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Technical standard is the manifestation of best order in industrial production, andthe common language of product exchange. Against the backlash of economicglobalization, global division of labor makes technical standard, functioning as theconnecting point of product information, a key to world trade. Since the1990’s, thebooming ICT industry brought harsh challenges to technical standard as well asinternational trade, under which compatibility standard has become the prerequisite ofICT industry to fulfill the requirement of product interoperability. Compatibilitystandard is always set before the standard compliant product, with powerful networkexternality in economic effect, nevertheless, the accumulative innovation under ICTindustry results in accumulation of patents,“patent thicker”comes into being. Againstthe background of knowledge economy, patent, right of proprietary nature, isincorporated into technical standard, which has quasi-public goods nature, patentstandardization is inevitable. Patent standardization makes it possible for a patentee tocontrol the industry chain from the upstream, the game of interest among patentee,licensee and consumers is made fiercer through the platform of international trade.This can get supportive evidence from the patent war throughout the world, thetension between technology exporting country and technology importing country, theaggravation of conflicts between the self-innovation strategy in the technologyless-developed country and the obligation of complying the existing international standard under WTO/TBT.
     The key to solve the problems arising from patent standardization is balancingthe interests among the patentee whose patents are adopted in standards, standardlicensees and consumers. With regard to this, it is necessary to prevent a patenteefrom abusing his rights, and make reasonable restrictions on the patentee in thestandard setting and implementing process. Based on the logic, the thesis makes adeep and full-swing research into the problems arising from patent standardizationfrom the angle of international and domestic law, public and private law, contract,patent and anti-monopoly law. On the basis of study of large amount of casesconcerning patent standardization, borrowing the basic concept and method ofreasoning from economics, this thesis summarizes the common points of cases andprovides possible solution to the problems.
     This thesis is composed of three parts, the introduction, the text and theconclusion, which include six chapters. The brief contents of each chapter are asfollows.
     Chapter Ⅰ,“An Overview of the Basic Theory of Technical Standard and theRelated International Legal System”, introduces the definition, history andclassification of technical standard, explores the nature of technical standard,furthermore, focuses on the research into the legal system under WTO/TBT. The mainpoints are as following: Firstly, technical standards, in particular the compatibilitystandard and variety reduction standard, have network externalities in economy andmay result in technology lock-in. Secondly, in view of the quasi-public goods natureof technical standard, the government has the obligation to provide appropriate supply.Thirdly, WTO/TBT is the only international treaty regulating the interface ofinternational trade and technical standard, the six rules in international standardsetting issued by the CTBT in2000, that are transparency, openness, impartiality,consensus, effectiveness and relevance, have been regarded as the basic rules ininternational standard setting.
     Chapter Ⅱ,“Patent and the Legal Issues Arising from Patent Standardization”,leads to the topic of the thesis. The chapter makes an introduction to the definition and history of patent, indicating patent is proprietary right, then analyzes the causes andmeaning of patent standardization, illustrating two related issues concerned, patentpool and essential patent. Furthermore it summarizes the legal issues arising frompatent standardization. The main points are as following: Firstly, the rule that patent isprivate property has been established under WTO/TRIPS; Secondly, in context ofknowledge economy, patent standardization has become the trend of industrialdevelopment in the knowledge accumulating industry, which is represented by ICTindustry.“Patent standardization and standard licensing” has become the developmentmodel pursued by the ICT industry, standardization is now the core of industrial andnational strategic development; Thirdly, technical standards are always accompaniedwith patent pool, which can avoid royalties stacking, reduce the transaction cost,improve economic efficiency and promote social welfare. However, it may restrictcompetition process under certain situations. Fourthly, accession of essential patentsinto the technical standard is the vital measure to prevent patent holder fromrestricting competition, and the technical elements are the core elements in theessential patent identification.
     The Chapter Ⅲ,“Discussion on Patent Standards Issues in the Context ofInternational Legal System”, consists of two parts, discussion on patentstandardization issues under WTO/TBT and WTO/TRIPS respectively. The thesisstarts from the WAPI case, making a general introduction of the origin and latestdevelopment of the WAPI case, and the related discussion under WTO/TBT. Based onthe introduction, the thesis points out that patent standardization is the cause of theWAPI case. Furthermore, it argues that there is legislative vacancy under WTO/TBTin coordinating patent standardization and the Member’s obligation of compliancewith the existing international technical standard under WTO/TBT. In view of theobject pursed by WTO/TBT and the international status of WTO/TBT in regulatingpreparation, application and adoption of standards, the thesis suggests that the patentpolicy of Ex Ante Disclosure of essential patent information and FRAND license,which have be accepted by most standard setting organizations (SSOs) be introducedto WTO/TBT in the form of CTBT Decision as “the seventh rule” of international standard setting, and recommends ADR under WIPO as the alternative disputesettlement mechanism to settle the disputes arising from standard setting. At the sametime, information exchange mechanism concerning patent standardization underWIPO and WTO should be established to clarify the ambiguity area in the patentpolicy of SSOs. The second section focuses on the international legislation concerninganti-competitive practice in patent licensing, analyzes the specific patent-antitrustprovisions under WTO/TRIPS, such as Article7, Article8, Article31, and Article40,arguing that with the purpose of trade related IPR protection, TRIPS dose too little tocoordinate patent-antitrust policy. The patent antitrust provisions under TRIPS are notsystemized, and do not touch the core issue of competition policy enforcement.Finally, it concludes that the prospect of international cooperation of patent antitrustpolicy is not optimistic based on the enforcement features of competition law and theantagonistic attitude of the U.S.. Patent antitrust is now mainly within the domesticjurisdiction.
