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     (1) 厘定了中西管理伦理比较的分析框架。根据管理哲学的一般分析方法,提出了中西管理伦理比较的五个基本维度:管理人性假设、管理伦理本质、管理伦理目标、管理伦理控制和管理伦理价值标准。简要分析了中西管理伦理比较的人文背景和管理理论发展背景。
     (2) 比较了中西管理伦理的主要特征。按照中西比较的五个维度,对中国传统管理伦理和西方管理伦理的主要特征进行了分析比较,总结了中西管理伦理各自的特点。
     (3) 分析了中西管理伦理融合的内在逻辑。根据中西管理伦理的不同特点,指出了中国传统管理伦理的不足和现代价值,以及西方管理伦理的优势和局限性。指出了中西管理伦理特征的互补性和契合性是中西融合的内在逻辑。
     (4) 构建了中西管理伦理融合模型。在分析中西管理伦理融合趋势的基础上,按照管理伦理的五个基本维度,建立了中西管理伦理融合的概念模型。实证分析说明了东西方管理伦理融合的必然性,验证了中西管理伦理融合模型的价值意义。
     (5) 进行了中西企业管理伦理实践的实证分析。选择一定数量的中国企业和外商独资企业为样本,按照管理伦理五个基本维度设计问卷,实施个案调查。通过对中国企业和外商企业在管理伦理实践方面的区别和差异的分析,明确了中国企业管理伦理实践中存在的问题。
     (6) 提出了中国企业管理伦理建设的对策建议。围绕管理伦理五个基本维度,提出了中国企业管理伦理建设的基本框架:权益人的人性假设、以人为本的管理本质、利益相关者的管理目标、嵌入伦理的管理控制和兼顾社会责任的价值追求。
Management ethics is a new subject on the cross-study of management science and ethics. For more than twenty years, the western developed countries have widely realized the importance, position and significance of management ethics, carried on microscopical, medium scopical and macroscopical studies on management ethics, and formed a series of new management ideas. In addition, they lay stress on the practical feasibility of the ideas and mix ethics into management. With the deepening of our country's reform and opening and the rapid development of our economy, the ethical problems in economical management have become more and more serious. Though Chinese scholars have made active discussions on management ethics, they are mostly limited in a theoretical study from a certain angle, lacking a whole scale grasp of Chinese business management and a theoretical guide for practical operations. Starting from a comparison between Chinese and western management ethics, this study suggests constructing a mixed Chinese-Western management ethics mode, and thus provides a countermeasure to Chinese businesses' management ethics. The following is the main content:(1)Making clear the analyzing framework of the comparison between Chinese and western management ethics. According to the general analyzing methods of management philosophy, the study suggests five basic dimensions: the hypothesis of management humanity, the nature of management ethics, the objectives of management ethics, the control of management ethics and the value judgment of management. It also briefly analyses the humanism background of the comparison between Chinese and western management ethics, as well as the management theory's developmental background.(2)Comparing the main characteristics of Chinese and western management ethics. According to the five dimensions of comparison, the study compares the main characteristics of traditional Chinese management ethics and western management ethics, getting the respective characteristics of their management ethics.(3)Analyzing the internal logic of the mixture of Chinese-western management ethics. According to the different characteristics of Chinese and western management ethics, the study points out the limits and modern values of traditional Chinese management ethics, as well as the advantages and limits of western management ethics, making it clear that the internal logic of a mixture of Chinese-western
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