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媒介权力(Media Power)特指大众媒介对个人或社会进行影响、操纵、支配,对议题进行议程设置的能力,是大众传播学的核心议题之一。随着信息时代的来临,对“网络媒介权力”的本质性把握成为决定网络管理和危机管理成败的关键因素。本文借鉴社会生态学的分析框架,运用社会网络分析法(SNA)、案例分析法、计算机仿真等方法,对热点事件中网络媒介权力的运行机制进行分析,并在此基础上提出了“自媒体”时代网络社会管理的模式与对策。本研究旨在为热点事件的有效管理提供学理依据,提升政府及有关部门的应急管理能力,从而为创新社会管理提供可行之策。
Media power is one of the core issues in mass communication, which refers to theability owned by mass media to make personal or social manipulation and to makeaggenda-setting. With the advent of the information age,the correct undersanding of“Network Media Power”is becoming a key factor in determining the success of networkmanagement and crisis management. This article draws on the analytical framework ofecology and analyzes the operating mechanism of the network media power in hotevents,using social network analysis (SNA), case analysis method, theoretical modelingand computer simulation method. Based on this,this paper puts forward the socialmanagement model and countermeasures in "We Media" era. The purpose of this study isto provide a theoretical basis for the effective management of the hot events, enhanceemergency management capacity of the government and the relevant departments, andthus provide a viable strategy for innovative social management.
     The unique properties of the network media have made a qualitative change in thepropagation mode. Media power dominated by media organizations in traditional era istransferred to the hands of Internet users,which challenges the traditional networkmanagement model to follow administrative directives and technical means. To solve thisproblem, this paper sorts out the articles on the study of network media power in thedomestic and international environment of hot events and makes commentary. Breakingthe previous simple view that the network media is just a technical platform forexchanges of information, this article defines the cconcept of "network media power" andother related ones based on the subjectivity of network media.And then, this paperconstructs the research framework and static-dynamic analysis model of network mediapower's operating mechanism, which lays the theoretical basis of this study.
     The Network media system has similarity of the structure, function, andcharacteristics with the natural ecosystem,whose complex relationship network formedby the interaction of the structural elements is an important foundation of media powergeneration. Therefore, this article introduces the ecology theory and social networkanalysis methods to the network media power research. First, learning from therelationship of environmen,groups (main),resources and other elements in naturalecosystem, this article builds a system framework of media power running in hot events.Furthermore,there is a static description of various structural elements of the system.Secondly, this paper makes the dynamic analysis of the relationship of the variouselements in the network system,and constructs the running mechanism model of networkmedia power in hot events,which composes by the dimension of running paths, runningmedia, running rules and running measurement. On this basis, this paper explainsrespectively the interaction process of Internet users, media populations and system environment under the operating mechanism of the network media power. In this process,all the main bodies interact in the above three levels based on their own resources (capital)so as to make their centrality and the ability of making agenda setting differented,andrespectively form the persuasive power, authoritative power and coercive power, whichdescribes the complex running mechanism that virtuality and reality intertwined ofnetwork media power.
     Based on the above theoretical analysis,there is the empirical analysis of theoperating mechanism of the network media power. The paper regards the vent of "7.23Yong-Wen line railroad accident" as the research object. Combined with realistic dataand simulated data,this paper interpretates the evolution of the network media powerfrom the three levels of Internet users, the media, and the system,and verifies thetheoretical assumptions. The computer simulation system based on the Java language andthe Access database developed by this research can change the parameters such asamount of Internet users,posts, websites and media type. And the simulation ofpropagation of posts in different contexts makes up for the lack of the real data.
     The network media has a powerful agenda-setting capacity in hot events, whosesubjectivity is achieved by the interaction of the three levels of the main body that is thenetizens individual, media populations and the system. Therefore,according to thedifferent characteristics of Internet users, media and system, this paper puts forwardrespectively the guiding countermeasures of persuasive power in regard to netizenindividuals, the regulating countermeasure of authoritative power in regard to mediapopulations and the governing countermeasures of coercive power in regard to the medianetwork system. For netizen individuals,what should do is to build psychosocialprevention and divert mechanism in order to avoid the emotion infections;To cultivateopinion leaders, who can correctly guide public opinion in the network. For mediapopulations,what should do is to strengthen differentiated management of different mediapopulations;To strengthen cooperation and exchanges between the media populations soas to play a polymerization effect. For network system,what should do is to strengthenthe ability of public governance;To clear the "gatekeeper" role of the traditionalmedia.On this basis, the new social relationship among government,media and public iscleared,and the collaborative governance model is built that in line with the laws of thenetwork society.
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