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The main purposes of this doctoral dissertation are to discuss the securitization process of EU’s security strategy, analyse EU’s economic and military security strategy’s implementation conditions. In the early stage, EU’s security strategies and their implementation had already drawn International Relation (IR) scholars’attention, but they seldom studied it from the perspective of security and few dissertations noticed their implementation in the North Africa. Through analyzing EU-North Africa security de facto situation and its interal mechanism, I hope my dissertation can discover EU’s potential pursue for the interests.
     To select the right theory to explain EU’s security strategy is the precondition of my research.From the practical conditions, I choose the Copenhagen School as the guiding theory for my dissertation after reviewing traditional security theory, especially emphasize the exploit of Copenhagen School’s security complex theory.
     “Cognition”and“securitization”are two of the most important viewpoints of Copenhagen School. Copenhagen School points out that“security”is the result of lingual circumstance, it emphasizes the role of cognition in the securitization when nomal political issues upgraded to security level. Copenhagen School has no intention to define what the security is, it concentrates on analysing security actors and constituting the power construction, cares much about the changing of the construction, then induces the existential threats and securitization process of each security sector. So, when analyzing EU’s security strategy and its two of sub-subjects, namely, economic and military security, the dissertation first tries to find out each sector’s different existential threat(s), analyzes security actors’cognition to them, then constructs each security sectors’securitization modul.
     EU’s economic and military security’s implemention in north Africa is a case study of EU’s security strategy. North Africa occupies extraordinary position in EU’s policy-making, lots of EU’s external policy instruments have been directly formulated to this region, ENP, EDP, EU-Med Policy, e.g, while to grasp EU’s security strategy’s essence by analyzing them separately probably will draw only ex parte conclusion. This dissertation selects Copenhagen School as the the framework for analysis to analyze EU’s economic and military security combinding with the explaination of EU and member states’historical, geographic and economic factors’cognition to the North Africa, then unveil the driving forces and resistance in the EU-North Africa security strategy. The dissertation points out, due to that member states are the most important security actors of the EU whose cognition plays the key role in the EU-North Africa isssues’securitization process, the member states with“special”cognition to the North Africa are the decisive factor for nomal political issues upgraded to security subjects.
    ①Michael Hill,“The EU and Uzbekistan: Where to go from here”, CEPF Policy Brief, July 2007.
    ①Nathalie Tocci,“Conflict Resolution in the Neighbourhood: Comparing the Role of the EU in the Turkish-Kurdish and Israeli-Palestinian Conflicts”, CEPS Working Document, NO.221, March 2005.
    ②Richard Youngs,“Fusing Security and Development Just Another Euro-platitude”, CEPS Working Document No. 277, October 2007.
    ③Oli Brown, Anne Hammill and Robert Mcleman,“Climate change as the‘new’security threat: implications for Africa”, International Affairs, vol.83, No.6 (2007), pp.1141-1154.
    ④Tobias Debiel, Martina Fischer,“Crisis Prevention and Conflict Management by the European Union: Concepts, Capacities and Problems of Coherence”, Berghof Report No.4, Sep, 2000.
    ⑤Institute for Security Studies (ISS),“ESDP: from Cologne to Berlin and Beyond”, ISS Institute Report, Berlin, 29/30 January 2007.
    ①Jutta Weldes,“Constructing national interests”, European Journal of International Relations, 1996(2).
    ②Richard Youngs,“Fusing Security and Development: Just Another Euro-platitude”, CEPS Working Document No. 277/October 2007.
    ①Sean M. Lynn-Jones,“International Security Studies after The Cold War: An Agenda for the Future”, Discussion Paper 91-11, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, p.18.
    ②Robert J. Art,“A Defensible Defense: American’s Grand Strategy after the Cold War”, International Security, vol.15, No.4 (spring, 1991), pp.30-42.
    ③K. N Waltz,“The Emerging Structure of International Politics”, International Security, Vol.18, No.2 (fall, 1993), pp.78-79.