     Chapter Ⅳ,“Remedies under Private Law to Legal Issues Arising from PatentStandardization”, discusses the possible private law remedies to the legal issuesarising from patent standardization from the angle of contract law and patent law. Thefirst section analyzes the legal nature of Ex Ante FRAND license in SSO patent policy,introduces the latest development of patent policies of SSOs, furthermore, concludesthat more specific, clearer, more enforceable patent policy of SSOs is the effectivemethod to prevent patent hold-up. The second section discusses four equitabledoctrines frequently applied as defense in patent infringement litigation involvingpatent standardization, i.e. lache, waiver, estoppel and fraud. This thesis argues thatthe above said equitable defenses are of the nature of flexibility, however, flaw inmore strict burden of proof and high litigation expenses. It finally addresses patentmisuse defense in the U.S., arguing that double test rule, patent leverage rule andantitrust rule, have been established under the U.S. judicial practice in reviewingpatent misuse cases. However, the latest case shows that the U.S court has adopted aharsher attitude to patent misuse defense in patent standardization related cases.Chapter V,“Legal Issues in Regulating Patent Standardization with Public Law—— Antimonopoly Law”, starts from the analysis of the necessity to regulate patentstandardization with antimonopoly law, arguing that the consistent target of patent,technical standard and antimonopoly law, and the flexibility of antimonopoly lawenforcement rules make antimonopoly a more suitable legal area in dealing with thelegal issues arising from patent standardization. The thesis father analyzes the latestlegal reform of antimonopoly enforcement in the U.S. and EU against the backgroundof new economy, arguing that innovation protection has become one of the key aimsof antimonopoly enforcement. The rule that patent should be treated as other tangibleproperty has been established, and rule of reason should be applied first in patentantimonopoly enforcement. Finally, it discusses the anti-competition practice underthe standard setting process and implementing process, arguing that antimonopoly lawshould be more tolerant to ex ante royalty rate negotiation. The EU competitionauthority is stricter with anti-competition practices, such as refusal to license, tie-in,excessive pricing and price discrimination than its American counterpart Furthermore,the essential facility doctrine maybe a suitable remedy for the legal issues arisingfrom patent standardization.
     Chapter Ⅵ,“Patent Standardization and China’s Patent Standard RelatedLegislative Adjustment and Improvement”, combining with the status quo ofeconomic, technological development and the legislation, analyzes the disadvantagesand the chances China is facing in the patent standardization time. The thesis arguesthat China should make full use of the flexibility provisions of WTO rules, strengthenthe R&D investment, increase the government procurement of self owed IPR standardcompliant products, develop Chinese standard strategy, adopt effective competitionpolicy to regulate the anti-competition practices of patentees, who maintain theirdominant market power through technical standards. Finally, the thesis puts forwardsuggestions for the improvement of standardization management law, the patent lawand the draft of IP related antimonopoly guidelines.
1See WIPO Report on Standards and Patents, Standing Committee on the Law of Patents of the WIPO SecretariatSCP13/2, para.5(Feb.18,2009) available at http://www.wipo.int/edocs/mdocs/scp/en/scp_13/scp_13_2.pdf,Mar,05,2012.
    1See Richard Gilbert, A World Without Intellectual Property?: Boldrin and Levine, Against IntellectualMonopoly, Journal of Economic Literature,Vol.49,2011, Holding Innovation to an Antitrust Standard,competitionPolicy International,Vol.3,2007,Richard J.Gilbert,Deal or No Deal? Licensing Negotiations in Standard-settingOrganizations, Antitrust Law Journal,Vol.77,2011,Ties that Bind: Policies to Promote (Good) Patent Pools,Antitrust Law Journal No.1,2010.
    2Richard Posner,Economic Analysis of Law,8th ed., Aspen Publisher2010,Antitrust Law,2nd ed., TheUniversity of Chicago Press,2001,The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law,Harvard Univ. Press,2003,
    (with William Landes).Transaction Costs and Antitrust Concerns in the Licensing of Intellectual Property,4J.Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L.325,2005,波斯纳法官的许多著述被译为中译本,如孙秋宁译:《反托拉斯法》
    3See Zia k. Cromer, China’s WAPI Policy: Security Measure or Trade Protectionism, Duke L&Tech. Rev.0018,2005, and Christopher S. Gibson, Globalization and the Standard Game: Balancing concerns of Protectionismand Intellectual Property in International Standards, Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Fall2007.
    4Stephen Yelderman, International Cooperation and the Patent–Antitrust Intersection, Texsas InternationalProperty Law Journal, Vol.19.,2010-2011.
    5Nuno Pires de Carvalho, The TRIPS Regime of Antitrust and Undisclosed Information, Kluwer LawInternational,2008.
    1See Mark A. Lemley, Intellectual Property Rights and s tandard-Setting Organizations, California Law Review,Vol.90,2002, p1896.
    2See Paul A. David and W.E. Steinmuller, Economics of Compatibility Standards and Competion in TelecomNelecom Networks. Infomation. Economics and Policy, Elsevier, vol.6,1994,p224.
    3Paul A.David and Shame Greenstain,, The economics of compatibility standards:an introduction to recentresearch,Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Vol.1,1990.
    4ISO/IEC GUIDE2:2004(E/F/R)3.2, http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_iec_guide_2_2004.pdf, Dec.10,2011.
    3James Surowiecki, Turn of the Century, Jan.2002, p85,Available at http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/10.01/standards.html, Sep.12,2011.
    2See John F.McGowan, Standard Based Monopolies and Near Monopolies: The WinTel Example, available athttp://www.jmcgowan.com/Monopoly_2.pdf,Sep.13,2011.
    1最近智能手机领域的Quadroid(是指运行Qualcomm芯片和Android移动操作系统的智能手机)也具有了WinTel的独占优势,see, David Goldman, Android and Qualcomm are the new Wintel, http://money.cnn.com/2010/11/12/technology/quadroid/index.htm,2011年10月10日访问。
    2See Robert M. Webb, There Is a Better Way: It’s Time To Overhaul the Model for Participation in PrivateStand-Setting,12J. Intell. Prop.L.163,2005.
    5该分类最初由David根据标准解决的经济问题将标准分为三类,Swann在此基础上将其分为四类,See,G M Peter Swann, the Economics of Srandardization, pp12-16, http: www.bis.gov.uk/files/file11312.pdf,(访问日期:2011年9月13日)。
    1G M Peter Swann, the Economics of Srandardization, p46, available athttp: www.bis.gov.uk/files/file11312.pdf.
    2G M Peter Swann, the Economics of Standardization, p41, available at http: www.bis.gov.uk/files/file11312.pdf,Sep.15,2111.
    3World Development Report1997,p33,avaiable at: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/IW3P/IB/1997/06/01/000009265_3980217141148/Rendered/PDF/multi0page.pdf,Sep.12,2011.
    2R.H. Coase, the Nture of the Firm, Economica, New Series, Vol.4, No.16.Nov.1937,pp386-405.
