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Thematic map automation making (for short, thematic mapping automation) is the hotspot and difficulty of research in the field of cartography. Based on the reference and analysis of present research of domestic and international thematic mapping automation, as the breakthrough point is mapping control and the guidance are basic concepts and methods of cybernetics, research and practice of thematic mapping automation is put forward. It includes the research methods of thematic mapping cybernetics features, step-by-step concurrence control essence and control chain, step-by-step concurrence control and control chain construct of symbol expression, practice method of thematic mapping automation based on control chain. Thereinto, practice method is the core of thematic mapping automation control technology. The material is as follows:
     1、Based on the summary and analysis of present research of thematic mapping automation, the idea of thematic mapping automation whose breakthrough point is mapping control and the guidance is basic concepts and methods of cybernetics is put forward. And from the aspects of research target and research content, how to carry out thematic map automation making control technology research is expounded on the whole.
     2、Aiming at the insufficient of thematic mapping automation theory, this paper defines and analyzes the concept of thematic mapping, research object and difficulties of thematic mapping automation. The meaning and effect of cybernetics is described and the ideas and methods of introducing cybernetics to thematic mapping are discussed comprehensively, including the cybernetics characteristics, method of cybernetics in thematic mapping and thematic mapping control system. Essence of step-by-step concurrence of thematic mapping in the computer environment, and basic concepts based on cybernetics, thematic mapping control characters of step-by-step concurrence are analyzed and expounded. Then, control methods of thematic mapping automation research, control chain method and control substitution method (information substitution method)are brought forward.
     3、The origin, characteristic, meaning, structure, the building process, application method, etc, of thematic mapping automation control chain method are illustrated in particular.
     4、From the angle of easy to control in computer environment, morphological transform theory of electronic map symbols are put forward. It divides electronic map symbols into three forms: graphics mark, illustrations symbols and diagram symbols. And the motive and essence of them are discussed from the angle of cybernetics. Visual variables are seen as control objects. Through the raise and construction of symbol controllable variables and visual controllers, the step-by-step concurrence control method of symbol expression are discussed. Based on these, the detailed control chain of symbol expression is constructed and the opening“black box”method of study in the process of thematic mapping control chain is practiced.
     5、Based on the research method of control chain, this paper discusses the concept and essence of step-by-step mapping and (“a key type”) template mapping. On the basis of analyzing both advantages and disadvantages, thematic mapping automation model on the combination of them based on rules is put forward. The technical basis and detail of the model is designed. Based on MGISII, experiment system development and mapping models are practiced and the research ideas of thematic mapping automation based on control chain are practiced.
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