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     近年来,制度环境在融资结构选择中的作用日益受到学术界的广泛关注。许多跨国研究揭示了特定国家制度环境对融资结构选择的影响(Raj an和Zingales,1995; Demirguc-Kunt和Maksimovic,1998,1999).然而,将在发达国家的制度环境下开发的融资结构理论直接应用到我国的民营企业身上,很可能会“药不对症”。正如Barclay和Smith(1999)所指出的,在融资结构研究领域,最重要的便是结合公司融资的制度环境,提出更符合现实的假设,设计出更为有效的实证模型,从而找到驱动企业融资决策的核心要素。我国正处于经济转轨时期,存在着特殊的制度背景。如股权结构较为独特,投资者法律保护不健全,市场发育不完善,政府干预较为严重,金融发展水平较为落后等。在我国,各个省份、自治区和直辖市(统称为地区)在地方政府管制、政府对企业的干预信用文化、产品和要素市场的发育程度、金融发展水平以及法律制度环境等方面存在相当大的差异(樊纲等,2012)。这为研究制度环境和融资结构选择之间的关系提供了难得的机会。近年来,政府相关部门积极发展公司债、企业债等债务融资工具,这为研究融资结构问题提供了条件,尤其是债务期限结构问题。且在我国特有的制度背景下,存在许多与融资相关的问题,如终极控制股东往往会根据自身利益调整公司融资政策以增强其壕沟效应,掠夺外部投资者财富和获取控制权私有收益等,从而影响企业的目标融资结构决策和调整融资结构的交易费用(即调整成本)。因此,理清终极所有权结构、制度环境与融资结构动态调整(目标融资结构和调整速度)之间关系具有重要的学术价值。
Since reform and opening up, private economy has made rapid development. In recent years, the contributions of private economy to technology innovation, GDP growth and employment are far more than state-owned enterprises (SOE). For stae-owned enterprises, despite the establishment of State Assets Management Committee (SAMC) partly solves the problem of sponsor. However, because ultimate controlling shareholder (SAMC) of SOE is not the ultimate principals, so it does not have a legitimate residual claim although it has own effective control. The mismatch between residual claim and control right will not only lead to low operating efficiency, but also result in the serious loss of innovation efficiency because of the serious separation between innovation usufruct and control right of innovation during executives of SOE are in office (Wu,2012). For private enterprises, ultimate controlling shareholders not only grasp the actual control right, but also have the legitimate residual claim. So the higher operating efficnecy and innovation efficiency can be guaranteed. During the period of innovation, ultimate controlling shareholders of private enterprises may assign partial ownership to the executives through equity incentives, option incentives and deferred bonus incentive mechanisms, which will make them to enjoy innovation benefits by encouraging the executives to innovate positively. Therefore, the research of ultimate ownership structure in private enterprises has stronger practical significance than that of SOE.
     The residual cliam (cash flow rights) of ultimate controlling shareholder is consistent with control rights in private enterprises partly, but not exactly the same. The consistence between cash flow rights and control rights will enhance the synergy effect between ultimate controlling shareholders and minority shareholders, and the agency problems are eased, thereby increasing corporate value. And the separation of control rights from cash flow rights is the origin which gives rise to the interest conflicts between ultimate controlling shareholders and external investors. It will enhance the plunder incentive of ultimate controlling shareholders, thereby prompting agency cost and decreasing corporate value. Meanwhile, previous studies mainly analyze the relationship between ultimate ownership structure and financing structure choices from static prospective (Xiao,2011; Xiao,2012; Xiao and Liao,2012). However, the financing structure decisions is essentially a dynamic process, only dynamic analysis can reflect the dynamic adjustment process of financing decisions. While previous researches can't clarify out the relationship between ultimate ownership structure and financing structure dynamic adjustment. Therefore, carrying out analyzing the relationship between ultimate ownership structure and corporate financing structure dynamic adjustment (including target financing structure and adjustment speed) has important theoretical and practical significance, especially for private listed companies.