    2OECD Working Party of the Trade Committee, Regulation Reform and International Standardization,p3,available at http://www.oecd.org/ech/tradedoc.html,Sep.15,2011.
    3DIN. Economic Benefits of Standardization: Summary of Results. Berlin: Beuth Verlag GmbH,pp16-28,http://www.din.de/sixcms_upload/media/2896/economic_benefits_standardization.pdf,2000,Sep.15,2011.
    1OECD Trade Policy Working Papers No.97, International Standards and Trade, A Review of the EmpiricalLiterature, p6, http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/trade/oecd-trade-policy-working-papers_18166873, Sep.15,2011.
    2DIN. Economic Benefits of Standardization: Summary of Results. Berlin: Beuth Verlag GmbH,2000,p32,http://www.din.de/sixcms_upload/media/2896/economic_benefits_standardization.pdf,2000,Sep.15,2011.
    1Leebron, D.,‘Lying Down with Procrustes: An Analysis of Harmonization Claims’, in J. Bhagwatiand R. Hudec
    (eds.), Fair Trade and Harmonization: Prerequisites for Free Trade? Vol. I: Economic Analysis, Cambridge, MA:MIT Press,1996,p42.
    1OECD Trade Policy Working Papers No.97, International Standards and Trade, A Review of the EmpiricalLiterature, p6,http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/trade/oecd-trade-policy-working-papers_18166873, Sep.15,2011.
    3跨国的非政府市场机构近年来制定的社会及环境标准在全球市场不断扩散,这些机构一般都以生产商验证及产品标签的形式出现,要求有关签字企业有义务服从,从机构组织来看,它们大多独立于政府,有其自己的管理体系,法律界、政治经济界的学者对其的命名不一,有叫“跨国规制体系”(transnational regulatorysystem),非政府市场驱动管理体系NSMD等,比较出名的有森林管理委员会(Forest Stewardship CouncilFSC),海产品捕捞的领域的认证(Marine Stewardship Council,MSC)等,See Steven Bernstein and Erin Hannah,Non-State Global Standard Setting and the WTO: Legitimacy and the Need for Regulatory Space,Journal ofInternational Economic Law11(3),2008,p576.
    2http://www.ansi.org/standards_activities/domestic_programs/overview.aspx?menuid=3, Sep.25,2011.
    2欧盟于2009年发布了关于通讯和信息标准化白皮书,其中一个主要内容是改变技术法规和政府采购只援引欧盟三个标准化组织CEN、ECNLEEC、ETSI制定的标准的做法,考虑在技术法规和政府采购中直接援引联盟标准。Commission of the European Communities. White Paper. Modernising ICT Standardisation inthe EU-The Way Forward, COM(2009)324final [OL]. http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/european-st
    1See WT/DS231/AB,26September2002,para225.
    1Jan M. McDonald, Domestic Regulation, International Standards, and Technical Barriers to Trade,4WorldTrade Rev.2005, p270.
    1Rober A. Choate, Cases and Material on Patent Law,1973,p59,转引自曾陈明汝:《两岸暨欧美专利法》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版第4页。
    2Patent,n.1. The governmental grant of a right, privilege, or authority.2.The official document so granting.—Also termed public grant,Bryan A.Garner ed.Black's Law Dictionary, eighthedition,West Group2004,p3554.
    2Edward Darcy Esquire v Thomas Allin of London Haberdasher74ER1131,1599.
    1See Carl Shapiro, Navigating the patents: Cross Licenses, Patent Pool, and Standard-Setting, in: InnovationPolicy and the Economy,p4, available at http://www.dklevine.com/archive/refs4122247000000000539.pdf,Sep.27,2011
    1经济学视角下的“租”是指由某种特殊经济资源带来的收入,产品提供者在人为限制市场上获得的收益。See Alchian A. Alchian,“Rent”, From The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition,2008Edited by Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, available at http://www.dictionaryofeconomics.com/article?id=pde2008_R000098,Oct.22,2011.
    2参见李玉剑:《专利联盟:战略联盟研究的新领域》,复旦大学出版社2006年版第6-7页。31968年Hardin提出了“公地的悲剧”,含义是没有人管理的公有资源将导致公有资源被过度利用,进而失去其价值,Carret Hardin, The Tragedy of the Commons,162the science1243(1968),而“反公地的悲剧”是指多数人同时拥有所有、管理权,而没有任何人可以拥有有效使用权,结果会导致资源被过少利用。Michal A.Heller, The Tragedy of the Anticommons: Property in the Transition From Marx to Markets,111Harv.L.Rev.621,624(1998).在专利联盟中,相互具有互补作用的专利权人,均可能通过专利阻抑的行为使某产品
    2Antitrust Enfocement and Intelletual Property Right:Promoting Innovation and Competition,http://www.ftc.gov/reports/innovation/P040101PromotingInnovationandCompetitionrpt0704.pdf,Oct.23.2011.
    2Guidelines for Implementation of the Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC
    (1March2007) http://www.iec.ch/members_experts/tools/patents/form_guidelines.htm,Oct.05,2011.
    3Guidelines for Implementation of the ANSI Patent Policy, http://publicaa.ansi.org/sites/apdl/Documents/Standards%20Activities/American%20National%20Standards/Procedures,%20Guides,%20and%20Forms/Guidelines%20for%20Implementation%20of%20ANSI%20Patent%20Policy%202011.pdf, Oct.07,2011.
    4IEEE Standard Association Patent Policy, http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/ict/files/ict-policies/exante-disclosure/ieee_en.pdf, Oct.07,2011.
    2参见:张平,刘朝:《关于飞利浦DVD/3C专利公益无效请求案的回顾与思考》,资料来自冯晓青知识产权网站, http://www.fengxiaoqing ip.com/ipluntan/lwxd-zl/20090307/3813.html(访问日期:2011年10月
    3See World Trade Organization, World Trade Report2005——Exploring Links Between Trade, Standards and theWTO,p41.
