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In the modernization drive of our country, the governments have been all playing a leading role all the time. In reality, involve it in the incidents and questions of public interests in almost all the, the government is playing an important role all the time too. Since the legitimacy, authoritativeness of the executive power as one of " public power " have already got people's general approval, the question of meriting attention is: How organize government organ and should how about organize? How work government organ and until who work? Different government organ appoint in internal management, fund application, personnel with at performance assess, it is that how is it, which are the difference? What is the reason which causes the difference? Which questions related to public interests should be undertaken by the government organ, how to bear? These, it is this text that attempt, study around public realization and a series of problems of operation of executive power of interests.
    Though space is limited, realization and the studying of operation of executive power of public interests, this text will not merely go on in terms of administrative law science, the relevant theories of political science , economics , sociology are the important part that this text pay close attention to and draw lessons from too. Introduction part in article, explain original intention and result that plan up to that do so, and it want it is public without being proved and why be for law sciences administrative the operations of executive power realization of interests should problems important concerned, and carried on essential definition to some concept questions, thought that prepared in argumentation of the text.
    Part one --Method and theory. Method to study one prerequisite and means of problem any, part this try hard, set up this text theoretical foundation of research. Choose public theory of choosing and social action theory the theory related to public interests and government expound the fact that analyze, the purpose is combining with basic theories of the administrative law in order to support the theme herein to study.
    Part two --The realization of public interests and operation summary of the
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