary company synergy has completely intermediary role between organization culture and group R&D performance; parent-subsidiary company synergy and subsidiaries synergy have partly intermediary role between incentive mechanism and group R&D performance; parent-subsidiary company synergy, subsidiaries synergy and company internal synergy have entirely intermediary role between communication mechanism and group R&D performance. Influence factors, synergy level and R&D performance, have complicated interactive relations, influence factors have influence on synergy implementation level, and also have directly or indirectly affect on the group R&D performance. Group R&D capability is a long-term, strategic, system engineering, enterprise groups should pay attention to group's strategy, organization, motivation and communication mechanism, and promote the development of synergy mechanism.
     The main contributions are reflected in two aspects:first, based on literature citation, with synergetics basic principle and method, the paper explore group R&D synergy intrinsic theoretical basis, and divide the enterprise group R&D synergy into parent-subsidiary corporation synergy, subsidiaries synergy and company internal synergy, and study the influence of the strategic orientation, organizational culture, incentive mechanism and communication mechanism on the dimensions of enterprise R&D, and form a more systematic enterprise group R&D synergy framework on the basis of these;
     second, the construction of enterprise R&D synergy measurement questionnaire which include three parts of parent-subsidiary corporation synergy, subsidiaries synergy and company internal synergy, and include strategic orientation, organization culture, incentive and communication mechanism, as well as the group R&D performance measurement questionnaire, through the small sample testing and a large sample survey, eventually forming an questionnaire with factors, R&D synergy level and R&D performance;
     Three, using structural equation model to verify the partially or completely intermediary effect of R&D synergy to influence factors and R&D performance.
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