    1相关技术知识参考了《WAPI概述》,http://baike.baidu.com/view/63613.htm,(访问日期:2011年9月25日),胡畅,郭灵军:《浅谈WAPI较之于IEEE802.11i》载《移动通讯》2009年第4期,刘朝阳:《802.11i vsWAPI谁能帮助WLAN跳出安全火坑》,载《计算机世界报》2004年第27期,毛丰付:《中国产业标准崛起机制与途径研究》载《经济管理》2010年第5期等文献。
    1See Zia k. Cromer, China’s WAPI Policy: Security Measure or Trade Protectionism,2005Duke L&Tech.Rev.0018, and Christopher S. Gibson, Globalization and the Standard Game: BALANCING concerns ofProtectionism and Intellectual Property in International Standards, Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Fall2007.
    2Appellate Body Report, Korea-Measures Affecting Imports of Fresh, Chilled and Frozen BeefWT/DS/169/AB/R p133.
    3Appellate Body Report, Korea-Measures Affecting Imports of Fresh, Chilled and Frozen BeefWT/DS/169/AB/R para.137.
    1Appellate Body Report, Korea-Measures Affecting Imports of Fresh, Chilled and Frozen BeefWT/DS/169/AB/R WT/DS/169/AB/R para.161.
    12.4.Where technical regulations are required and relevant international standards exist or their completion isimminent, Members shall use them, or the relevant parts of them, as a basis for their technical regulations exceptwhen such international standards or relevant parts would be an ineffective or inappropriate means for thefulfilment of the legitimate objectives pursued, for instance because of fundamental climatic or geographicalfactors or fundamental technological problems.
    23F.Where international standards exist or their completion is imminent, the standardizing body shall use them, orthe relevant parts of them, as a basis for the standards it develops, except where such international standards orrelevant parts would be ineffective or inappropriate, for instance, because of an insufficient level of protection orfundamental climatic or geographical factors or fundamental technological problems.
    4Federal Communications Commission,“In the Matter of Advanced Television Systems and Their ImpactUpon the Existing Television Broadcast Service”, MM Docket No.87-268, December27,1996, at http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/1996/fcc96493.pdf,Sep.22,2011.
    1United States-Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline World Trade WT/DS2/AB/R.
    2United States—Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp ProductsWT/DS58//AB/R.
    1WAPI标准包括我国强制性国家标准《信息技术系统间远程通信和信息交换局域网和城域网特定要求第11部分:无线局域网媒体访问控制和物理层规范》(GB15629.11-2003)、《信息技术系统间远程通信和信息交换局域网和城域网特定要求第11部分:2.4GHz频段较高速物理层扩展规范》(GB15629.1102-2003)及其相关修改单、子项。其中GB15629.11-2003的第8章(鉴别与保密)、第14.6.2条、第14.6.3条、第15.4.6.1条、第15.4.6.5条、第15.4.7.1条、第15.4.7.5条、第16.3.3条、G B15629.1102-2003的第6.4.6.1条、第6.4.6.8条、第6.4.7.1条、第6.4.7.4条为强制性条款,其余为推荐性的。
    1See WTO Word Trade Report,2005.
    2Intellectual Property Right(IPR) Issues in Standardization WTO文件,G/TBT/W/251,资料可从商务部网站获得http://sms.mofcom.gov.cn/table/0527_wto_en.doc,(访问日期:2012年2月13日)。
    2Andrew Updegrove在2006年11月“开放标准、知识与产权创新”国际研讨会上的讲话,引自长人:《建设创新型国家:必须推行开放标准重视知识产权》载《世界标准信息》2006年11月号。
    3Tim McGrath,在2006年11月“开放标准、知识与产权创新”国际研讨会上的讲话,引自长人:《建设创新型国家:必须推行开放标准重视知识产权》载《世界标准信息》2006年11月号。
    1The Netherlands in Open Connection, http://www.whitehouse.gov/files/documents/ostp/opengov_inbox/nl-in-open-connection.pdf,Oct.15,2011.
    3ITSSD Supplement to ITSSD Comments Concerning the WIPO Report on Standards and Patents (SCP/13/2) Paragraph44, available at:http://www.wipo.int/scp/en/meetings/session_14/studies/itssd_supplement.pdf,Oct.15,2011.
    4Towards interoperability for European public services,http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/10/1734&,Oct.21,2011.
    1Neeie Kroes2010年在欧盟开放标准论坛上的发言, http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/10/1734,Oct.17,2011.
    1The Hague Declaration on Free and Open Standard, http://www.chineselinuxuniversity.net/news/29112.shtml,Oct.22,2011.
    2See Addressing the Interface between Patents and Technical Standards in International Trade Discussions, UNCTAD-ICTSD Project on IPRs and Sustainable Development,p9,available at http://www.wipo.int/sc
    1See Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC, http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/dbase/patent-policy.html,Oct.16,2011.
    2Guidelines for the Implementation of the Common Patent Policy and a Patent Statement and License DeclarationForm,avaiable at: http://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-t/oth/04/04/T04040000010002PDFE.pdf, Oct.16,2011.
    1Department of Justice, Business Review Letter on patent policy of VITA, http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/busreview/219380.htm.,visited on Oct.16,2011.
    2Neelie Kroes在在2010年欧盟开放论坛上的发言,http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/10/1734&,(访问日期:2011年10月17日)。
    1UNCTAD-ICTSD project on IPRs and Sustainable Development, Addressing the Interface between Patents and Technical Standards in International Trade Discussions, available at http://www.iprsonline.org/New%202009/Policy%20Briefs/policy-brief-3.pdf,Dec.22,2011.
    1Issues Concerning International Standards,available at http://www.jisc.go.jp/cooperation/pdf/g_tbt_w144.pdf,Feb.22,2012.
    2See WIPO Report on Standards and Patents, Standing Committee on the Law of Patents of the WIPO SecretariatSCP13/2, para.117(Feb.18,2009) available at http://www.wipo.int/edocs/mdocs/scp/en/scp_13/scp_13_2.pdf,Feb.22,2012.
    1See WIPO Report on Standards and Patents, Standing Committee on the Law of Patents of the WIPO SecretariatSCP13/2, para.168(Feb.18,2009) available at: http://www.wipo.int/edocs/mdocs/scp/en/scp_13/scp_13_2.pdf,Feb.22,2012.
    1Antitrust Enforement and Intelletual Property Rights: Promoting Innovation and Competition,U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commision,Apr.2007,p39,available at: http://www.ftc.gov/reports/innovation/P040101PromotingInnovationandCompetitionrpt0704.pdf,Feb.26,2012.
