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Digital Moon is a comprehensive discipline that combines moon science, information technology and system science. Not only is it an innovation in disciplinary field, but also in engineering technology system. It is a unified digitized means of solving problems of Moon science and an efficient approach of utmost using of exploiting the moon information resources. Digital Moon Platform as the application and extension of Digital Moon is a significant component of Digital Moon and the main presentation method of the commercialization and platforming of it as well. Digital Moon platform is conducted to offer information services mainly about lunar spatial information, and its key is spatial information service module. G/S module as a new spatial information network service module is able to efficiently solve the organization and management problems of massive, isomerous and multi-sources spatial data, thus realized the polymerization of the spatial information service.
     Beginning with the study of the Digital Moon platform theory system, directed towards our country’s requirements of data publication and achievements sharing of lunar orbiting exploration engineering science and connected G/S module with Digital Moon platform, this article deeply analyzed and researched the architecture and operating mechanism of Digital Moon Platform based on G/S module from the information service perspective, elaborated the all the referring key technologies, established a suit of data description and distributed integration methods based on Digital Lunar Mark-up Language(DLML) of Lunar Spatial data, and finally constructed the prototype system of the Digital Moon Platform based on G/S module.
     The innovations achieved by this article are:
     (1) Designed a digital Lunar Mark-up Language (DLML). On the basis of deeply study of GML, KML and other geo-information mark-up language, according to the requirements of our country’s data publication and achievements sharing of lunar orbiting exploration engineering science, on the basis of the grammar and syntax of extensible mark-up language (XML), designed and implemented a kind of lunar information mark-up Language. DLML is used for realize the descriptions of spatial data and attribute data, achievement data of the moon exploration science, the moon scene wandering control and distributed data integration with the moon space objects at the core.
     (2) Put forward the architecture of Digital Moon based on G/S module. With the conception of Distribution of Data,Aggregation of Information,Polymerization of Service, this article proposed an architecture of Digital Moon platform which is based on G/S module and with the DLML at the core. Different from traditional virtual Moon system or Digital Moon Platforms based on other architectures, this architecture has prospect and prediction. This article on the basis of deeply study of the Digital Moon Platform based on G/S module, started from the data publication and achievement sharing of our country’s data exploration science, and centered on the DLML as the core, did some corresponding researches on the key technologies of distributed Moon spatial data server cluster and the design and implementation of Digital Moon browser, and ultimately established the architecture of Digital Moon Platform based on G/S module, as well as its prototype system. Moreover, through specific application examples, the validity and superiority of the moon space information service providing capacity of Digital Moon Platform based on G/S module has been proved.
     (3) Put forward a moon spatial information service module centering on information polymerization. This article uses the G/S spatial information service polymerization module on the core of Digital Moon Platform– digitalization of moon spatial information service, and using the information service process in Digital Moon Platform as research subject, analyzed and studied the architecture and operation mechanism of Digital Moon Platform based on G/S module from the perspective of Distribution of Data,Aggregation of Information,Polymerization of Service, thus offered the theoretical foundation and application model for our country to construct independent, controllable, architecture-oriented Lunar Spatial Information Service platform.
     Based on the innovative research mentioned above, the achievements this article has gained include:
     1. Enriched and enhanced the concept and application architecture of Digital Moon.
     On the basis of the study of the concept and application of Digital Earth and combined with the digitalize requirement of Lunar Spatial Information Service, this article complemented and enhanced the current concept and connotation of Digital Moon, clarified the application architecture of Digital Moon, systematically and comprehensively presented the meaning, theoretical foundation, architecture and key technologies of Digital Moon, therefore provided theoretical direction and practical evidence of constructing Digital Moon Platform.
     2. Preliminarily established the theory foundation and technical architecture of Digital Moon Platform based on G/S module.
     From the perspective of Digital Moo”, this article put forward the concept of the Digital Moon Platform covering Lunar Spatial Information management and Lunar Spatial Information Service, and annotated its meaning, theory foundation, architecture and significance of scientific research. Connecting G/S module with Digital Moon Platform, and analyzed and studied the architecture and operation mechanism of Digital Moon Platform from the perspective of information service. Preliminarily established the theory foundation and technical architecture of Digital Moon Platform based on G/S module and offered the theoretical foundation and application model for our country to construct independent and controllable Lunar Spatial Information Service platform.
     3. Defined a set of Lunar Spatial data description and distributed integration method based on DLML.
     On the basis of deeply study of GML, KML and other geo-information mark-up language and according to the requirements of our country’s data publication and achievements sharing of lunar orbiting exploration engineering science, this article, on the basis of the grammar and syntax of XML, designed a Lunar Information Mark-up language– DLML. DLML is able to realize the descriptions of Lunar Spatial data, attribute data, achievement data of the moon exploration, scene wandering control and distributed data integration, and established a set of Lunar Spatial data description and distributed integration method based on DLML.
     4. Constructed the prototype system of Digital Moon Platform base on G/S module
     On the basis of G/S module and the architecture of Digital Moon, on the support of the CCD image data and elevation data of Chang’E I, and centered on the DLML, this article constructed the prototype system of Digital Moon Platform based on G/S module. This system adopts G/S module, the front-end realizes user-system interaction through the Digital Moon browse modeled on the Geo-browser. Back-end manages lunar data through distributed Lunar Spatial data servers. This system, by using DLML, describes, presents and integrates the information mainly about Lunar Spatial data. This system has the value of reference and promotion for our country to construct independent and controllable Digital Moon Platform, and other lunar data management and sharing platforms.
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