    ④K. N Waltz, ibid, pp.50-52.
    ①Keith Krause,“Broading the Agenda of Security Studies: Politics and Methods”, Mershon International Studies Review, Vol. 40, No. 2, (Oct., 1996), p.229.
    ②R. Wyn Jones,“‘Message in a Bottle’?: Theory and praxis in critical security studies”.转引自倪世雄主编《当代西方国际关系理论》,复旦大学出版社2004年版,第199页。
    ③John J. Mearsheimer's,“The False Promise of International Institutions”, International Security, vol. 19, No.3, (winter, 1994-1995), pp.37-47.
    ④Ken Booth,“Security in Anarchy: Utopian Realism in Theory and Practice”, International Affairs, vol.67, No.3, (1991), p.539.
    ①Maja Zehfuss, Constructivism in International Relations, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp.10-11.
    ②关于解释性理论和构成性理论的论述可见Steve Smith,“The Self-Images of a Discipline: A Genealogy of International Relations Theory”, in Ken Booth and Steve Smith, (eds.), International Relations Theory Today, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995, pp.26-27.
    ①Martin Hollis and Steve Smith, Explaining and Understanding International Relations, NewYork: Oxford University Press, 1990, p.6.
    ③Alexander Wendt,“Collective Indentity Formation and The International State”, American Political Science Review, Vol.88, No.2,(June, 1994), p.384.
    ④David Dessler,“What’s at Stake in the Agent-Structure Debate?”, International Organization, Vol.43, No.3, (1989), p.467.
    ④温特曾经表示过认同是利益的基础。Alexander Wendt,“Anarchy is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics”, International Organization, Vol.46, No.2, (1992).
    ①Ronald L. Jepperson, Alexander Wendt and Peter Katzenstein,“Norms, Culture and Identity in National Security”, in Peter Katzenstein (ed.), The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics, NY: Cornell University Press, 1996, pp. 60-66.
    ①Bjorn Hettne, Fredrik Sderbaum,“Theorising the Rise of Regionness”, New Political Economy, Vol.5, Issue 3, (Nov. 2000), p.40.
    ②Barry Buzan, Ole Waever, Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp.53, 49-50.
    ④Ole Weaver,“Insecurity, Security, and A security in the West European Non-war Security”, Security Communities, Cambridge University Press, 1998, p.74.
    ⑤Emanuel Adler, Michael N. Barnett, A Framework for the Study of Security Communities, Cambridge University Press1998, pp.29-49.
    ①Jack Synder,“Averting Anarchy in the New Europe”, in Sean M. Lynn-Jones, (ed.), The Cold War and After: Prospects for Peace, MIT Press, 1991, pp.104-105.
    ②John J. Mearsheimer,“Back to the Future: Instability in Europe After the Cold War”, in Sean M. Lynn-Jones, (ed.), The Cold War and After: Prospects for Peace, MIT Press, 1991, p.144.
    ③Sean M. Lynn-Jones,“International Security Studies after the Cold War: An Agenda for the Future”, Discussion Paper 91-11, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, p.12.
    ④S. Van Evera,“Primed for Peace: Europe after the Cold War”, in Sean M. Lynn-Jones, (ed.), The Cold War and after: Prospects for Peace, MIT Press, 1991, p.230.
    ①Jean Yves Haine,“Idealism and Power: The New EU Security Strategy”, Current History, March 2004, p.108.
    ②European Commission,“Europe in the World: Some Practical Proposals for Greater Coherence, Effectiveness and Visibility”, Communication from the Commission to the European Council, June 2006.
    ①European Commission, Working for the Peace, Security and Stability, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007, p.13.
    ②European Commission, The EU: A Global Player in Security. http://ec.europa.eu/world/peace/geographical_themes/the_eu/index_en.htm.登陆时间:2009年3月19日。
    ①Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997.该书已经由朱宁翻译成中文,书名为《新安全论》,本文对之也有所参考。详见[英]巴里·布赞等著:《新安全论》,朱宁译,浙江人民出版社2003年版。
    ②J Huysmans,“Revisiting Copenhagen: Or, on the Creative Development of a Security Studies Agenda in Europe”, European journal of international relations, Vol.4, No.4, (1998.), p.479.
