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The model of technological innovation has experienced five changes, from initial linear model to today’network model. Meanwhile, innovation activities have been carried out internal and external simultaneously from initial internally, which originate from the match of technological innovation itself and the internal environment. After entered the 21st century, the fierce market competition makes the dependence to technological innovation for enterprises larger and larger, on the other hand, it makes enterprises face the great risk of innovation failure, which makes enterprises get into the dual dilemma. Moreover, the nonlinear variation of external environment makes innovation activities not only stay at the success rate of ensures innovation, but have the ability of rapidity, flexibility and meet the accidents. The most important, enterprises cannot have all the resources technological innovation requires. The phenomenons above show that the rapid changes of environment have make the reform of model of technological innovation fall behind the environment and the model of technological innovation is desiderated to reform.
     The study of modern innovation theory is tending to open innovation and value network more and more, so, the presence of value network and open innovation is just aiming to adapt the change of environment above mentioned. Open innovation makes enterprises can use all internal and external technological resources simultaneously, then absorb and transform them effectively. Value network re-integrates the interest-related parties, such as suppliers, channel partners, service providers and competitors, as the innovative network of enterprises to make them adapt the change of environment through the cooperation of different enterprises and share the innovation achievements. Therefore, the topic of this dissertation is to construct a model that integrates advantages of open innovation and value network through unifying them, which make technological innovation activities be more suitable to the change of external environment.
     Open innovation and value network are relatively new concepts and they are relatively independent research fields theoretically. Through plenty of theoretical research, this dissertation analyzes the relation between value network and open technological innovation and the connotation of open technological innovation in value network, we find that they are unified on the value orientation and play a mutual promoting role to make the integration of them possible. Therefore, using principles of modularization and network, combined with technological innovation process theory, this dissertation constructs a technological innovation process pattern under value network and analyzes the elements, operational principles and operation process of this pattern. What’s more, it mainly analyzes the acquisition approaches and the exchange modes of technological resources and comparatively analyzes each exchange mode of technological resources to provide evidences for enterprises to choose one mode properly. Based the research on internal and external operational conditions of this pattern, this dissertation defines internal operational conditions to the open technological innovation capacity and obtains the measurement indexes of open technological innovation capacity with relative principles of system theory and computer simulation. Meanwhile, it defines external operational conditions to the platform of componentization of technological resources and open technological innovation as well as the standardized design of the interactive interfaces between platforms. From micro-view, medium-view and macro-view, this dissertation analyzes to ensure the effective operation of open technological innovation process model under value network. Finally, on the background of one company, this dissertation makes case analysis to test and correct this model constructed practically.
     Research on open technological innovation process model under value network belongs to an innovative attempt in relative areas, it not only enriches and develops innovation theories, but still of vital realistic significance for enterprises’technological innovation activities.
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