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As an important way to prevent accidents in coal mining enterprises, safetymanagement system(SMS) plays a significant role of guiding, regulating andcontrolling on all kinds of subject behavior. However, the current situation does notseem optimistic, human factors out of the reasons attributing to major accidents andhuman-factor characters indicate that SMS haven’t shown an effective impact onguiding human safety behavior in coal and mine producing whatever on national levelor enterprise level. The safety of the enterprise personnel’s autonomic behavior is thekey point to coal and mine safety producing. What’s more, maximizing the degree ofpeople’s SMS compliance is the main way to improving coal mine safety. Therefore,how to design a reasonable SMS which can effectively guide people to conduct safebehaviors and finally fulfill independent safety behaviors is a very urgent problem.
     The search followed the circle logical line of practice-theory-practice, refine andcheck the new theory from practical problems, but also guide practice with the newtheory. Specifically, this study focuses on the invalidation problem of SMS occurreddue to the system's structural contradictions, and put forward an idea that binaryorganizational culture structure is an important cause of the contradiction. So weintegrated system, organization culture and organization value theory, and proposedthe new connotation of MingYi-YinZhen cultural dislocation, then we studied the coalmine workers SMS compliance and regularity from the perspective of dislocation.Focusing on large state-owned coal mining enterprises, we mainly used theinvestigation research, multivariate statistical analysis and response surface regressionanalysis method, and researched on organization culture structure theory building,relationship between MingYi-YinZhen culture dislocation and SMS compliancechoice, MingYi-YinZhen cultural dimensions development and verification in coalmining enterprise, practice research on relationship between MingYi-YinZhen culturaldislocation and SMS compliance choice and suggestion about coal mining enterprisesSMS design aspects. With practice research on choices regularity of Largestate-owned coal mining enterprise workers SMS, along with the study on thecategory of MingYi-YinZhen cultural dislocation, we considered the goals of safetyand development, systemic building of SMS to promote SMS compliance of workers.
     The conclusions are as follows:(1) The internal transverse and verticaldislocation of organizational culture make up the misplace shape of MingYi-YinZhenculture, which is the natural character of the inner structure of organizational culture. The available dislocation is an acceptable form of the two kinds of cultural dislocation.(2)MingYi-YinZhen culture dimension of Coal mine enterprise includes eightdimensions and37value items. The eight dimensions are overstepping-oriented,people-oriented, team-oriented, ethics-oriented, perfectness-oriented, social-oriented,equity-oriented and rules-oriented.(3)SMS compliance can be divided into in-forcedsystem compliance and out-forced system compliance. The MingYi-YinZhen culturalcharacteristics of SMS mainly reflect on two aspects: the ‘institutionespoused-individual enacted’ value dislocation and the ‘institutionespoused-institution implementation’ value dislocation.(4)There is MingYi-YinZhenculture dislocation in SMS design, enacting and expounding part in investigatedenterprises. Meanwhile, there is significant difference in three values between age,work age, education and position.(5)Empirical study has found that there is a linearor nonlinear relation between the MingYi-YinZhen culture dislocation and SMScompliance in coal mining enterprises, and MingYi-YinZhen culture dislocation havea non-linear relationship with SMS compliance, and three values have differentweight order for own.(6)Autonomous behavior safety and SMS compliancemaximization are independent goals. The SMS design should consider availabledislocation so that it can get a balance between autonomous behavior safety and SMScompliance maximization. It is necessary to design homeostasis regulation systemcoal Mine SMS compliance behavior to get a balance between organization culture,value construction and system and influence workers’ system compliance choice.
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