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本文是对中美两国的情境喜剧----一种起源于美国的电视艺术样式所进行的系统的比较研究。因为比较的两极在文本数量和质量上的严重不均衡状态,使得笔者不得不选取一个既有可比性又有论述价值和理论纵深空间的角度进行阐释。本文主要从喜剧性的角度切入,对中美情境喜剧在喜剧风貌以及营造喜剧性的具体艺术手段进行比较研究。由于美国的情境喜剧发展历史之长,资料之浩瀚,收集之难度,本文选取了三个标准来确定研究对象的范围,它们是:一、在历史某一时期最受学术界和评论界青睐的情境喜剧,对其作品的选定将以美国电视艾美奖每年的获奖情境喜剧名单作为依据。二、历史上某一时期最受观众喜爱的剧作,其中对“最受观众喜爱的界定”将主要以美国尼尔森公司的收视率调查以及美国的TV Guide上的收视排名作为参考;三、笔者目前能通过各种渠道收集到的、不在上述之列的美国情境喜剧文本。而作为比较另一极的中国情境喜剧的研究对象将覆盖十几年来产生过一定影响的、进入了流通渠道和笔者阅读视野的大多数情境喜剧作品。在研究方法上,本课题以类型研究为经,以比较研究为维,并辅以阐述学、传播学、接受美学、叙事学、人类文化学等理论。
This dissertation aims to make a theoretical and systematic comparative study on Chinese and American situation comedies---a TV genre originated in America. Owing to the disparate distance between the sitcom works of the two countries both in terms of quantity and quality, the author has to choose a perspective which is of both comparative values and theoretical significance. In an effort to solve the problems arose from Chinese Sitcoms during the process of its localization , the research is carried out from a comedy-feature perspective , intending to compare the different comedic styles as well as the specific artistic strategies used in each side to build up comedic effects. Due to the long history of American situation comedies and the immensity of the sitcom texts ,to collect and to analyze all the data seems impossible. Thus, the author has to confine the American sitcom texts within a feasible range. Basically, three standards are applied to define the range of the research subjects: firstly, academically and critically acclaimed situation comedies---based on the list of the Emmy Awards each year; secondly, the most warmly received comedies by the audience ---based on the audience ratings revealed by Nielson Company on the American TV Guide; thirdly, whatever American situation comedy texts found by the author from every possible channel. The three may be either overlapping or complementary, but all together they will make a solid representation of the American sitcoms; as for the scope of study of Chinese situation comedies, which has a relatively short history, the research will cover all the works that are accessible and have had some influence in the development of the genre. As far as the research method is concerned , the chief methods employed in this study are genre studies and comparative studies, meanwhile other important theories , such as communication theories , narrative theories, reception theory ,ethnology study , etc, are also applied where they are necessary .
     The main viewpoints and the logic organization of the dissertation are as follows:
     The first chapter is a comparative study of the American and Chinese sitcoms from the angle of histories of development. As this is the very first step on our journey, it is necessary to examine when and how situation comedies developed respectively in China and the United States, so that a better comprehension of their artistic features could be achieved later. In this chapter the author first explores the birth of situation comedy as an artistic form in America and its significant role in the suburbanization movement in American history. Then the localization of situation comedies in China is traced too and the existing problems in Chinese situation comedies, mainly in terms of artistic quality, are pointed out and discussed. Overall, the entire first chapter serves to pave the way forward for the comparative journey followed.
     Chapter two to Chapter five, which consist the main body of the dissertation, analyze and compare the differences of artistic features in American and Chinese situation comedies from four levels:
     Chapter two explores the use of comic language in American and Chinese situation comedies. Languages used in situation comedies of both countries share certain similarities in producing humorous effects; however, as carriers of drastically different cultures, the differences are even more obvious. The American‘pursuit of surprise’in humor creating guarantees the high quality and desirable effects of the comic languages in situation comedies. Besides, the wide-use of sexual jokes is also one of its most conspicuous features. Comparatively, absorbing from Cross-talks as well as regional dialects and other resources, comic language used in Chinese situation comedies possess very distinctive Chinese features. Nonetheless, these features all have their own demerits and thus could not fulfill the aesthetic needs of creating humor in the long run. And needless to say, due to different cultural and aesthetic values, sexual joke could never appear on Chinese television screens.
     Chapter Three is a comparative study on the‘comic situation’in American and Chinese Sitcoms. In this chapter, the author puts forward the concept of“comic situation”in Situation Comedies and further explained its connotations , classification, as well as its aesthetic significance to situation comedies .It is Based on this theoretical framework that the author contrasted the differences between Chinese and American situation comedies on two levels : from a macroscopic perspective, the American Comic Situations are abundant in variety and carefully conceived while the Chinese situations are monotonous and similar in styles, lack interesting characters and incidents; and microscopically, the American comic scenes tend to be very lively and vivacious while their Chinese counterparts are much quieter and depend almost entirely on dialogues. These differences, in turn, result in the different artistic styles of the two countries.
