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The advanced modern service industry is an important symbol of an economically central city. With characteristics such as low consumption of resources, little pollution to environment, stimulations to related industries, high economic benefits and large employment, etc, the service industry plays an increasingly significant role in the economic society. From the perspective of competitiveness, this research paper comprehensively and systematically explored and discussed the modern urban service industry, along three dimensions including theoretical study, empirical analysis and development forecast.
     Based on the theories of service industry, the paper first elaborates the history, definitions, classification and features of service industry and modern service industry. Then it discusses the rules for development of service industry in the global economy and the Chinese economy. Chapter Three is methodology, which identifies the basic principles, factors, indicators and their weights to formulate the evaluation framework. Chapter Four explores the modern service industry in Beijing from aspects such as overview, current development, major problems and key industries. Chapter Five compares municipalities in China with global major metropolises, concluding that the modern service industry in Beijing has a leading position in China but still falls behind global metropolises; the key service industries in Beijing are also analyzed.
     Based on the discussions and analysis in Chapter Five, Chapter Six makes a series of predictions for the modern service industry in Beijing, forecasts that the share of modern service industry in Beijing is likely to exceed 75% in 2007, and proposes many constructive suggestions. In the end, Chapter Seven provides conclusions, innovative points and outlooks based on the study.
     Features of the paper are mainly reflected in three aspects. Firstly, it has a novel topic, a logic structure and reliable data. The project avoids the conventional framework for analyzing modern urban service industry, and studies relevant issues of modern urban service industry from the angle of competitiveness, with accurate and latest data. Secondly, it integrates the theoretical study and empirical study. On the basis of theories of modern service industry, the paper selects seven cities, including London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing, for contrast and comparison with Beijing; it utilizes the modern statistical methods to evaluate the competitiveness of modern service industry. Thirdly, it tries to make the forecast realistic and forward-looking. Based on the reality of Beijing, the paper summarizes the historical development and current performance of the modern service industry in Beijing, analyzes its comparative advantages and obstructive factors, and proposes the measures to promote its development on the basis of vertical and horizontal comparisons.
     As for technical processing methods and research strategies, this project integrates systematic and empirical analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, realistic and forecast analysis, as well as theoretical and realistic analysis. The paper properly selects several indicators that can reflect the competitiveness of modern service industry, establishes an indicator system for evaluation on modern urban service industry and makes objective and scientific assessment on the modern service industry's competitiveness. This is an innovation by the paper, which enriches the implication of study on modern urban service industry.
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