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     论文在以上分析基础上结合相关理论和文献,提出了创新型企业成长路径形成影响因素作用关系的假设和概念模型。对创新意识、创新人才、创新资金、工艺创新、产品创新、市场创新、管理创新、组织创新、环境支持力、环境不确定性进行了变量设计,构建了创新型企业成长路径形成影响因素的结构方程模型。通过对全国范围内创新型企业进行调查,获取实证数据,运用Spss与Amos 6.0软件对模型进行评价与修正,从而得出可以与实际数据契合的模型,同时根据模型计算结果对创新意识、创新资金、创新人才、创新行为、成长绩效间作用关系进行检验,并对外部环境对其他各因素间的调节作用进行了验证。
Innovative enterprises have achieved rapid development in China with increasingly prominent role in international competition in recent years; however, compared with developed countries, there are still many problems about China's innovative company's growth. Many companies can only achieve short-term growth, but it is difficult to realize sustained, long-term growth, the fundamental reason is that innovative companies have not yet found effective path during the growth. Therefore, it is of great significance to be analyzing the function mechanism of innovative business growth path influencing factors and exploring the thread of the path chosen to promote innovative enterprises healthy and sustained growth.
     Based on reviewing the research status at home and abroad of innovative enterprise as well as the growth path, this paper defines innovative enterprise and discriminates the connotation of achieving sustained growth; then probes into the concept of innovative enterprise growth path as well as characteristics. On this basis, identified the key influencing factors and probed the innovative companies' growth path formation process, so as to lay a solid theoretical foundation for subsequent research.
     This thesis analyzes the critical factors action mechanism that affecting innovative companies'growth path formation; according to different innovative behavior-oriented, partition the type of growth path and discusses the corresponding implementation strategies.
     On the basis of above analysis, proposing the assumptions and conceptual models about the relationships between influencing factors of innovative enterprises growth path formation by combination of theory and literature, and designs variables for the innovation sense, innovation talent, innovation funds, process innovation, product innovation, market innovation, management innovation, organizational innovation, environment support and environment uncertainty; based on this, it constructs the structural equation model of influencing factors relation of innovative companies growth path formation. We obtain empirical data through a nationwide survey of innovative enterprises, using Amos 6.0 software to do the model evaluation and correction, thus come with the model that fit actual data, while doing the test on the relationship between innovation consciousness, innovation fund, innovation talent, innovative behavior and growth performance based on model results, and the regulation of the external environmental effect on the relations between the various factors was also verified.
     By clearing formation mechanism of innovative companies growth path, general decision-making ideas of innovative enterprises growth path choosing is proposed through adopting the gray hazy set method, which is divided into four stages about embryonic state, developmental state, mature state, empirical state. Then builds the grey clustering evaluation model for the growth performance of innovative enterprises and conducts an empirical study by selecting Longxin chemical industry in Heilongjiang province.
     In the end, the thesis proposes the healthy growth management countermeasures for innovative enterprises from the enterprise and environmental dimensions. Thus provide decision-making reference for government policy guidance and innovative enterprise development strategy from the angle of providing good support conditions along with improving the external environment for path selection and effective implementation.
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