    ①Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997, p.12.
    ①本节对同质复合体和异质复合体的阐述主要参考:Chapter 1, Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997.
    ①Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997, p.13.
    ②Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, ibid, p.32.
    ③他们对安全化的表述和布赞相同,但略显简单。Keith Krause,“Broading the Agenda of Security Studies: Politics and Methods”, Mershon International Studies Review, Vol. 40, No. 2, (Oct., 1996), pp.242-243.
    ①Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997, p.58.
    ①Martha Finnemore, National Interests in International Society, Cornell University Press, 1996, p.12.
    ②Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997, p.14.
    ②Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997, pp.95-99.
    ④Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, ibid, p.95.
    ⑤Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, ibid, p.97.
    ①Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997, p.103.
    ①Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997, p.100.
    ②Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, ibid, p.106.
    ①Stephen Woolcock,“European Trade Policy: Global Pressures and Domestic Constraints”, in H. Wallace & W. Wallace (eds.), Policy-making in the European Union, Oxford University Press, 2000, p.387.
    ①Enzo R. Grilli, The European Community and the Developing Countries, Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp.83-84.
    ①IEA, The IEA Natural Gas Security Study, Paris: IEA/OECD, 1995, p.17and p.26.
    ②H.T. Franssen,“Oil Supply Security Through 2010”, in L.P.Bloomfield (ed.), Global Markets and National Interests: the new geopolitics of energy, capital, and information, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Significant Issues Series, Vol. 24, No. 3, (2002), p. 65.
    ③Mteo (a million tonnes of oil equivalent),百万吨石油当量。
    ④European Commission, EU Energy and Transport in Figures, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009, p.29.
    ⑤Market Observatory for Energy, Europe’s Energy Position: Present & Future, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, pp.12-13.
    ⑥Market Observatory for Energy, ibid, p.8.
    ⑦CEC, Towards A European Strategy for the Security of Energy Supply, CEC Green Paper, 2000, pp.64-65.
    ①可以参见以下诸文:A.M.Jaffe, R.Soligo,“The Role of Inventories in Oil Market Stability”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 42, 2002, pp. 401-415; Leiby, N.Paul, D.Bowman, Donald W.Jones, "Improving Energy Security Through an International Cooperative Approach to Emergency Oil Stockpiling," Proceedings of the 25th Annual IAEE International Conference, June 26-29, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2002.
    ②Jorge Vasconcelos,“Integration and Regulation on EU Energy Market”, European Energy and Transport Forum, Brussels, Dec. 2003. pp.11-15.
    ①European Commission,“Study on Energy Supply and Geopolitics”, Final Report, 2004, p.64.
    ②CIEP, The Role of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in the European Gas Market, Clingendael International Energy Programme, 2003, pp. 9-12.
    ①Stephen M. Walt,“The Renaissance of Security Studies”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol.35, No.2, 1991, p.212.
    ②Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997, p.49.
    ②Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997, p.76.
    ①Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997, p.51.
    ①European Commission, Working for the Peace, Security and Stability, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2005, p.4.
    ①关于欧共体1990年在NPT回顾会议中的角色,可以参见以下材料:David Fischer and Harald Miller,“A Treaty in Trouble: Europe and the NPT after the Fourth Review Conference”, PRIF Reports, No. 17, January 1991.
    ①European Commission, Presidency Conclusions: Report to the European Council in Lisbon on the likely development of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) with a view to identifying areas open to joint action vis-a-vis particular countries or groups of countries, Doc. SN 3321/2/92.
    ③此次联合行动可以参见European Commission, Decision 94/509/CFSP, 8 August 1994.
    ④这里可以参考Geoffrey van Orden,“European Arms Export Controls”, in Paul Cornish, Peter van Ham and Joachim Krause (eds.),“Europe and the Challenge of Proliferation”, in note 8, Chaillot Papers 24, Paris: Institute for Security Studies of WEU, May. 1996.