    1See A.Furnish, A Transnational Approach to Restrictive Business Practices, International Lawyer, Vol.4,No.2,1970,pp317-319.
    2Havana Charter, Chapter V, available at,: http://www.wto.org/english/docs_e/legal_e/havana_e.pdf, Jan.3,2012.
    3See E.M.Fox, Competition Law and the Agenda for the WTO: Forging the Links of Competition and Trade,Pacific Rim and Law Policy1,1995,p4.
    1See Pedro Roffe. Control of Anti-Competitive Practices in Contractual License under the TRIPS Agreement.InCarlos M Corra, Abdulqawi A. Yusuf. Intellectual Property And International Trade: The Trips Agreement, KluwerLaw International,1998, p269.
    2Ioannis Lianos,The Contribution of the United Nations to the Emergence of Global Antitrust Law,TulaneJournal of International and Comparative Law,2007.
    1Nuno Pires de Carvalho, The TRIPS Regime of Antitrust and Undisclosed Information, Kluwer LawInternational,2008, P77.2这12个国际包括阿根廷、巴西、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、古巴、埃及、印度、尼日尼亚、秘鲁、坦桑尼亚及乌拉圭。
    3See Ministerial Declaration, Forth Session of the WTO Ministerial Conference, Doha, Adopted on Nov14,2001(MT.MIN(01)/DEC/1, of November20,2001).
    1Nuno Pires de Carvalho, The TRIPS Regime of Antitrust and Undisclosed Information, Kluwer LawInternational,2008, p90.
    3Canda-Patent Protection of Phamaceutical Prodicts,WT/DS114/R17March2000,para7.25.
    2Nuno Pires de Carvalho, The TRIPS Regime of Antitrust and Undisclosed Information, Kluwer LawInternational,2008,p106.
    2See Mark D.Janis,“Minimal” standard for patent-related antitrust law under TRIPS. Internatioanl Public Goodsand Transfer of Technology under a Globalized Intellectual Property Regime, Edited by Keith E. Maskus,Cambridge University Press2005, pp774-775.
    4See UNCTAD&ICSID, TRIPS and Development-Resource Book,Part Three: Intellectual Property Rights andCompetition,2003,http://www.iprsonline.org/unctadictsd/docs/RB_3_Competition.pdf3.1.2(b),Mar.03,2012.
    2Nuno Pires de Carvalho, The TRIPS Regime of Antitrust and Undisclosed Information, Kluwer LawInternational,2008, pp179-180.
    3Nuno Pires de Carvalho, The TRIPS Regime of Antitrust and Undisclosed Information, Kluwer LawInternational,2008,p182.
    2See Report to the General Council(1997),WT/WGTCP/1,November28,1997,Annex1,p3.
    1See Report of the Working Group on the Interaction Between Trade and Competition Policy to the GeneralCouncil, WT/WGTCP/2, December8,1998, para115-116.
    2See Report of the Working Group on the Interaction Between Trade and Competition Policy to the General
    3Council, WT/WGTCP/2, December8,1998, para115-116.See the Recommendation to the General Assembly of WIPO of the Provisional Committee on ProposalsRelated to a WIPO Development Agenda, Fourth Session, http://www.wipo.int/ip-development/en/agenda/pcda/pcda07_session4.html,Mar.10,2012.
    4Report (2003) of the Working Group on the Interaction Between Trade and Competition Policy to the GeneralCouncil WT/WGTCP/7,2003.07.17,para78.
    1Nuno Pires de Carvalho, The TRIPS Regime of Antitrust and Undisclosed Information, Kluwer LawInternational,2008,p187.
    2Competition Law Toolkit, http://www.adb.org/Documents/Others/OGC-Toolkits/Competition-Law/complaw030000.asp, Mar.09,2012.
    3Nuno Pires de Carvalho, The TRIPS Regime of Antitrust and Undisclosed Information, Kluwer LawInternational,2008, p187.
    5See W.Fikentscher, competition Rules for Private Agents in the GATT/WTO System, Swiss Review ofInternational Economic Relations, Vol49,1994,p281.
    6其中最主要的召集人为卡尔·范·米特(Kar Van Miert),他1993-1999年期间担任欧委会负责竞争政策的副主席。
    1Report of the Group of Experts, Competition Policy in the New Trade Order: Strengthening International Competition and Rules, COM (95)359final, available at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:1995:0359:FIN:EN:PDF,Mar.09,2012.
    2Anestis S.Papadopoulos, The International Dimension of EU Competition Law and Policy, CambridgeUniversity Press(2010), pp217-219.
    3J.I.klein, A Reality Check on Antitrust Rules in the WTO, and a Practical Way Forward on International Antitrust,Speech delivered at OECD Conference on Trade and Competition, Paris29-30June1999, in OECD, Trade andCompetition Rules: Exploring the Ways Forward(Paris OECD),pp41-42,ABA Antitrust Section, Washington,April6,2000.
    4See, e.g. Richard A. Posner, Antitrust Law; An Economic Perspective, University of Chicago Press1976,pp8-35(sole goal of antitrust policy should be the promotion of economic perspective); Eleannor M. Fox&
    2马克·A·莱姆利教授研究的专利组织集中的ICT行业,在其研究的43个标准组织中有29家机构要求成员按FAND原则许可他们在标准中拥有的专利权。See Mark A.Lemley, Intellectual Property Rights andStandard-Setting Organizations,90California Law Review, December,2002,pp1903-1907.
    2Declaration Concerning TIA IPR Policy and Practice,available at:http://www.tiaonline.org/standards/about/documents/TIA-IPR_20080620-003_TIA_OPEN_STANDARDS.pdf,Dec.12,2011.
    1See Mark A.Lemley, Intellectual Property Rights and Standard-Setting Organizations,90California Law Review,December,2002,p1909.
    2Rambus Inc, v.Infineon Technoligies AG,155F. Supp.2d688(2001).
    1Bryan A.Garner ed.Black's Law Dictionary, eighth edition,West Group2004, p3797.
    3Dell Computer Corp.,121FTC616,618,1996.
    1See Analysis of Proposed Consent order to Aid Public Comment, available at http://www.ftc.gov/os/caselist/0510094/080122analysis.pdf, Nov.22,2011.
    1Neelie Kroes, How to get more interoperability in Europe,avaiable at http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/10/1734&, Nov.12,2011.
