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This dissertation tries to discuss some of the main issues of the power market-oriented reform in a framework of the industrial organization theory. The main objective of this dissertation is to find how to mitigate market power in the electricity power pool in our country. Through an empirical study we find some evidences of exercising market power by some of the generators in China. This dissertation gives some advices on preventing market power, including discriminatory price auction on supply side and interruptible services on demand side.
     Traditionally, the electric power industry has been regarded as a natural monopoly with generation, transmission and distribution integrated vertically well for 100 years. Since 1990, beginning in the U.K., there is a worldwide trend of restructuring in the electric power industry. China also unbundled its generation sector from the grid in 2002. However, the power market is not a direct result of independent actions by generators, distributors and customers, but an artificial market of a deliberate government policy. For this reason, oversights are hard to avoid in the market rules governing the operation. Prompted by profits, the independent producers separated from the vertically structure will attempt to exploit any profitable opportunities presented by the market rules. The course of the power market-oriented reform shows that high prices caused by the market power of the producers emerged in almost all areas after the supply side separated from the network. The Californian electricity crisis provides a stark evidence that market power will jeopardize the interest of the customers and impair power markets. Susceptible to the exercise of market power in the new power markets, mitigating them is therefore high on the agenda for regulators by some western scholars' consideration.
     In our economics academic circles, power market is pending for further research. Many literatures can hardly discuss market power in the light of specific technologies. This dissertation tries to combine some characteristic such as system load indetermination, transmission capacity limitation and short-run generation constraints into the analyses. Based on the technique analysis and an empirical study, we find that generators in a power market are not exercising their market power all the time, as is different from the classic IO theory. When conditions exogenous to the behavior of the generators favor it, they will abuse their potential market power.
     Generators have two strategic weapons to exercise their market power: (1) the price bid for each generation set and (2) the capacity for each generation set made available to supply the market. Our empirical study shows that bidding and withholding strategy both can be found in our pilot power market, as is similar to the foreign markets.
     Market rules, market structure, and elasticity of demand are the important features of the power Pool which contribute to the ability of generators to abuse market power, so we focus on these factors in our analyses. In fact, the starting point of this dissertation is to minimize those market rules that can bring out wholesale price spikes.
     Auction studies suggest that price volatilities are differences between the uniform price auction and discriminatory price auction. Following their suggestion, we compare two supply functions using a uniform price and a discriminatory price auction for an electricity market, and find that the supply curves will typically be more price elastic using a DPA than UPA. Therefore, DPA is a better form for a power market to control the market power.
     Another source of generators' market power is the low elasticity of the demand side. Responsive pricing can dampen the incentive of excising market power because price spikes in the wholesale market can curb the customs' demand in time. However, responsive pricing needs a basis of complete peak-load pricing system. In our country, there is a long way for a reasonable retail price system to be achieved, and there is a incentive dilemma of the responsive pricing, so we should considering some other way to enhance the demand side elasticity. This dissertation shows that interruptible load service has the same effect as responsive pricing in building an elastic demand side and mitigating market power. However, interruptible load service avoids those shortcomings mentioned above, so it is an ideal scheme.
     This dissertation brings some original ideas on defining the range and measuring the concentration of the power market, and creates a new approach to study empirically of the capacity withholding strategy. There are some inadequacies in our analysis such as a plain model and simple econometric methods. Furthermore, we can't get some core data because of the hard blockade of the information in the electric power industry in our country.
     Power market is still in its initial stage, and the market rules and structures still need to be investigated and improved. According to our national conditions, we should adopt various measures to prevent market power including newly installed capacity investments, transmission expansion and an effective regulation, besides methods mentioned above.
1supply side和demand side在经济学文献中一般被译为供给方和需求方。但在电力产业中,这两者不再是抽象的供需双方,而是居于电网两端的发电厂商和用户群体。本文按照电力产业的习惯,将这两个词汇称为供给侧和需求侧。
    2根据其英文名称和特征,我国也有学者将power pool译为电力库。
    4Joskow P.L.,and Schmalensee R.1983,Markets for Power,Cambridge:MIT Press,p.53.
