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As a new and potential product innovation model, collaborative productinnovation in supply chain becomes an effective mode to respond to the marketchanges and form the competitive advantage. However, the practical problem thattheory behind the practice needs has a negative effect. On the one hand, there aremore complicated influencing factors of the collaborative product innovation insupply chain and the enterprises need to build the effective operating managementmechanism; on the other hand, it is difficult for the enterprises to achieve the expectedcollaborative product innovation performance due to the lack of system knowledgeand instructive methods. Consequently, identifying the influencing factors andbuilding the valid operating management mechanism become an urgent need for bothresearch and practice. This thesis has emphasized two important parts mentionedabove and done the following work:
     (1) Research on the influencing factors of the collaborative product innovation insupply chain. Drawing from theory and practice survey, this thesis reveals sixinfluencing factors and measurable content of the collaborative product innovationeffect, and constructs a theoretical model of the influencing factors based on thehypotheses for the effect of various factors on collaborative product innovation. Usingdata from174manufacturing enterprises, this thesis has done the empirical test ontheoretical model with Structural Equation Model. Empirical evidence clearsinfluence relationship of various factors on collaborative product innovation effectand also shows the critical problems to be resolved of collaborative productinnovation management in supply chain.
     (2) Research on the partners in portfolio selection and task allocation mechanismof the collaborative product innovation in supply chain. Taking into account ofcollaborative relationship of alternative partners, resource strength of productinnovation and compatibility of the partners, this thesis gives the partners in portfolioselection method of the collaborative product innovation in supply chain based onproduct innovation resource by Grey Relational Analysis. Taking into account of thetask character of the product innovation and differences in competency, efficiency,quality of work and cost of the members of the enterprise, this thesis gives task allocation matrix of the collaborative product innovation in supply chain, and further,mult-objective optimization mathematical model of the task allocation is constructedand the solving process is given.
     (3) Research on the knowledge sharing motivation mechanism of thecollaborative product innovation in supply chain. This thesis discusses thefundamental characteristics, process mode and influencing factors of the knowledgesharing of the collaborative product innovation in supply chain and raises respectivelyintegration mechanism and incentive mechanism from the solving obstacle of theobject and subject of the knowledge sharing. Only one knowledge sharing contractand repeated knowledge sharing contract of the incentive mechanism are developedapplying principal-agent theory and comparison analysis has attained.
     (4) Research on the income distribution mechanism of the collaborative productinnovation in supply chain. Conclusions of this part mainly come from three parts:general idea, distribution method and distribution process of the collaborative productinnovation in supply chain. Specifically, this thesis proposes the basic characteristics,principles and key factors of the income distribution, builds income distributionmodel based on the correction SHAPELY and discusses the determinant method ofthe model parameters.
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