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Cucumber powdery mildew is one of the most serious lamina primary disease which is a short delitescence, high frequency intrusion, and strongly epidemic disease on cucumber. It was reported that losing in economy was very seriously because of cucumber powdery mildew. In the research, control effect of the fermentation broth of Stremptomyces roseoflavus Men-myco-93-63 on cucumber powdery mildew were investigated through the efficacy test and several resistance-related enzymatic activities of the leaves of cucumber were detected, which opened out the physiology mechanism. At the same time, I explore the control mechanism of the fermentation broth of Men-myco-93-63 on cucumber powdery by means of fluorescence coloration technique and electronic microscopy as well as cytochemical technology. Ultrastructure changes of the host cell wall and Sphaerothecafuligenea (Schlecht) Poll. were studied. The research will lay the important base work for the production and use of the fermentation broth of Men-myco-93-63 in the future.
     The significant control effect of the fermentation broth of Men-myco-93-63 on cucumber powdery mildew was proofed through the efficacy test. There are two kinds of control effect of the fermentation. One is the protect effect, which was 88.64%in the test. Another is curative effect, which was 82.26%.
     Several resistance-related enzymatic activities of the leaves of cucumber were detected, such as peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), and polyphenol oxidase (PPO). All of the activities of these enzymes in the treated cucumber seedlings were higher than those in the untreated seedlings during the certain periods. When the fermentation broth of Men-myco-93-63 was used as protect medicament, the activities of POD reached its maximum after treatment from two days to three days, which were 2.5 times higher than the fermentation broth untreated and were 40% higher than water comparison at the same time. The activities of CAT reached its maximum after treatment three days, which were 30% higher than unsettled at the same time. The activities of PPO reached its maximum after treatment one day, which were higher 60% than unsettled at the same time. The activities of PAL reached its maximum degree after treatment from two days to three days, which were 1.7 times higher than unsettled, the treatment activities of PAL is the same as unsettled after seven days. When the fermentation broth of Men-myco-93-63 was used as cure medicament, the activities of POD reached its maximum after treatment one day, which were higher 50% than water comparison at the same time. The activities of CAT reached its maximum after treatment one day, which were higher 50% than unsettled at the same time, then, the activities of treatment were fell gently, which activities of CAT were higher than water comparison all the time. The activities of water comparison were hardly variety. The activities of CAT reached its maximum after treatment one day, which were higher 20% than unsettled at the same time, the activities of CAT were fell gently. The activities of PAL reached its maximum after treatment one day, which were higher 47% than unsettled at the same time.
     The study showed that the fermentation broth of Men-myco-93-63 reduced Sphaerotheca fuligenea (Schlecht) Poll germination, delayed its intrusion time, the amount of hypha were restrained a certain extent after treatment by the fermentation broth of Men-myco-93-63. The hypha on the host surface had taken place a series of change, such as hypha distortion, clone sparsing and decreesinsing, and which delayed come into being sporule about two days. Being studied by means of TEM, the host cell and Sphaerotheca fuliginea arisesed a series of transformation. Being treated with the fermentation broth of Men-myco-93-63, the infected host cells produced defense structures and material related to infection, including that the host cell wall was thickened and deeply stained, solidity of papilla structure produced under the cell wall, dark material deposited between the cell wall and plasmalemma. The number of haustellum of Sphaerotheca fuliginea was reduced obviously. Haustoria became malformed and the wall thickened, and organelles disintegrated. Finally, haustoria necrotizcd. Haustoria can't absorb favorably nutrition from the host.
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