    ⑤EU: Presidency Conclusions, Doc. SN 150/1/94, 24-25 June 1994.
    ①European Commission, Civilian Headline Goal 2010. Doc.14823/07.
    ②European Commission, ibid, p.6.
    ③罗斯克兰斯曾经指出,欧盟的成就更多的是规范性的,欧洲正在从规范层面上确定世界标准。R. Rosecrance,“The European Union: A New Type of International Actor”, in J. Zielonka (ed.), Paradoxes of European Foreign Policy, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1998. p.22.
    ⑤Michael Smith,“Does the Flag Follow Trade:‘Politicization’and the Emergence of a European Foreign Policy”, in J. Peterson and H. Sjursen (eds.), A Common Foreign Policy f or Europe: Competing Visions of the CFSP, London: Routledge, 1998, p.83.
    ①European Commission Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management Unit,“Civilian Instrument for EU Crisis Management”, April 2003 , pp.8.该文仅仅作为信息提供,并非欧盟委员会的政策声明。
    ②European Commission Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management Unit, ibid, p.19.
    ④Jonathan Goodhand and Philippa Atkinson, Conflict and Aid:Enhancing the Peacebuilding Impact of International Engagement, London: International Alert, 2001, p.38.
    ①Peter Uvin,“The Influence of Aid in Situations of Violent Conflict”, OECD Conflict Prevention and Development Co-operation Papers, DAC Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, (2001), p.4.
    ②Mary B. Anderson, Do No Harm: How Aid can Support Peace or War, Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, February 1999.该书从多角度,全面阐述了援助助长冲突和战争的可能。
    ③Tobias Debiel and Martina Fischer,“Crisis Prevention and Conflict Management by the European Union: Concepts, Capacities and Problems of Coherence”, Berghof Research Center, No. 4, (Sep. 2000), p.15.
    ①William Walker,“International Nuclear Relations after the Indian and Pakistani Tests”, International Affairs, Vol.74, No.3, 1998.
    ②关于RRM的相关内容可以参见European Commission, Working for the Peace, Security and Stability: Europe in the World, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007.
    ③Safer world-International Alert,“Strengthening Global Security through Addressing the Root Causes of Conflict: Priorities for the Irish and Dutch Presidencies in 2004”, pp. 6-8.
    ③Eurobarometer: 2006-2007 Yearbook of EU, p.76.
    ④Eurobarometer: ibid, p.78.
    ⑤Eurobarometer: ibid, p.75.
    ⑥“Tidal Wave”, Economist,http://www.economist.com/world/europe/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9370651.登陆时间:2007年6月11日。
    ①“EU concedes failure on migration policy”, iht, http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/29/news/immig.php.登陆时间:2007年6月26日。
    ②Special Eurobarometer 273: European Social Reality, Feb. 2007, p.71.
    ③“Greece Casting off Asylum Seekers”, Spiegel, http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,514149,00.html.登陆时间:2008年12月23日。
    ④“EU immigration official criticizes Malta for treatment of migrants”, iht, http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/06/03/africa/migrate.php.登陆时间:2007年6月26日。
    ⑤Richard Gillespie,“Spanish Protagonismo and the Euro-Med Partnership Initiative”, in Richard Gillespie (ed.), The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Political and Economic Perspectives, London: Frank Cass Publishers, 1997, p.34.
    ⑥Antonio Missiroli,“The ENP Three Years on: Where from and Where Next?”, Idées pour le débat , 03/2007, p.5.
    ②1999年3月OPEC决定削减产量5.4%,而在前几个月,石油价格从每桶10-12美元的很低的水平涨到30美元以上,到2000年时,石油价格仍维持在高位。弹性系数高达80%。参见OPEC Press Release, No. 2/1999, 23 March 1999.
    ③Andreas Mehler,“France in Search of a New Africa Policy”, International Policy, spring 2008.
