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The housing security system has being established along with the housing reform in China. In the past thirty years, China has initially formed a multi-level urban housing supply system that taking affordable housing and low-rent housing as primary and dilapidated buildings and shantytowns, resettlement housing as secondary. This supply system has played an important role in solving the housing problems of low-income families in towns, easing the contradiction between the supplying and demanding for housing. However, there is a big loophole in the current affordable housing system that a considerable part of the housing-disadvantaged groups are excluded from the housing support system. First, a large number of urban migrant workers and farmers whose land was imposed are excluded from the housing support system on account of the stipulation of local inhabitant identification in current housing security system. Second, there are groups that are neither urban lowest income groups who can not enjoy the protection of low-rent housing, but also afford to buy affordable housing and commercial housing while the market rent expense also accounted for the most proportion of their income.
     Public rental housing system is an important supplement for the current housing system which is designed to meet the basic housing needs for university graduates, migrant workers and the urban household population in low-income groups. It is an important practical significance for developing public rental housing to improve housing supply and security system, form an effective link between the market-oriented housing and security housing, support and develop the rental market, achieve social stability and equity, and promote harmonious development of society.
     Based on the theory analysis perspective of public rental housing system, this paper makes a comprehensive and in-depth study on the theories and practical ground for public rental housing, target groups, financing models, entry and exit mechanisms as well as pricing model of public rental housing system by literature survey, system analysis and comparative study. At last this paper set a valuable construction and operation management system of public rental housing.
     This paper mainly studies on three fields. First, financing model of public rental housing. It is not sustainable for large-scale construction of public rental housing by a single financing from government. The government should make full use of the market forces and develop social capital into the most important financing model for public rental housing construction under the government’s overall planning. This Thesis designs the BT, PPP and ABS financing models. Second, access and exit mechanisms of public rental housing. Effective access and exit mechanisms are needed in order to truly play the affordable housing function of public rental housing. Based on the analysis of current income levels and housing conditions, this paper designs the entry and exit mechanisms of public rental housing. Lastly, pricing mechanisms of public rental housing. It is high sensitivity for the target groups of public rental housing to the prices. And the pricing of public rental housing is a plurality of objective decision making determined by market and government-led public rental property. This thesis designs the differential pricing of public rental housing, considering the costs and reasonable rate of return. This pricing can make full use of the social security and social welfare of public rental housing while encourage market investment and reduce fiscal pressure.
     In order to make a better understanding and implementation of public rental system, the paper gives discussion on the three issues. First, the discussion on the target groups of low-cost housing and public rental housing. Second, the discussion on sales of public rental housing.
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