    5Peltzman S.1976,"Toward a More General Theory of Regulation," Journal of Law and Economics,Vol.19,No.2,pp.211-240.
    6Averch H.,and Johnson L.L.1962,"Behavior of the Firm under Regulatory Constraint," The American Economic Review,Vol.52,No.5,pp.1053-1069.
    7Viscusi,W.K.,Vernon,J.M.,and Harrington,J.E.2000,Economics of Regulation and Antitrust(3rd ed.),Cambridge:MIT Press,pp.457-459.
    8Wolak Frank A.,and Patrick Robert H.1997,"The Impact of Market Rules and Market Structure on the Price Determination Process in the England and Wales Electricity Market," NBER Working Paper 8248,available at
    12Gilbert Richard,Neuhoff Karsten and Newbery D.2004,"Allocating transmission to mitigate Market Power in Electricity Networks," The RAND Journal of Economics,Vol.35,No.4,pp.691-709.
    13Wolak Frank A.2006,"Unilateral market power in wholesale Electricity Markets," CESifo DICE Report,Vol.2006,No.2 pp.10-15.
    14Paul A.Samuelson,William D.Nordhaus.Economics-16th ed.McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.1998,p.303。
    15Robert S.Pindyck,Daniel L.Rubinfeld.Microeconomics-3rd ed.Prentice-Hall International Inc1995,p320。
    17FERC,"State of the Market 2000:Measuring performance in energy market regulation."
    18U.S.Department of Energy(2000),"Horizontal Market Power in Restructured Electricity Markets",
    19市场绩效指标还包括基于利润率的贝恩指数(Bain Index)等指标。
    23Viscusi W.K.,Vernon,J.M.,and Harrington,J.E.,2000,Economics of Regulation and Antitrust(3rd ed.),Cambridge:MIT Press,pp.314-316.
    1Joskow,Paul L.1989,"Regulatory Failure,Regulatory Reform and Structural Change In The Electric Power Industry," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity:Microeconomics,Vol.1989.pp.125-208.
    4Joskow,P.L.,and R.Schmalensee,1983,Markets for Power,Cambridge:MIT Press,p.53.
    11Wolak Frank A.2006."Unilateral market power in wholesale Electricity Markets," CESifo DICE Report,Vol.2006,No.2 pp.10-15.
    14由于英国的特殊国情,各类文献中所称的英国电力市场或英国电力联营体实际上仅仅是英格兰和爱尔兰地区的市场,本文有时也将其简写为E&W市场或E&W Pool。
    2Vickers J.,Yarrow G.,1991,"The British electricity Experiment." Economic Policy,Vol.6,No.12,pp.187-232.
    4Np和PG是英国电力市场中两个最大发电厂商的缩写,NP指全国电力公司(National Power),PG指电力生产公司(Power Generation)。1990年,NP和PG的装机容量分别占E&W市场全部装机容量的52%和36%。此后,随着进一步的拆分和机组的退役,近年来两者的份额已显著降低。
    6这是因为在单一价格拍卖规则下,联营体中获准上网发电的所有机组得到的支付都是边际机组的报价,只要边际机组(不论是属于本发电厂商还是其它发电厂商)的报价高于这些机组的报价,那么这些机组仍然可以获得高于边际成本的支付。参见Von der Fehr(1993)。
    7Von der Fehr,N.M.and D.Harbord,1993,"Spot Market Competition in the UK Electricity Industry," The Economic Journal,1993,Vol.103.pp.531-546.
    8Wolfram,Catherine D.1995."Measuring Duopoly Power in the British Electricity Spot Market," MIT Working Paper.经过四年的讨论和修改,该文最终发表在1999年第4期的《美国经济评论》上(Vol.89,No.4,pp.805-826.)。
    9Green,Richard J."The Electricity Contract Market." Journal of Industrial Economics,1999,Vol.47,No.1,pp.107-124.
    10Wolak,Frank A.2001,"A Model of Optimal Bidding Behavior in a Competitive Electricity Market." CSEM working paper(114).available at
    11Wolak,Frank A.2003,"Measuring Unilateral Market Power in Wholesale Electricity Markets:The California Market,1998-2000." The American Economic Review,Vol.93,No.2,pp.425-430.
