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After China's reform and opening up, with the rapid development of China's fisheryeconomy, China's marine fishery resources continue to decline. China's marine fishingindustry is facing a crisis of environmental resources, social and economic crisis andcrisis of governance. Although China has taken a series of management measures suchas fishing license system,"dual control" measures in the number of vessels andfishing boats' horsepower, but with little success. Because of fisheries legislationdefects and gaps in implementation, illegal fishing and illegal operation still arerepeated. In view of this, the Article22in revised Fisheries Law clearly stipulates that"The government determines the total allowable catch of fishery resources by theprincipal of national catch is less than the increase fishery resources, and implementsthe fishing quota system."
     China has long been dependent on the technical measures and input control system,and thus lack the understanding and practical experience in the output controlmeasures, resulting in delays of the the fishing quota system implementation. Fishingquota system is essentially belong to the scope of the fisheries quota management.Since the1970s, the gradual introduction of the quota management system, some ofthe world's major fisheries in developed countries achieve good results in theirfisheries management. Practice has proved that the system is indeed able to effectivelyprevent the excessive growth of fishing effort to protect fishery resources. Manyeconomists think it is the most effective fishing management measures.
     In this paper, comparative study methods, historical research methods and systemsanalysis methods are uesed to analyse the evolution logic and performance of thedifferent fisheries management methods. At last, based on other countries' specificapplication and China's actual situation, the marine fisheries quato system frameworkare put foward. The specific content of the study are as follows:
     Firstly based on the concept of fisheries management this paper divided thedevelopment of the fisheries management into four stages: former management phase,Management embryonic phase, direct interference management phase and modern fisheries management phase. And the the evolution logic of fisheries management hasexperienced "free access" to the "command and control" and "incentive compatibility",on this basis, sort out the current main approach of fisheries management, the paperanalyses the economic effects of three typical approaches to fisheries management:fishing ban system,fishing gear and methods management system and total allowablecatch system. Starting from the goal of the quota management system, the paperanalyses the advantages and disadvantages of the FFOC, CQs, IQs and ITQs, and thenthe paper analyses several important components of implementation: resourceassessment, fisheries total allowable catch determination, the allocation of fishingquotas and fishing quota regulation. Secondly, from the comparative perspective, thispaper examine the quota management of fisheries especially Iceland's fisheries quatomanagement framework, implementation and performance of the quota management,as well as the problems faced and countermeasures. Finally, based on the analysis ofthe foreign quota system and the experience of China's rural land reform, this paperthinks that a mixed-management system is not only possible but also feasible. It isrecommended fishing quota management in China should adopt the mode of the "fishing village quota, leisure fishing quotas and commercial fishing quota". Firstly thetotal allowable catch will break down into three major sea by the history and reality ofthe various sea areas, and then on the basis of extensive discussions and consultations,the allowable catch is divided into quotas for individual cities and commercial fishingquotas. And then qualified cities can also divided its quota into the total fishing villagequato and leisure fisheries quato. The total administrative quato can be divided intoindividual fishing village quota, The ownership of leisure fishery allowable catch andtotal commercial quota can br determined by auction respectively, Prior to theimplementation of the future fishing quota system, spme measures are required suchas the investigation of marine fishery resources, fisheries statistics, fisheriessurveillance and monitoring, as well as job transfer of fishermen. And at last thetransformation of China's fisheries management "input control" to "output control "can come true.
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