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The terrain has become a basic geographic features, since the1970s, digital terrain datashowing a high-precision, large-scale trend. Therefore, the study terrain data to support thelarge amount of data computing power become key issues to solve the bottleneck of the terraindata analysis. Although many experts and scholars at home and abroad have done a lot ofresearch work and a lot of good results, but there is no form recognized the perfect solution. Inthis paper, the parallel formation of massive terrain data processing technology involved in thecloud computing technology, image pyramid, large-scale topographic data cloud storage andscheduling policy research to explore through the completion of large-scale terrain data in thecloud computing environment efficient organization and scheduling, and ultimately throughthe realization of the the digital Earth experimental system in a Hadoop cloud environment toverify the feasibility of the theory. The main contents include:
     1. The characteristics of large-scale topographic data, research is conducive to large-scalestructure of the terrain data and storage in the cloud computing environment, the establishmentof efficient data organization model and the corresponding index, scheduling mechanism toachieve global scale topographic data efficient management.
     2. Comprehensive explore the pyramid model of parallel formation of the problem, combinedwith a variety of techniques to give an efficient parallel build programs and test performance.Existing cloud environment job scheduling algorithm based on the full analysis of the study,the lack of existing algorithms, put forward an improved job scheduling algorithms and fortesting and analysis.
     3. The application of the results of the above study, the use of the Hadoop cloud technologydesign and the initial establishment of the Digital Earth in a cloud environment experimentalplatform to achieve real-time interactive roaming in the cloud computing environment and testperformance.
     4. Based on the above research, I targeted the contribution as follows: First, I propose alarge-scale terrain data in a cloud environment organizational mechanisms-cloud model ofthe pyramid; proposed an improved job scheduling algorithm; the third is to design andimplement a digital Earth under the cloud computing model experimental system.
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