     Chapter Four focuses on Narration. The chapter aims at discussing about the differences and similarities of situation comedies of the two countries on the content, mode and the function of story telling. The core content of situation comedies of both countries is the quotidian lives of the ordinary people. Nevertheless differences still exist: people’s lives depicted in American sitcoms are like‘the peace in the center of a hurricane’; focusing only on trivial ,laughable matters , far from the turbulent reality, while in depicting people’s daily lives, the Chinese stories always try to reflect the fleeting social changes. As for the mode of narration of the situation comedies, the American works like to arrange multiple storylines interwoven with small fragmented stories while the Chinese situation comedies prefer a single and complete story. Finally, as far as the function of the Narration is concerned , the American put more emphasis on the importance of friendship and family, making entertaining the audience the primary aim while never neglect the educational purpose of the stories; on the other hand, the Chinese always put educational function before the function of entertaining people, with each episode conceived to preach something .After exploring these various differences, the author further discussed the impact they had on the comedic effect of the situation comedies.
     In Chapter Five, the author moves on to the comic Characters. As the core of every piece of narrative art, characterization always plays an essential role in artistic creation .Characterization in Situation Comedies are also of crucial significance to the achievement of comedic effect. This chapter examined the issue from three aspects: representational strategies, artistic strategies and performing styles. Firstly,Situation comedies of both countries portray characters as“lovely but flawed average people”, however drastic discrepancy exists in the choice of people they represent. Secondly, though both sides depicted their comic characters as flat ones, the characters created in American and Chinese Sitcoms were quite different in effect. A more refined flat character, with relative complexity of personality and strong humane feelings appeared in American Sitcoms while the characters in Chinese texts tend to be too flat and cartoon-like , lacking the aesthetic beauty to attract the audience . And lastly, the difference of acting styles and performance competences also cast direct influence on the portraying of characters.
     The last chapter focuses on a comparative background study. The author probes into the different backgrounds against which situation comedies of the two countries exist from four perspectives: culturally speaking ,the“merry”culture and the“melancholic”Chinese surely exert tremendous influence on the comic spirit of both nations and the development of comedies in the two countries consequently; analyzed from the angle of television system, the difference in institutional systems, media functions, and censure systems are all conspicuous; technically speaking, the production and broadcasting system also vary greatly. Finally from the perspective of reception, the different constitution of the audience, their motives, and their aesthetic traditions inevitably lead to the different development of the genre in the two counties. After examining these deeper roots underlying the differences of the situation comedies, the author draws the conclusion that the Chinese situation comedies still have a long way to go to reach its maturity.
3 Attallah , Paul, The Unworthy Discourse: Sitation Comedy in Television,in Joannne Morreale(ed),Criquing the Sitcom: A Reader, Syracuse University Press, 2003
    7 Bret Mills, Television Sitcom, British Film Institute, 2005,P14。
    0 Mintz, Larry, Situation Comedy, in B.G Rose (ed.) TV Genres: A Handbook and Reference Guide. (Westport, Routledge 1985,pp114-15,
    13 Bret Mills ,Television Sitcom, British Film Institute ,2005
    16 16 Bret Mills ,Television Sitcom, British Film Institute , 2005
    1 7毛泽东《矛盾论》,见《毛泽东选集》一卷本第283页,人民出版社1969年版。
    23这里所举是西方部分学者对于分析喜剧的观点,转引自Mintz,Larry , situation Comedy , in B.G Rose(ed) TV Genres: A Handbook and Reference Guide.,Westport, Routledge ,1985,pp14-16
    26Jonathan Bignell & Stephen Lacy, Editor‘s Instruction ,In popular television drama- critical perspectives, Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press. 2005, p11
    30 Jack Gladden, Archie Bunker Meets Mr Spoopen Dyke: Situation Comedy, Journal of Popular Culture, Vol 10, No.1, 1976
    31 Arthur Wertheim, American Radio Comedy,Manchester University Press, 1981
    33 Fisher John, Funny Way to Be a Hero , St Albans: Paladin, 1976
    34 Fisher John, Funny Way to Be a Hero , St Albans: Paladin, 1976
    35 Mary Livingstone, Marks Marcia Boride, Jack Benny, Doubleday, Garden City , New York , 1978, p65
    36 Fisher John, Funny Way to Be a Hero ,St Albans: Paladin, 1976
    37 Bret Mills ,Television Sitcom, British Film Institute, 2005
    38 Gerald Jones, Honey, I am Home!Sitcom: Selling the American Dream, New York , St Martin’s Press,1992
    39转引自Michael·V·Tueth ,Laughter in the Living Room–Television Comedy and the American home Audience,Peter Lang, New York
    40 Gerald Jones, Honey, I am Home: Sitcom, Selling the American Dream, New York , St Martin’s Press,1992
    41 Michael·V·Tueth ,Laughter in the Living Room–Television Comedy and the American home Audience,Peter Lang, New York ,
    42 Michael·V·Tueth ,Laughter in the Living Room–Television Comedy and the American home Audience,Peter Lang, New York
    43 Michael·V·Tueth ,Laughter in the Living Room–Television Comedy and the American home Audience,Peter Lang, New York
    51David Marc , Demographic Vistas: Television in American Culture , Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984,第52页。