     In recent year, the researches how institutional environment affects corporate financing structure choices attract the broad concerns in academic community. Many multinational studies reveals the impact of the particular institutional environment on corporate financing structure choices (Rajan and Zingales,1995; Demirguc-Kunt and Maksimovic,1998,1999). However, applying the financing structure theories that are developed in developed institutional system to private enterprises directly may be not appropriate. As Barclay and Smith (1999) mentioned, in the financing structure field, the most important things are presenting the presumptions which is close to the reality and designing the efficient empirical model, thereby finding the core elements drive corporate financing decisions combined with the corporate financing institutional eniroment. Now, China is in a period of economic transition, there is a specil system background. Such as unique ownership structure, poor investor protection, imperfect market, serious government intervention, and backward financial development level. In China, there are considerable differences in local government regulation, government intervention in business credit culture, product and factor market, financial development level and legal institutional environment in various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities (collectively referred to as region). These will provide the scare opportunity to investigate the relationship between institutional environment and corporate financing choices. In recent years, the relevant government sections have actively developed debt financing instruments, including corporate bond and enterprise bond, which provide the research condition for financing structure problem, especially debt maturity structure issues. And in the special institutional environment in China, there are many problems associated with corporate financing, such as ultimate controlling shareholders will adjust corporate financing policy to enhance entrenchment effect based on self-interest, plundering the wealth of external investors and acquiring private control benefits, thereby influencing target financing structure decisions and transaction cost in adjusting financing structure (adjustment cost). Therefore, clarying out the relationship among ultimate ownership structure, institutional environment and corporate financing dynamic adjustment (target financing structure and adjustment speed) has important academic value.
     Overviewing the existing literature, there are not any literatures which analyze corporate financing structure dynamic adjustment through the combination of ultimate ownership structure with institutional environment by now. Therefore, this study will provide the useful extension and complement to financing structure research. Based on the relevant carding of theoretical and empirical literature about financing structure, in the guidance of dynamic tradeoff theory, this dissertation firstly constructs the financing structure dynamic adjustment model combined with the institutional environment in China, then analyzes deeply the impact of agency conflicts between ultimate controlling shareholders and external investors and institutional environment on target financing structure and adjustment speed. Specifically, this dissertation is divided into six chapters. Chapter1, introduction. This chapter discusses the research background, research significance, the main contents, framework, and research method. The definition of key terms is also given. Chapter2, review of financing structure literature. This chapter is divided into four parts:The first part, capital structure theoretical literature review; The second part, capital structure empirical literature review; The third part, debt maturity structure theoretical literature review; The forth part, debt maturity structure empirical literature review. Chapter3, analysis of the financing system of capital market, financing system of bank loan, investor protection and process of marketlization in depth. Chapter4, analysis of how ultimate ownership structure and institutional environment affect capital structure dynamic adjustment. Chapter5, analysis of how ultimate ownership structure and institutional environment affect debt maturity structure dynamic adjustment. Chapter6, conclusions and prospects. Based on the empirical analysis, this chapter summarizes the main conclusions, and refines the innovations, then presents policy recommendations in terms of relevant research findings, lastly analyzes the limitation in this paper and future prospects.
     The main conclusions are as follows:
     (1) For Chinese private listed companies, the higher of separation between cash flow rights and control rights (the separation) of ultimate controlling shareholder, the higher marketization degree of the area which the company locate, the target debt level will be higher. And good institutional environment will weaken the positive correlation between the separation and target capital structure.
     (2) The higher the ultimate controlling shareholder's cash flow rights, capital structure adjustment speed will be faster; The higher pyramid layers and the separation of the ultimate controlling shareholder, capital structure adjustment speed will be slower; In the regions which have higher marketization process, the adjustment cost will be lower, thus generates faster adjustment speed.
     (3) When the endogenous dependency of target debt maturity on capital structure is not considered, the higher the separation, the target debt maturity level will be lower. When the endogenous depency is considered, the negative correlation between the separation and target debt maturity level is not significant. Wheterhe or not considering the endogenous dependency, in the area which have better institutional environment, lower debt maturity level will be chosen.
     (4) Whether or not considering the endogenous dependency, the separation and institutional environment are positively correlated with adjustment speed of capital structure.
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