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The research on Customer Satisfaction has been a major concern in theory circleand industries since1960s and it has been one of the most important index evaluatingeconomic operations. With the increasing competition among different destinations,the problems of tourist satisfaction of tourism destination have drawn more and moreattentions from tourism circle and tourist enterprises. However, domestic researchesas well as foreign ones studying upon customer satisfaction are unavoidably premisedon the results of service marketing researching so far, much of which are still at anearly stage of learning and testifying. Due to the obvious difference between touristproducts provided at destinations and other general commodities, it deserves a furtherdiscussion whether conclusions coming from service marketing researches can beapplied directly to the study on tourist satisfaction of tourism destination.
     In view of above managerial experiences and theoretical studies and from theperspective of DMOs, the thesis, beginning with the basic theories of customersatisfaction and motivation, tries to figure out the relationship among touristperceived quality, tourist perceived value, tourist satisfaction and tourist behaviorintention based on the assessment model on domestic tourist satisfaction for urbantourism destination and related empirical studies.
     The thesis consists of8chapters. At the very beginning, the Chapter1as theintroduction, depicts the background, purpose and meaning of the research,summarizes the general idea, main content and logic routes and expounds theresearch methods, the issue to be resolved and innovative points of view. Literaturereview and analysis is included in Chapter2, on the basis of which further researchspace is confirmed and regarded as the standing point of the whole. The target of thestudy is defined as the urban tourism destination in Chapter3after differentiatingseveral close concepts and theories and the basic theories applied in this article arelisted. The4th chapter contributes the variables and the measurement scale related tothe core concept of the study through the combination of qualitative analysis andquantitative analysis. Variables dimension and measurement scale is added as well in this chapter. In Chapter5, the theoretical hypothesis is put forward from dimensionsof tourist perceived quality, tourist perceived value, tourist satisfaction and touristbehavior intention and conceptual model is figured out through the analysis on thesevariables. Chapter6focuses on the model and springs out a discussion on the analysisresults. Furthermore, by reviewing the field survey and demonstrating the dataprocessing methods, it testifies the theoretical hypothesis given in the article with theapplication of the LISREL statistic analysis. The conclusion to the discussion andcontribution of the article is drawn in the Chapter7while the limitation of theresearch and its further research possibility is brought into consideration at the end.The last chapter, the Chapter8, ends up with the promotional strategies to improvedomestic tourist satisfaction in Tianjin market according to Hygiene factors andMotivation factors respectively.
     The innovation points of the thesis are as follows:
     Firstly, it sets a premise that the way of building a tourist satisfaction assessmentmodel should depends on various type of tourism destination and figure out theassessment model on domestic tourist satisfaction for urban tourism destination onthe ground of the customer needs satisfaction model and American CustomerSatisfaction Index model.
     Secondly, it forms the measurement scale for tourist perceived quality anddemonstrates the10-dimension structure explaining tourist perceived quality throughliterature analysis and profound interviews.
     Thirdly, the thesis attempts to divide variable of tourist satisfaction into twodimensions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction and comes to the measurement scale asthe result, through which the dimensions of tourist perceived quality are classifiedinto two categories of Hygiene factors and Motivation factors.
     Finally, upon the systematic literature review and analysis, it builds up theconceptual model testified with the visits to domestic urban tourism destinations andempirical studies on spot. Meanwhile, the relationship among the four variables, suchas tourist perceived quality, tourist perceived value, tourist satisfaction and touristbehavior intention, is demonstrated by means of an in-depth study conducted onvarious dimensions of variables and the way of how tourist behaviors are influenced is explored.
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