    1 Mintz, L, Situation Comedy, in B·Rose (ed.), TV genres: A Hand Book and Reference Guide, New York: Greenwood.
    54 David Marc , Demographic Vistas: Television in American Culture , Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984, p11 ,
    55 James H. Wittebols, Watching MASH, Watching America -a social history of the 1972-1983 television series, 1998, Mc Farland Company, Inc., Publishers, North Carolina
    74 Michael·V·Tueth ,Laughter in the Living Room–Television Comedy and the American home Audience,Peter Lang, New York , 71页,
    75同上, 71页,
    79 David Lavery, ( ed) , Seinfeld, Master of its Domain, the Continuum Publishing Group, New York, 2006。
    80 David Lavery, ( ed) , Seinfeld, Master of its Domain, the Continuum Publishing Group, New York, 2006。
    92 (日)中村元《东方民族的思维方法》林太,马小鹤译,浙江人民出版社, 1989年,第195页。
    93 Seinfeld in the European Perspective, in David Lavery, ( ed) , Seinfeld, Master of its Domain, the Continuum Publishing Group, New York, 2006
    94见A Guide Book to International Students, Southern California University International Office
    95《涉性话题〈老友记〉引进面临搁浅》,2004-01-16 16:24:52,来源:南方网-南方都市报。
    103 Mellencamp,High Anxiety:Catastrophe,Scandal,Age and Comedy, Indiana University Press,1992
    1 David Marc , Demographic Vistas: Television in American Culture , Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984, , 52页
    107 Rick Mintz ,The Great TV Sitcom , Richard Mark Publishers , New York, 1980
    108柏文蔚,《谢谢你,这么长时间陪伴我》,《海外影视》, 2004年第一期。
    109 David Lavery , ( ed ),Seinfeld, master of its domain,) the Continuum Publishing Group, New York, 2006,
    111 Wittebols, James H, Watching M*A*S*H, Watching America : a social history of the 1972-1983 television series , Yale University , 1990
    112Don Rodney Vaughan ,Why The Andy Griffith Show Is Important to Popular Cultural Studies ,The Journal of Popular Culture 38 (2), 397–423,2004
    113Don Rodney Vaughan ,Why The Andy Griffith Show Is Important to Popular Cultural Studies ,The Journal of Popular Culture 38 (2), p397–423, 2004
    118见文雨,《东北一家人,还差一点点》,www.people.com.cn, 2003/03/30
    122 David Grote, The End of Comedy: the Sit-com and the Comedic Tradition, Hamden, CT: Archon,1997
    123 David Grote, The End of Comedy: the Sit-com and the Comedic Tradition Hamden, CT: Archon,1997 1
    24 (美),路易斯·菲利普等《电视年鉴》,麦克米兰出版公司,1994年英文版。
    127 Jane Feuer, Genre Study and Television , In R.C Allen (ed), Channels of Discourse, Reassembled, London and New York: Routledge,1992.
