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As the important cradle and laboratory of classical and modern democracy, Europe especially west European countries have always played a very significant role. Based on its deep history tradition, Europe has created so many civilized contributions now shared by all humankind on public political participation. Moreover, it should note that many changes happened in west Europe on public political participation since World War Two. This dissertation will follow the development process of history, mainly using the methods of historical analysis and empirical analysis ,trying to investigate the traditions and characters of west Europe’s public political participation before 1945,the developments and evolvements of west Europe’s public political participation since 1945,the analysis on motive factors and restrictive factors of west Europe’s public political participation since 1945,reflections on west Europe’s public political participation since 1945 and suggestions on how to make Chinese public political participation better. The research of this dissertation will enable us to get a comprehensive and deep impression on the topic of west Europe’s public political participation. At the same time ,it also will help us to understand the trend of developments and evolvements of west Europe’s public political participation since 1945.Besides, hope it will help to promote the theory and practice process of contemporary Chinese public political participation. This dissertation is divided into six chapters, the frame is following:
     The first chapter is introduction ,mainly concern about the reason why select this topic and the meaning of theory and practice of this topic, general comment about the relative American and European literature, the frame of this dissertation and clarification of relative concepts.
     The second chapter mainly discuss the traditions and characters of west Europe’s public political participation before 1945,by brief retrospect of the history of west Europe’s public political participation can we get a comprehensive understanding of it and lay a solid foundation for knowing and analyzing the concrete ideas and actions of west Europe’s public political participation since 1945.Then according to the development process of history ,this chapter will discuss the important traditions and characters of west Europe’s public political participation in three parts.
     The first part of this chapter is about the traditions and characters of public political participation in early Europe, in this period mainly include discussion about the specific traditions and characters of public political participation in ancient Greek , ancient Rome and Middle Ages. Then the second part is about the discussion of the traditions and characters of public political participation in modern Europe. It mainly includes public political participation in Renaissance and Reformation, France Revolution and Chartism. The last part is about the traditions and characters of public political participation in West Europe before the end of World War Two, mainly concerns about the effect to the public political participation in West Europe when Marxism emerged and reflections of German public political participation before World War Two.
     The third chapter mainly discusses the developments and evolvements of west Europe’s public political participation since 1945.According to the macro backgrounds ,the development process of west Europe’s public political participation since 1945 could be divided three periods ,that is 1945-1970,1970-1990s,1990s until now .The particular characters of west Europe’s public political participation during 1945-1970 mainly include the rise of woman power ,more diversified ways of public political participation and public political participation was almost dominated by Parliament Parties. The next period 1970-1990s will discuss the public in West Europe has changed dramatically (demographic structure, social structure and values), public vote decrease and the role of mainstream parties weaken. Then the third period 1990s until now witness new characters and trends of west Europe’s public political participation, that include the emergence of European Parliament which is new channel of political participation , the fast developments of ICT and the shift of public concern ,all these which mentioned above have affected contemporary west Europe’s public political participation deeply.
     The fourth chapter mainly discusses the motive factors and restrictive factors of west Europe’s public political participation since 1945. The main motive factors to stimulate public to vote include interest motive and political motive. Whilst the external restrictive factors mainly include institution, parties and media and so on. And the internal restrictive factors include public social characters (gender, age and education etc.), the individual capability to participate and public political interest.
     The fifth chapter mainly includes reflections on west Europe’s public political participation since 1945 and suggestions on how to make Chinese public political participation better. The reflections on west Europe’s public political participation mainly include the value and limitations of west Europe’s public political participation. Then come the summary for achievements ,new changes and problems of Chinese public political participation since 1949. The last part of this chapter will give some advices on concrete measures of how to make Chinese public political participation better, mainly include strengthen citizenship education ,improve public ability to participate politics , construct new culture of political participation ,enhance the effectiveness of existing channel for public political participation and so on. The sixth chapter is conclusion.
     By retrospect on the history of development process of west Europe’s public political participation and the analysis and research on the developments and evolvements of public political participation in the new age, we not only discover the special needs and basic behavior characters of west Europe’s public during the process of political participation ,but also make further understanding on how big changes of macro background on the west Europe’s population structure ,social structure ,party politics ,new IT technology and media since 1945 will affect individual deeply. This research is meaningful for development of contemporary Chinese public political participation and construction of socialist democracy。Practice shows that ,only facing positively the internal and foreign reformations on politics ,economy ,society and other fields other than ignorance or evasion ,make references for all valuable contributions of west Europe and the whole world on public political participation ,can China make it possible for guarding and realizing individual political rights and accelerating process of socialist democratization.
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    1、Voter Turnout in western Europe since 1945 IDEA Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance 2004 Sweden ISBN 91-85391-00-X
    2、Can Where People Vote Influence How They Vote? The Influence of Polling Location Type on Voting Behavior Jonah Berger Marc Meredith S. Christian Wheeler
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    4、Interest Group Participation in Rule Making: A Decade of Change Scott R. Furlong University of Wisconsin–Green BayCornelius M. Kerwin american University
    5、Citizen Participation and Democracy: Assessing Local Political Engagement Strategies in Northern Ireland Devashree Gupta PhD Candidate, Government Department Cornell University
    6、Participatory Democracy in the European Union? European Governance and the Inclusion of Civil Society Organisations in Migration and Environmental Policies Dawid Friedrich Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSSS) University of Bremen
    7、Partisan Cross-Pressure and Voter Turnout: The Influence of Micro and Macro Environments Paul Be′langer, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Munroe Eagles, University at Buffalo—The SUNY
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    11、The Grey Vote: Determinants of Older Voters’Party Choice in Britain and West Germany Achim Goerres
    14、The Limits and Merits of Participation Paulo Vieira da Cunha and Maria Valeria Junho Pena
    15、The Myth of the Rational Voter Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies by Bryan Caplan Princeton University Press, 2007 .Executive Summary No. 594 May 29, 200
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    17、Electoral Participation and Communicative Voting in Europe Francesco Sobbrioy and Pietro Navarraz
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    19、Political Participation, Demographic Changes and the Relative Impact of Active Individuals in Europe.Exploring the Differences in Political Participation between Age Groups Achim Goerres Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1084978
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    39、The Rationalizing Voter: Unconscious Thought in Political Information Processing Milton Lodge Charles S. Taber Department of Political Science Laboratory for Political Behavior Research Stony Brook University、http://ssrn.com/abstract=977000
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    47、The Effects of Choice Context on Decision-Making:An Application to Voter Fatigue Scott Nicholson Department of Economics, Stanford University November 19, 2007
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    3、Political Participation in the Multicultural City : A Case Study of Chinese Canadians and Chinese Americans in Toronto and Los Angels SHANTI IRENE FERNANDO [D] Ph.D . Queen’s University January 2003
    4、Electronic Democracy and Citizen Participation : The Challenge of the Digital Divide Tara Lynne Fikes [D] University of South California ,May 2005
    6、THE INTERNET AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION Ramona S. McNeal , [D] Ph.D Kent State University 2005

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