    ④“欧盟‘重新发现’非洲”,globalview, http://www.globalview.cn/ReadNews.asp?NewsID=13505.登陆时间:2008年1月6日。
    ①“Merkel Slams Sarkozy's 'Club Med' Plans”, Spiegel, http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,521743,00.html.登陆时间:2007年12月13日。
    ②European Commission, External and intra-EU trade Statistical yearbook: Data 1958-2006, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p.221.
    ③Barbara Lippert, Kirsty Hughes, Heather Grabbe and Peter Becker,“British and German Interests in EU Enlargement:Partners Or Competitors?”, Continuum , 2001, p.19.
    ⑤Barbara Lippert, Kirsty Hughes, Heather Grabbe and Peter Becker, ibid, Continuum , 2001, p.14.
    ⑥德国派兵参与2003年的阿特米斯行动同样也是如此。Deutsche Press-Agentur,“Misgivings in Germany over Potential Congo Mission”, Lexis-nexis: World News, Europe June, 2003.
    ②德国国内对地中海联盟反对的表现参见:“Sarkozy's 'Club Med' Is Useful But Over-Ambitious”, Spiegel,http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,565710,00.html.登陆时间:2008年7月5日。
    ①Paul Belkin,“The EU’s Energy Security Challenges”, Congressional Research Service, Code RL33636 , CRS-17.
    ③British Petroleum (BP), Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2006.
    ①P. Capros, L. Mantzos, V. Papandreou and N. Tasios,“European energy and transport: Trends to 2030”, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p.28.
    ②European Commission,“EU Energy and Transport in Figures”, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009, p.31.
    ③ICG,‘Algeria’s Economy: The Vicious Circle of Oil and Violence’, ICG Africa Report, No. 36, 2001.
    ④Paul Belkin,“The EU’s Energy Security Challenges”, Congressional Research Service of America, Code. RL 33636, CRS.17-19.
    ⑥European Commission, ibid, p.34.
    ⑦Market Observatory for energy,“Europe’s Energy Position: Present & Future”, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p.32.
    ①Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean, p.9.
    ①欧盟委员会预计,照目前能源消耗的趋势,到2030年,欧盟能源总需求的65%需要进口。见European Commission,“An Energy Policy for Europe”, COM(2007) final, Brussels, 2007.
    ②European Commission,“EU Energy and Transport in Figures”, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009, p.30.
    ①Institute for International Relations“Clingendael”,“Study on Energy Supply Security and Geopolitics”, “Clingendael”International Energy Programme (CIEP), Final Report, January 2004, p.54.
    ①Institute for International Relations“Clingendael”,“Study on Energy Supply Security and Geopolitics”, “Clingendael”International Energy Programme (CIEP) Final Report, January 2004, pp.108-110.参见这三页的相关表格。
    ②欧盟对俄罗斯的反应手段参见:Institute for International Relations“Clingendael”, ibid, p.134.
    ①欧盟对阿尔及利亚的反应手段见:Institute for International Relations“Clingendael”,“Study on Energy Supply Security and Geopolitics”,“Clingendael”International Energy Programme (CIEP) Final Report, January 2004, p.136.
    ⑤Joseph Bermudez,“Ballistic Missile Development in Libya,”Jane’s Intelligence Review, January 2003, pp.27-29.
    ①Barcelona Declaration, 27 and 28 November 1995, p.6.
    ②Del Sarto, A. Raffaella and Tobias Schumacher,“From EMP to ENP: What’s at Stake with the European Neighbourhood Policy towards the Southern Mediterranean?”, European Foreign Affairs Review, No.10, 2005, pp. 28-29.
    ①European Commission,“Tenth Anniversary of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: A Work Programme to Meet the Challenges of the Next Five Years”, Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, Euromed Report 89, 14 April, 2005, p.15.
    ①共同立场的具体内容参见European Commission, Council Common Position, 2008/944/CFSP, Article 2.
    ②Richard F. Grimmett,“Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 1999-2006”, The DISAM Journal, March 2008 , p.60.