    135莫里哀,《达尔杜弗序言》,李建吾译,《文艺理论译从》, 1958,第125页。
    138138 Janet Staiger, Blockbuster TV,Must See Sitcoms in the Network,New York University Press, New York and London , 2000
    139 (美)史密斯·杰瑞,《广播、电视和有线电视》,第339、340页
    147张育华,《电视剧叙事话语》转引自曾庆瑞《电视剧原理》,中国传媒大学出版社, 2007年7月第一版。
    152转引自Gerald Mast, The Comic Mind—Comedy And The Movies,the University of Chicago Press, Chicago, P79
    153 Mellencamp,High Anxiety:Catastrophe,Scandal,Age and Comedy, Indiana University Press,1992
    154 Bret Mills , Television Sitcom, British Film Institute, London , 2005
    1 6 1此部分内容选自笔者拙作《喜剧突破与创作误区—从《武林外传》的喜剧性得失谈起》见《现代传播》2006年第5期。
    165见Richard·F·Taflinger的个人网页中的“Comic Theory Applied to Sitcoms”原文是“It must be perceived by the observer as harmless or painless to the participants.”笔者译
    176 Barnouw,Eric, Tube of Plenty: The Evolution of American Television ,2nd edition , New York and Oxford: Oxford University press, 1990
    182 Calson,Marvin ,Performance: A Critical introduction, London and New York: Routledge,1996
    186 Vince Waldron, Classic Sitcoms—A celebration of the Best in Prime-time Comedy, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1987
    187 David Marc , Demographic Vistas: Television in American Culture , Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984,第52页。
    188转引自Rick Mitz ,The Great TV Sitcom,Richard Mare Publishers , New York, 1980
    189古本戏曲丛刊初集[ M]上海;上海商务印书馆,1954。
    191 Calson, Marvin, Performance: A Critical Introduction, London and New York: Routledge,1996
    192 Calson, Marvin, Performance: A Critical Introduction, London and New York: Routledge,1996
    194 Attallah ,The Unworthy Discourse, In W. Rowland & B Watkins (eds) Interpreting Television : Current Research Perspectives ( pp 222-249), Newbury park
    203 Stephen Leacock,American Humor, from Essays and Literary Studies, New York ,1916
    204 Gerald Mast,The Comic Mind– Comedy and the Movies , the University of Chicago Press ,1979
    205 George Rickman , The Film Comedy Reader,Limelight Editions , New York , 2001
    10马德波,《电影喜剧的命运---悲剧》,《电影文化》, 1981年第一辑。
    1David Marc , Demographic Vistas: Television in American Culture , Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984, P11
    224见《美国娱乐业发展公司发布关于电视剧样片制作及其经济影响的第一份报告》(EIDC Issues First Overview of Pilot Production Activity and Economic Impact),2005年5月4日发布。
    225苗棣《成长的烦恼—情境喜剧在中国》,载于《中美电视剧比较研究》,曲春景主编,上海三联出版社, 2005年3月。
    235 Marvin Smith , Radio TV Cable, Eastern Washington University, CBS College Publishing
    247 Genre Expectation and Narrative Revolution , In David Lavery, ( ed) , Seinfeld, Master of its Domain, the Continuum Publishing Group, New York, 2006
    李京盛主编《中国电视剧年度发展报告(2005-2006)》,中国传媒大学出版社, 2007年7月第1版
    David Lavery, ( ed) , Seinfeld, Master of its Domain, the Continuum Publishing Group, New York, 2006
    Michael·V·Tueth ,Laughter in the Living Room–Television Comedy and the American home Audience,Peter Lang, New York
    Gerald Mast, The Comic Mind—Comedy And The Movies,the University of Chicago Press,Chicago,1997
    Mellencamp,High Anxiety:Catastrophe,Scandal,Age and Comedy, Indiana University Press,1992
    Bret Mills, Television Sitcom, British Film Institute, London, 2005 W. Rowland & B Watkins (eds) Interpreting Television : Current Research Perspectives ,Newbury park
    Mintz, Larry, Situation Comedy, in B.G Rose(ed) TV Genres: A Handbook and Reference Guide. Westport, Routledge 1985,
    Jones Gerald, Honey ,I Am Home: Selling the American Dream, Grove Press, New York, 1992
    Jack Gladden, Archie Bunker Meets Mr Spoopen Dyke: Situation Comedy,Journal of Popular Culture, Vol, 10, no1, 1976
    Fisher John, Funny Way to Be a Hero ,St Albans: Paladin, 1976
    John Fiske. Television Culture : Studies in Communication Series, Routledge,1988,
    Prime-Time Families: Television Culture in Postwar America, Berkeley:University of California Press,1989
    Staiger, Janet, Blockbuster TV : Must-See Sitcoms in the Network Era, New York University Press,2000
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    Neale, S., & Krutnik,F, Popular Film and Television Comedy. New York: Routledge, 1990
    Rickman, G. (Ed.), The film Comedy Reader. New York: Limelight, 2002
    Cavell, S. Pursuits of Happiness: The Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1981
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    Harris, J, Watching with the Simpsons. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, 2006
    Attallah, The Unworthy Discourse, In W. Rowland & B Watkins (eds) Interpreting Television : Current Research Perspectives ( pp 222-249), Newbury park
    Don Rodney Vaughan, Why The Andy Griffith Show Is Important to Popular Cultural Studies, The Journal of Popular Culture 38 (2), 397–423, 2004
    Stephen Leacock,American Humor, from Essays and Literary Studies, New York, 1916
    苗棣《成长的烦恼—情境喜剧在中国》,载于《中美电视剧比较研究》,曲春景主编,上海三联出版社, 2005年3月
    《美国娱乐业发展公司发布关于电视剧样片制作及其经济影响的第一份报告》(EIDC Issues First Overview of Pilot Production Activity and Economic Impact),2005年5月4日发布

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