    12该参数有时也被写作(1+r_(it))的形式,其中r_(it)=∑_(j≠i)dq_(it)/dq_(it)。参见Schmalensee和Willig主编的Handbook of industrial organization,Volume Ⅱ,Chapter 17。
    13Von der Fehr,Nils-Henrik Morch and Harbord,David(1993)"Spot Market Competition in the UK Electricity Industry." The Economic Journal,Vol.103,pp.531-546.
    14Wolfram C.D.1998,"Strategic Bidding in a Multiunit Auction:An Empirical Analysis of Bids to Supply Electricity in England and Wales." The Rand Journal of Economics,Vol.29,No.4,pp.703-725.
    15Rothkopf M.H.1999,"Daily Repetition:A neglected Factor in Analyzing Electricity Auctions." The Electricity Journal,Vol.12,No.3,pp.60-70.
    16Ausubel Lawrence M.and Cramton Peter."Demand Reduction and Inefficiency in Multi-Unit Auctions," University of Maryland working Paper,2002,avalable at
    17Kahn Alfred E.,Peter C.Cramton,Robert H.Poter,and Richard D.Tabors,2001,"Uniform Pricing or Pay-as-Bid Pricing:A Dilemma for California and Beyond," The Electricity Journal,Vol.14,No.6,pp.70-79.
    18Rassenti Stephen J.,Vernon L.Smith,Wilson Bart J.2003,"Discriminatory Price Auctions in Electricity Markets:Low Volatility at the Expense of High Price Levels," Journal of regulatory Economics,Vol.23,No.2,pp.109-123.
    19Vickrey W.,1961,"Counterspeculation,Auctions,and Competitive Sealed Tenders," Journal of Finance,Vol.16,No.1,pp.8-37.
    20Swinkels,Jeroen M.,1999,"Asymptotic Efficiency for Discriminatory Private Value Auctions," The Review of Economic studies,Vol.66,No.3,pp.509-528.
    21Von der Fehr,N.H.and Harbord D.1997,"Capacity investment and dynamic efficiency in market-based electricity industries," University of Oslo Working Paper,available at
    22Vickrey W.,1971,"Responsive Pricing of Public Utility Services." The Bell Journal of Economics and management science,1971,Vol.1,No.2,pp.337-346.
    23Bohn R.E.,Caramanis,M.C.,Schweppe F.C.,1984,"Optimal pricing in electrical networks over space and time." The RAND Journal of Economics,Vol.15,No.3,pp.360-376.
    24Borenstein,S.2002,"The Trouble with Electricity Markets:Understanding California's Restructuring Disaster," The Journal of Economic Perspectives,Vol.16,No.1,pp.191-211.
    25Hirshleifer,J.1958,"Peak Loads and Efficient Pricing:Comment," The Quarterly Journal of Economics,Vol.72,No.3,pp.451-462.
    26Boiteux,M.1960,"Peak Load Pricing," The Journal of Business,Vol.33,No.2,pp.157-179.
    1Ausubel Lawrence M.and Cramton Peter,2002,"Demand Reduction and Inefficiency in Multi-Unit Auctions," University of Maryland Working Paper,available at
    2Rassenti Stephen J.,Vernon L.Smith,Wilson Bart J.2003,"Discriminatory Price Auctions in Electricity Markets:Low Volatility at the Expense of High Price Levels," Journal of regulatory Economics,2003,Vol.23,No.2,pp.109-123.
    3Cattarelli,Carlo and Bartolini Leonardo 1997,"Treasury Bill Auctions:Issues and Uses," IMF Working Papers,available at
    2Borenstein,S.,Bushnell J.and Wolak F.2002,"Measuring Market Inefficiencies in California's Restructured Wholesale Electricity Market," The American Economic Review,Vol.92,No.5,pp.1376-1405.
    3Borenstein S.2005,"Wealth Transfers from Implementing Real-Time Retail Electricity Pricing," CSEM working paper(147).available at
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