    ④“France Makes Weapons Deal with Libya”, Spiegel, http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,498038,00.html.登陆时间:2007年8月3日。
    ①Oliver Meier,“The EU’s Nonproliferation Efforts: Limited Success”, p.7. http://www.armscontrol.org/act/2008_05/OliverFeature.登陆时间:2008年7月9日。
    ②Camille Grand,“The European Union and the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons”, Chaillot Paper 37, Janunary 2000, p.28.
    ③“The EU’s Nonproliferation Efforts: Limited Success”, armscontrol http://www.armscontrol.org/act/2008_05/OliverFeature.登陆时间:2008年7月9日。
    ①“African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Nears Realization”, armscontrol http://www.armscontrol.org/act/2008_05/Africa.登陆时间:2008年7月9日。
    ②Speech by Qadhafi at a meeting of students of the Higher Institute for Applied Social Studies at the Great al-Fatih University, 18 April 1990, Tripoli Television Service, 19 April 1990.转引自Rumsfield Council, “Appendix III: Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States”, Rumsfield Commission Report, July 15, 1998.
    ①Reuters, 10:45 EST, 31 December 1995 (mimeo). See also "Gadhafi ready to use missiles," Minneapolis Star Tribune, 1 January 1996, p. A4.转引自Rumsfield Council,“Appendix III: Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States”, Rumsfield Commission Report, July 15, 1998.
    ②“德国称:不会反对法国向利比亚输出核能技术”,国际新能源网, http://www.in-en.com/newenergy/html/newenergy-200720070801113642.html.登陆时间:2009年12月2日。
    ①Sven Biscop, Euro-Mediterranean Security: A Searh for Partnership, Ashgate, 2003, pp.13-14.
    A.M. Jaffe, R. Soligo,“The Role of Inventories in Oil Market Stability”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 42, 2002.
    Alexander Wendt,“Anarchy is what states make of it: The Social Construction of Power Politics”, International Organization, Vol.46, No.2, 1992.
    Alexander Wendt,“Collective Identity Formation and The International State”, American Political Science Review, Vol.88, No.2,(June, 1994).
    Barbara Lippert, Kirsty Hughes, Heather Grabbe and Peter Becker, British and German Interests in EU Enlargement, Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd, 2001.
    Barry Buzan, Ole Waever, Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
    Barry Buzan, Ole Weaver and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Pub, 1997.
    Bjorn Hettne, Fredrik Sderbaum,“Theorizing the Rise of Regionness”, New Political Economy, Vol.5, Issue 3, (Nov. 2000).
    British Petroleum (BP), Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2006.
    Camille Grand,“The European Union and the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons”, Chaillot Paper 37, January 2000.
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    Christopher Piening, Global Europe: The EU in World Affairs, L. Rienner Publishers, 1997.
    David Dessler,“What’s at Stake in the Agent-Structure Debate?”, International Organization, Vol.43, No.3, 1989.
    David Fischer and Harold Miller,“A Treaty in Trouble: Europe and the NPT after the Fourth Review Conference”, PRIF Reports, No.17, January 1991.
    Del Sarto, A. Raffaella and Tobias Schumacher,“From EMP to ENP: What’s at Stake with the European Neighbourhood Policy towards the Southern Mediterranean?”, European Foreign Affairs Review ,No.10, 2005.
    Emanuel Adler, Michael N. Barnett, A Framework for the Study of Security Communities, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
    Enzo R. Grilli, The European Community and the Developing Countries, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
    European Commission, Barcelona Declaration, 27 and 28 November, 1995.
    European Commission, Civilian Headline Goal 2010.
    European Commission, EU Energy and Transport in Figures, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009.
    European Commission, Eurobarometer: 2006-2007 Yearbook of EU.
    European Commission,“Europe in the World: Some Practical Proposals for Greater Coherence, Effectiveness and Visibility”, Communication from the Commission to the European Council June 2006.
    European Commission, Europe’s Energy Position: Present & Future, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008.
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