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Innovation is the source for a country and an enterprise to get a sustainable competitive advantage. The competitiveness between countries has actually translated into scientific and technological innovation capability and the capacity of innovation management, whether it has a strong scientific and technological innovation capability and overall ability or not become the crucial factor of innovation management between international competitiveness to gain a competitive advantage key in the future.
     Huazhong University of Science and Technology Digital Manufacturing Equipment and Technology State Key Laboratory (hereinafter " Digital Equipment Lab " for short) has applied innovation management theory into practice through strategic innovation management, innovation network management, culture innovation management, innovation risk management, knowledge innovation management and so on. Oriented by the national strategy and major industry demand in the manufacturing disciplines, especially in the number of manufacturing technology and digital equipment, the Key Lab carried out a figure related to significant basic theoretical research. Scientific researches have been applied into practice and have made great contribution to the development of China's equipment manufacturing industry. Combined with government, universities, research institutes, enterprises, through various channels to build innovative network platform, the administrative network, research network, information network, enterprise network have been built. Under this platform, resource and information are shared between members, so it improves the overall competitiveness of the network. In culture innovation management, the Key Lab insists on their unique "STAR culture" .Through the improvement of the management system, culture of innovation, the Lab has created a relaxed atmosphere for the formation of a good situation to full of innovation. At the same time, the Lab emphasis on innovation management, innovation teams were built to attract a large number of talents to devote their talents into innovation practice. In innovation risk management aspect, the Key Lab adhere to risk control and risk-sharing strategy, through the horizontal joint and co-operation in new and innovative ways to enhance the ability of risk resistance. Knowledge is the very important resource and capital today, through knowledge collection, sharing and application of knowledge to strengthen the three aspects of innovation management, knowledge as an important capital in innovation management has played an important role in the Lab's innovation management.
     Digital Equipment Lab is bold to try and explore innovation management and achieved remarkable results, so it becomes the model of other Key Lab in innovation management. As a research, innovation and personnel training base, the State Key Laboratory is an important carrier of technological innovation and breakthroughs. It also undertakes a heavy responsibility of revitalizing national industry, improving the country's international competitiveness of the manufacturing sector. Through innovation management, the "Digital Equipment Lab" will attain a wide international influence in the State key lab, and contribute to invigorate our equipment manufacturing industry. Innovation management can enhance the strength of its scientific research to enhance the overall level of China's manufacturing industry, for the revitalization of China's manufacturing industry and sustainable development. At the same time, the successful experience in innovation management of the "Digital Equipment Lab" can focus on other State Key Labs, which will not only help to promote innovation and management of the application and practice into theory in the State Key Lab, but also to some extent, improve the State Key Lab's overall scientific research strength, competitiveness.
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