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Learning motivation is the inner drive that spurs students on in their study and the key factor to improve teaching efficiency. Consequently, it attracts much attention from teachers, and it is one of the most studied domains with which educationists and psychologists concern. Professor J.M. Keller in South Florida University in American s~thesized many cunent theories relevant to motivation and concluded that there were four factors affecting students' motivation: Attention, Relevance, confidence and satisfaction, the ARCS motivation design model for short Since its biithday, this kind of teaching design has been applied in classroom teaching practice by educational researchers and teachers in many countries and has also been proved effective. In recent years, to meet the requirements of quality education, many educational researchers in our counny begin to pay attention to the theoretical and practical study on motivation design teaching.
    Taking the chemistiy course of two ordinazy classes in Grade 3 in junior high school as the experiment subject, this thesis is about the teaching process of applying the ARCS motivation design model in special subjects. Based on the c;haracteristics of the chemistiy subject in Grade 3 in junior high school, we divided it into ultimate element and chemical compound lectures, theoretical lectures. experiment and revision. Under the guidance of ARCS motivation design theor~ we integrate all the motivational strategies organically: i.e. strategy of Attention, strategy of Relevance~ strategy of Confidence and strategy of Satisfaction, so as to make motivation design in accordance with the teaching of chemistzy lecture before carzying it out in real teaching process. Through the analysis of the teaching result of different lecture types, we found that the experiment basically achieved the teaching requirements: Motivation design teaching is not only efficient and effective but also attractive. At the same time, considering that we can't get a scientific and accurate evaluation on students' motivation without a valid testing tool, only evaluating oral expression and appraisal, we made an open questionnaire on students' motivation and emotion in learning chemisuy to test it The questionnaire covers students' intereSt~. experience~. confidence. attribution and achievement motivation. Through the validity test and reliability test on the questionnaire, it proved that the validity coefficient and reliability coefficient of this questionnaire are so high as up to the level of 0.01 and reached the notability in statistics.
    Afier one semester's teaching experiment, we can get the following conclusions:
    1. Applying the motivation design model to specific classroom teaching can not only improve students' achievement on an all-out scale, but also develop their motivation and emotion and help them develop considerably;
    2. The process of putting motivation design model into teaching practice is also a process of raising teachers' theories level. So it is helpful in bettering teachers' entire quality;
    3. Introducing the micro-experiment into chemistty class is a good way to enhance students' interest in chemisUy;
    4. laying stress on emotional education after class is a vety important way developing students'
    motivation and emotion;
    5. With high validity and re1iabilit~ the questionnaire can be used in gnup test or individual test;
    6. The questionnaire is helpful in improving teachers understanding of students' motivation and emotion in learning chemistzy and student's self-understanding physically and mentally;
    7. The questionnaire can impel parents to cooperate with school to help students develop soundly;
    8. The questionnaire can provide a valid evalution criterion for moral education.
    In the conclusion, this paper puts forward some problems need fuither studying.
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