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Sedimentary rock mass accounts for about 2/3 areas of earth surface in the world. The disasters such as slippage, falling often happen caused by excavation in the stratified rock mass, which leads to large amount of economic loss; but recently, the systematic studies have been developed in some degree on the physical mechanical characteristic of stratified rock mass,shear strength of structural plane and the numerical calculation method for stratified rock slope stability.
     The compressive characteristic of stratified rock mass, shear characteristic of structural plane, slope stability analysis for stratified rock mass as well as the reinforcement by cables for the slope are studied by the method of theoretical analysis, laboratory test and the numerical simulation technique, which will give guidance for the real project.
     The numerical method for the transversely isotropic rocks is introduced to describe the stratified rock mass, the comparative analysis are done for the theoretical and numerical results, which show that, the introduced numerical calculation method can well describe the failure characteristic of stratified rock mass;
     Test for stratified rock mass are done, the curves of stress-strain relationship are obtained for stratified rock mass with different inclinations of structure plane; Analysis for the characteristic of these rock mass are done, which show that, with the increase of structure plane inclination angle, the compressive strength shows the trend of first decreases then increases; According to the numerical calculation for stratified rock mass with axial and tri-axial compressive situation. Analysis are done for strength and deformation characteristic of rock mass with uniaxial compression, structural plane effect, scale effect, and the effect of loading velocity. For different structure plane inclination, the compressive strength of rock mass decreases with the increase of rock sample diameter; the compressive strength increases with the increase of loading velocity; in the real tests, the loading velocity should be chosen according to simulation situation; with the increase of surrounding stress, the plastic deformation near peak magnitude of stress increases as well as the deformation to reach the peak magnitude of strength, and the plastic characteristic of samples increases, while elastic modulus of rock samples increases in the linear way; the outputs of numerical calculation and laboratory tests are almost the same;
     The laboratory and numerical tests are done to simulate the strength and deformation of structural plane with different shapes, the structural plane deformation and mechanical chanracteristic and their influential factors are analyzed, which show that, shear strength of rock samples are in the Mohr-Coulomb linear relationship with normal stress; the peak value of shear strength increases with the increase of shear loading velocity; the results from numerical calculation are the same with the from laboratory test, which validates the reliable of the numerical data;
     The three dimensional calculation models for stratified rock slope are founded to analyze the effect of structural plane cohesion and internal friction angle to the safety factor and slip plane, which are seldom studied in recent. The analysis results show that, for the slip plane, when cohesion increases, slip plane moves from the place near slope surface to the internal of slope; while the increasing of internal friction angle leads to the slip plane moving from internal slope to the shallow slope mass;
     In order the futher study the cable reinforcement method in the stratified rock mass, the mechanical characteristic model for bolt is founded by theoretical method, the numerical model for the bolt not only considers the stress-strain characteristic in the axial direction but also in the transverse direction; then the bolting effect to the rock mass is simulated by numerical method; the displacement responses of slope and stress variation of bolting are analyzed in the macroscopic way.
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