    2Mark A.Lemley, Ten Things to Do About Patent Holdup of Standards, Boston College Law, Vol.48.2007,p155.
    1Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC,available at http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/ipr/Pages/policy.aspx, visited on Nov.20,2011.“1. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB), the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) andthe offices of the CEOs of ISO and IEC are not in a position to give authoritative or comprehensive informationabout evidence, validity or scope of patents or similar rights, but it is desirable that the fullest available informationshould be disclosed. Therefore, any party participating in the work of ITU, ISO or IEC should, from the outset,draw the attention of the Director of ITU-TSB, the Director of ITU-BR, or the offices of the CEOs of ISO or IEC,respectively, to any known patent or to any known pending patent application, either their own or of otherorganizations, although ITU, ISO or IEC are unable to verify the validity of any such information.”
    1Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology,avaible at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3979.txt, Nov.18,2011.
    2See Mark A.Lemley, Intellectual Property Rights and Standard-Setting Organizations,90California Law Review,December,2002,p1907.
    3VITA与IEEE分别于2006年、2007年将其新的知识产权政策主动交给美国司法部,请求其对其知识产权政策进行反垄断审查,美国司法部分别给予了回复函。Letter from Thomas O. Barnett, Assistant Att'yGen., U.S. Dep't of Justice, to Robert A. Skitol (Oct.30,2006),avaialable at http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/busreview/219380.pdf. Letter from Thomas O. Barnett, Assistant Att'y Gen., U.S. Dep't of Justice, toMichael A. Lindsay (April30,2007),avaialable at http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/busreview/222978.pdf,Nov.18,2011.
    1Mark A.Lemley, Ten Things to Do About Patent Holdup of Standards, Boston College Law, Vol.48.200
    2ITU、IEC、ISO在其共同知识产权政策中规定,标准化制定中,专利持有人就其专利许可条件有三项选择,其中第二项就是,专利持有人愿意与其他当事人在非歧视及合理的条件下协商许可费,有关的专利许可的交由相关当事人在ITU、IEC、ISO之外进行。2.2The patent holder is willing to negotiate licences with other parties on a non-discriminatory basis on reasonableterms and conditions. Such negotiations are left to the parties concerned and are performed outsideITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC.
    4Mark A.Lemley, Ten Things to Do About Patent Holdup of Standards, Boston College Law, Vol.48.2007,p163.
    1Richard J. Gilbert,Deal or No Deal? Licensing Negotioaions in Standard-setting Organizations, Antitrust LawJournal Vol.77,2011, pp887-888.
    1Rober A.Skitol, Concerted Buying Power: Its Potential for Addressing the Patent Holdup Problem in StandardSetting, Antitrust Law Journal,Vol.72,2005, p729.
    2Bryan A.Garner ed.,Black's Law Dictionary, eighth ed.,West Group2004,p1664.
    3A.C. Aukerman Co. v. R.L. Chaides Constr. Co,960F.2d,p1020.
    1Bryan A.Garner ed.Black's Law Dictionary, eighth edition,West Group2004,p1662.
    2Bryan A.Garner ed.Black's Law Dictionary, eighth edition,West Group2004,p1662.
    3Wang Labs.,Inc v.Mitsubishi Elecs. AM.,Inc.,103F.3d1517(Fed. Cir.1997).
    1Bryan A.Garner ed.Black's Law Dictionary, eighth edition,West Group2004,p4889.
    3Qualcomm II,548F.3d,2008,p1022.
    4Bryan A.Garner ed.Black's Law Dictionary, eighth edition,West Group2004,p1951.
    1Rambus III,318F.3d p1102.
    3在Wang案之前,涉及标准制定中运用禁止反言成功的仅两起,分别为Stamble v.Diebold, Inc.,1988及PotterInstrument Co. v. Storage Tech. Corp,1980.
    1See Blonder-Tougue Lab. V. Univ. of ILL.,402U.S.313(1971).
    1patent-misuse doctrine. An equitable rule that a patentee should not be allowed to use a patentto effectively broaden the scope of the patentee's monopoly in restraint of trade or otherwiseagainst the public interest. Two common examples of anticompetitive broadening are (1) using a patent to restraincompetition from an unpatented product or process, and (2) employing the patent beyond its life span to excludeothers from gaining commercial advantages by using the product or process. Bryan A.Garner ed.Black's LawDictionary, eighth ed.,West Group2004,p3567.
    2Herbert Hovenkamp, Post-Sale Restraints and Competitive Harm: The First Sale Doctrine in Perspective,http://ssrn.com/abstract_id=1540527, Nov.18,2011.
    3http://www.lectlaw.com/def/i041.html, Nov.18,2011.
    4Motion Picture Patents Co. v. Universal Film Co.243U.S.502(1917).
    1Motion Picture Patents Co. v. Universal Film Co.243U.S.502(1917),p511-519.
    2两起案件分别是1931年的Carbice Corp. of America v. American Patents Development Corp.,及1938年的Leitch Manufacturing Co. v. Barber Co一案.
    34Morton Salt Co. v. G. S. Suppiger Co.-314U.S.488,1942,pp488-492.Morton Salt Co. v. G. S. Suppiger Co.-314U.S.488,1942,p491.
    5不洁之手原则(unclean hands doctrine)是指,本身在道德上或法律上行为有亏的人,也就是有不洁之手的人,在起诉其他人时,不会得到法律的帮助。Under the clean hands doctrine, a person who has actedwrongly, either morally or legally-that is, who has 'unclean hands'-will not be helped by a court whencomplaining about the actions of someone else. http://www.lectlaw.com/def/c202.html,Nov.10,2011.
    1Morton Salt Co. v. G. S. Suppiger Co.-314U.S.488,1942,pp493-494.
    2Mercoid Corp. v. Mid-Continent Inv. Co.320U.S.661(1944)
    3Janice M. Muller, Patent Misuse Through the Capture of Industry Standard, Berkeley Technology Law Journal,Vol.17,2001.
    2Dawson Chemical Co. v. Rohm and Haas Co.,448U.S176,1980,pp181-186.
    3Dawson Chemical Co. v. Rohm and Haas Co.,448U.S176,1980,p201.
    1Herbert Hovenkamp, Post-Sale Restraints and Competitive Harm: The First Sale Doctrine in Perspective,http://ssrn.com/abstract_id=1540527,visited on Nov.23,2011.
