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     经过空间自相关指数Moran’s I测算发现,新经济地理学的假定依然成立:在存在运输成本和不完全竞争条件下,地域溢出效应随着距离的增加而减弱。同时局部Moran’s I指数揭示,经开区的辐射域更广,且大部分地区位于高增长高滞后象限,从经济发展和产业链的角度所观测到的对周围地区的辐射能力更显著。经过空间计量回归模型估计后发现,在地区带动发展潜力方面,高新区以本地区经济增长带动毗邻区域经济增长的直接溢出效应的边际影响为6%,溢出机制主要源于固定资产投入、研发投入和人力资本流动,技术扩散的效果更为显著。经开区方面,以非经济增长的随机扰动因素带动毗邻地区经济发展的间接溢出效应的冲击强度为5%,溢出途径主要依靠地区专业化生产,经开区技术扩散的能力被高估,但产业溢出渠道的影响力被低估。
The research is based on life cycle theory of state-level development zones regardingthe development of Economic Development Zones and High-tech Development Zones,including the spatial spillover effects, the economic growth efficiency and modes, theregional innovation system and etc. It can reveal the development of the state-leveldevelopment zones, find out the optimal development model and optimize thedevelopment path of backward areas. Therefore, this dissertation, after reviewing andre-examining the development of state-level development zones in last twenty more years,is to study from a macro perspective the features of Economical Development Zones andHigh-tech Development Zones and differences and similarities between the two, in hopethat different yet appropriate industrial policies will be implemented on differentdevelopment zones at all stages.
     (A) Life Cycle Theory of Development Zone
     Based on the above cognition, firstly this dissertation is to combine the life-cycletheory of the state-level development zones with that of the industry, the corporate and thetechnology in order to discuss the relationship between them and establish a macro lifecycle theoretical framework. The growth stage of the state-level development zones’ lifecycle corresponds to the growth, maturity and recession periods of the industry life cycletheory, but only to the leading period-growth stage of the technology life cycle theory.As for the industry life cycle theory, if appropriate industrial policy is implemented orindustry itself succeeds in transformation, industry life cycle is similar to the state-leveldevelopment zones’ life cycle. The development of High-tech Development Zones mainlyrelies on the technology life cycle, while the development of Economic DevelopmentZones depends largely on the industry life cycle. In addition, due to the distinct features ofstate-level development zones’ life cycle, state-level development zones can be betterpositioned according to the special industrial policy and development goals at differentstages.
     (B) Specialized Production and Industrial Structure Convergence
     In order to discriminate the differences between the long-term developments ofstate-level development zones, certain statistic methods are applied to study on the development state and industrial convergence of state-level development zones.Traditional leading industry, based on regional specialization index, is relatively evenlydistributed and keeps little differences in the degree of regional specialization, butemerging industries of strategic importance get very large differences in the degree ofregional specialization: Although chemical industry and appliance manufacturing industryis concentrated, specialization is not deep; the biomedical industry are distributed in thecountry, but mainly specialized production concentrated in some developed areas; digitaltechnology, the marine industry, the IT and the creative industries, geographicalconcentration and specialization are matched. The state-level development zones whichselect emerging industries of strategic importance as the leading industry has obviousindustrial convergence, furthermore, this convergence is not only appear in the samedevelopment zone but also spread through High-tech zone.Therefore,optimizing theindustrial structure and developing a comparative advantage are two types of method ofcomplementary and synergistic development
     (C) The production efficiency and difference of growth
     First, economic and high-tech zones didn’t ostensibly achieve technical improvement,at the same time neutral technical progress features are not significant. Second, throughthe decomposition of SFA function and TFP, there are two significantly different drivingforce of making the economic and high-tech zones progress.Preferential policies is themain driving force of development in the early stages of development, in the mature stageeconomic zones mainly relying on economies of scale,high-tech zones however theallocation of resources to develop. Therefore, the FDI should be used to EconomicDevelopment Zones but High-tech zones mainly rely on the development of resources. Inaddition, the distortions in the labor market have limited the development of state-leveldevelopment zones, specifically limited economic developing zones.
     (D) Spatial spillover effects of the state-level developing zones
     The Moran's I index shows that the assumption of the new economic geography isstill valid: the the geographical spillover effect diminishes with increasing distance underthe assumption of the presence of transport costs and imperfect competition. LocalMoran's I index reveals economic zones have broader radiation and most of the region islocated in the high growth lag quadrant. Spatial econometric regression model (SEM andSLM) found High-tech Zones direct spillover effects of the economic growth is6%, the main source of the overflow mechanism investment in fixed assets, R&D and humancapital flows, technology diffusion effect is more significant, indirect spillover effects tothe region's economic developing marginal impact is5%, spillover rely mainly on theareas of specialization. Ability of technology diffusion is overestimated, but influence ofindustrial overflow channels is underestimated.
     (E) RIS is an important basis for state-level developing zones
     In the original period the adminstration-led RIS is more fitted and Marshall’sexternality effect is more significant; in the growing period the studying and sciencepolicy is more fitted; in the mature period, innovative policies and marketing RIS cansignificantly promote the diffusion of technology and overflow, Jacob’s externality ismore efficient.
     (F) Industrial policy
     Effctiveness of industrial policy is weakened due to the special system of background,ambiguous identity, the impact of rent-seeking behavior and the principal-agent problems.First, the relatively the fixed appraisal system and decentralization game system is notconducive to the existing industrial policy to make the right path, the local governmentwill run for short-term benefits and greater decentralization, meanwhile the principal-agent problems in the rent-seeking FDI mode and policy further lead to a waste ofresources for national developing zones. Secondly, the index system did not play a properrole in planning. Index system should be stratified according to the stage of the state-leveldeveloping zones. The loss of tax revenue and local welfare distortions is the loss of thestate-level developing zones in the absence of the rational industrial policy. Therefore,another important measure of the state-level developing zones is to strengthen theprotection of the implementation of policies and related legislation.
     Finally, now industrial policy for the high-tech zones and economic zones is not verydifferent, which inevitably leads to the convergence of the industrial structure based on theconvergence of industrial policy. Therefore, the policy and strategy of the high-tech zonesand economic zones should be divided according to the different stages.
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