    2Windsurfing Inc.v.Amf,Inc.782F.2d1001,1986.
    1Windsurfing Inc.v.Amf,Inc.782F.2d1001,1986.
    2See Mark D.Janis, Transitions in IP and Antitrust,Antitrust Bullitin,2002, pp282-283.
    3See Jay Dratler, Licensing of Intellectual Property, Law Journal Press,2005, pp5-133.
    1Mark A.Lemley, Antitrust and the Internet Standardization Problem,28CONN. L.REV.1996,p1061.
    2Janice M. Muller, Patent Misuse Through the Capture of Industry Standard, Berkeley Technology Law Journal,Vol.17,2001.
    3Townshend v.Rockwell Int’l Corp.,55U.S.P.Q.2d1011,2000.在该案中,Townshend拥有5项56k调制解调器的专利,并将其授权给3Com公司使用,经过两者的游说,ITU接受了Townshend的专利技术作为56k调
    1Princo v. ITC and Philips,616F.3d1318,2010.
    2Princo v. ITC and Philips,616F.3d p.1302,2010.
    1See Herbert Hovenkamp, Mark D.Janis and Mark A. Lemley, IP and Antitrust, Aspen Publisher, Inc.,2004,pp15-17.
    1Illinois Tool Works v. Indep. Ink,547U.S.,2006,p20.
    3在我国称反垄断法,在美国更习惯称反托拉斯法(anti-trust),欧洲被称为竞争法(competition law)。
    1See William H. Page, The Ideological Origins and Evolution of U.S. Antitrust Law, Issues in Competition andPolicy, Vol.1, No.1, ABA Section of Antitrust Law,2008,pp4-17.
    3Brown Shoe Co., Inc. v. United States,370U.S.,1962,p.294.
    4See Joseph F. Brodley, The Economic Goals of Antirust: Efficiency, Consumer welfare, and TechnologicalProgress,62N.Y.U. L. REV.1987,pp1020-1025.
    1欧盟竞争法在欧盟一般被称为欧共体竞争法(EC Competition Law),主要体现在《欧共体条约》及其二级立法中,2009年12月《里斯本协议》生效后欧共体竞争法中最基本的81条及82条调整为101条和102条,本文依然使用在《欧共体竞争法》中的81条及82条的序号。
    1Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States,221U.S.1911,p1.
    1See DOJ&FTC, Antitrust Enforcement and Intellectual Property Rights: Promotion Innovation and Competition, http://www.ftc.gov/reports/innovation/P040101PromotingInnovationandCompetitionrpt0704.pdf,Dec.22,2011.
    2See Ward Bowman, JR., Patent and Antitrust Law: A Legal and Economic Appraisal, University of ChicagoPress,1973,pp1-3.
    1Hovenkamp, Exlcusion and the Sherman Act, Symposium Antitrust Vol72, No.1,2005, pp147-148.
    1Adolf Dietz. Amendment of German Copyright Law in Order to Strengthen the Contractual Position of Authorsand Performers[J]. IIC: Vol.33,2002(7),转引自:李顺德:,《知识产权问题是一个模糊的问题》,载《电子知识产权》2007年,第10期。
    1See The Knowledge-based Economy,OECD,1996, http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/51/8/1913021.pdf&sa=U&ei=rH7GTqHlFu-ziQff7_H0Dw&ved=0CBUQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNGb1wtxihyUQ90RO4wZXfjsfnsrHg, Nov.12,2011.
    1Antitrust and the Information Age: Section2Monopolization Analyses in the New Economy, Harvard LawReview(2001),pp1623-1627.
    2Antitrust and the Information Age: Section2Monopolization Analyses in the New Economy, Harvard LawReview(2001),p1628.
    1Richard J. Gilbert&Willard K. Tom,Is Innovation King at the Antitrust Agencies? available at http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/groups/cpc/pubs/Publications.html, Feb.22,2012.
    1See Richard A. Posner, Antitrust in the New Economy,pp2-10, http://techlaw.lls.edu/events/past-events/new_economy.pdf,Dec.25,2011.
    1Borkin, Joseph, Patents and the New Trust Problem,7Law and Contemporary Problems,1940, P78.
    2See Richard Gilbert&Carl Shapiro, Antitrust Issues in the Licensing ofIntellectual Property: The Nine No-No's Meet the Nineties, Biookitzgs Papers: Microeconomics,1997,pp284-290.
    1See Richard Gilbert&Carl Shapiro, Antitrust Issues in the Licensing of Intellectual Property: The NineNo-No's Meet the Nineties, Biookitzgs Papers: Microeconomics1997,p286.
    2Stephen Shankland, Antitrust concerns kill Yahoo-Google ad deal, http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10082800-93.html,Nov.11,2011.
    3Richard M. Steuer, Executive Summary of the Antitrust Laws, http://library.findlaw.com/1999/Jan/1/24145
    4.html, Nov.11,2011.
    1Richard M. Steuer, Executive Summary of the Antitrust Laws, http://library.findlaw.com/1999/Jan/1/24145
    4.html, Nov.11,2011.
    4David M.Schneck, Setting the standard: Problem Presented to Patent Holders Participating in the Creation ofIndustry Uniformity Standards,20Hastings Comm.&Ent. L.J.(1997-1998) P665.
    5American Column&Lumber Co.v. United States,257U. S.377,1921.
    1Maple Flooring Manufactering’s Ass’n v. United States,268U.S.1925.
    2Maple Flooring Manufactering’s Ass’n v. United States,268U.S.1925,p586.
    4American Bar Association,Handbook on the Antitrust Aspect of Standard Setting,American Bar Association2005, pp35-38.
    1See Mark A.Lemley, Intellectual Property Rights and Standard-Setting Organizations,90California Law Review,December,2002,pp1962-1968, Mark A.Lemley, Ten Things to Do About Patent Holdup of Standards, BostonCollege Law, Vol.48.2007,pp155-156.
    2Brian Dean Abramson,the Patent Ambush: Misuse or Caveat Emptor?51IDEA71(2011),pp107-109.
    3See Robert M. Webb,Theer is a Better Way: It’s Time to Overhaul the Model fo Participation in Private Standard,
    12J. Intell. Prop. L.163,2004-2005,pp223-227.
    2Guidelines on horizontal cooperation agreements,http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:52011XC0114(04):EN:NOT,Nov.15,2011.
    1Allied Tube&Conduit Corp. v. Indian Head,Inc.,486U.S.1988,p492..
    1Krista S. Jacobsen, Does Antitust LawImpose a Duty to Disclosure?26Santa Clara Computer&High Tech. L.J.2010,P465.
    1United States v. Microsoft Corp.,253F.3d34,2001,pp58-59..
    2Brian Dean Abramson,the Patent Ambush: Misuse or Caveat Emptor?51IDEA71,2011.and Individual Versus General Causal Claims,8Nw. J. Tech.&Intell. Prop.307,2009-2010.
    2United States v. E. I. du Pont de Nemours&Co.,351U.S.1956,p377.
    1假定可垄断者测试是源于美国司法部于1982年采用的“在价格上小幅但重要的非跨界增加”(small butsignificant non-transitory increase in price SSNIP)的测试法,目前在各国反垄断执法中普遍采用,其思路是,在其他商品的销售条件保持不变的情况下,观察垄断者能否持久地小幅(一般为5%-10%)提高目标商品的价格,即看该价格变动是否会引起消费者选择别的商品或从别的地域购买目标商品,如果答案是肯定的,则这种别的商品或其它地域就构成相关市场。参见李明德:《欧盟知识产权法》,法律出版社2010年版,第582-584页。
    2Brown Shoe Co. v.United States,370U.S.1962,p325.
    3Eastman Kodak Company v. Image Technical Servies, Inc.,504U.S.1992,pp481-482.
    1J. Thomas Rosch, Antitrust Regulation of Innovation Markets, http://www.ftc.gov/speeches/rosch/090205innovationspeech.pdf,Nov.11,2011.
    1Bryan A.Garner ed.Black's Law Dictionary, eighth edition,West Group2004,p3080.
    3Hoffmann-La Roche v. Europe Commission1979ECR461.
    4United States v. Terminal Railroad Ass'n,224U.S.1912,p382.
    1Fismann v.Estate of Wirtz,807F.2d.1986,p539.
    2Oscar Bronner GMBH&Co. v.Mediaprint,1998,Case C-7/97, ECR,avaiable at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/smartapi/cgi/sga_doc?smartapi!celexplus!prod!CELEXnumdoc&numdoc=61997J0007&lg=en,Nov.20,2011.
    1Robert Pitofsky,The Essential Facillities Doctrine under United States Antitrust Law,http://www.ftc.gov/os/comments/intelpropertycomments/pitofskyrobert.pdf, Nov.20,2011.
    2Continental Paper Bag Co v.Eastern Paper Bag,210U.S.1908,p485.
    2AB Volvo v. Erik Veng,1988, ECJ C-238/87.
    1Antitrust Enforcement and Intellectual Property Rights: Promoting Innovation and Competition,pp16-19.
    1Henry v. A.B. Dick Co.,224U.S.,1912,P1.
    2Antitrust Enforcement and Intellectual Property Rights: Promoting Innovation and Competition,pp16-19.
    2美国经济史学家亚历山大·格申克隆在1962年提出了后发优势理论,该理论指出在发动并进入工业化相对滞后的国家也会因为其后发国地位拥有特殊的益处,有来自落后本身的优势,比如可以通过学习和借鉴先进国家的成功经验,吸取其失败教训,可以引进先进国家技术和设备快速培养本国人才,相对落后的国家还容易激起国民强烈的工业化愿望,从而激发起一种社会压力,进而促使国家的加速发展。See GerschenkronA. Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective. Cambridge, Massachusetts:Belknap Press of HarvardUniversity Press,1962.
    2World Development Report,1997,p33,available at: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/IW3P/IB/1997/06/01/000009265_3980217141148/Rendered/PDF/multi0page.pdf, Nov.24,2011.
    2参见:[美]大卫﹒C.莫厄里(DavidC.Mowery)理查德﹒R.纳尔森(Richard R.Nelson),胡汉辉、沈华、周晔译:《领先之源:七个行业的分析》,人民邮电出版社2003年版,中文版序言。
    1专利权人会因该条规定(支付低于正常的许可使用费)受到打击,这对采取在技术上更具有可行性的标准构成障碍,IPO’s Comments on the Standardization Administration of China’s Draft Provisionson the Administration of Formulating and Revising National Standards Involving Patents,http://www.ip-watch.org/weblog/2010/04/01/china%E2%80%99s-latest-draft-disposal-rules-for-patents-in-standards-a-step-forward/,(访问日期:2011年11月24日)。“该条政策将使国外知识产权持有者不愿意在中国参与国家标准制定活动,这将限制他们获得公平合理的投资回报,可能阻碍技术上最适用的标准的制定,可能导致实施成本不经济的标准和运行低效的标准被采用。乔治.威林迈尔:《再论中国涉及专利的国家标准制修订管理规定草案》,http://www.ip-watch.org/weblog/2
    1Friedrich-karl Baeier,Gehard Schricher. From GATT to TRIPS-The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects ofIntellectual Property Rights, VCH Publishers Inc.,1996,p205.
    1AVS(Audio Video Coding Standard Working Group of China),数字音视频编解码技术标准工作组。
    2RAND FR原则为合理、非歧视、公平原则与合理、非歧视原则RAND在内涵上一致。
    7.刘朝阳:《802.11i vs WAPI谁能帮助WLAN跳出安全火坑》,载《计算机世界报》2004年第27期。
    4.张平,刘朝:《关于飞利浦DVD/3C专利公益无效请求案的回顾与思考》,资料来自冯晓青知识产权网站, http://www.fengxiaoqing ip.com/ipluntan/lwxd-zl/20090307/3813.html(访问日期:2011年10月7日)。
    3. Diamond v. Chakrabarty,447U.S.303,1980.
    4.Appellate Body Report, Korea-Measures Affecting Imports of Fresh, Chilledand Frozen Beef WT/DS/169/AB/R.
    5.United States-Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline WorldTrade WT/DS2/AB/R.
    6.Canada-Patent Ptotection of Pharmaceutical Products, WT/DS114/R17March2000.
    7.A.C. Aukerman Co. v. R.L. Chaides Constr. Co,960F.2d1020.
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