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With the development of the network technology, the distributed structure has beenthe important network architecture for information processing、transmitting andexchanging. All kinds of data sources are stored in the distributed and heterogeneousdatabases in different locations and with different forms. So this situation leads to theproblems of data sharing and integration in the distributed network.
     The data integration systems and technologies in existence are introduced. In orderto solve the distributed and heterogeneous problems of the data sources, a new solutionfor data integration based on grid services and RDF technology is given. Grid servicesare used to solve the heterogeneous problem of data accessing, and RDF technology isused to solve the heterogeneous problems of grammar and semantics. According to thesolution, we establish a RDF-Based Grid-Data Query and Integration System (RGDS), and analyze the main modules' functions and their relationships.
     Because of the differences of data source quality, it is a problem that how to select thecorrect and appropriate data source in the data query system. So we define the trust valueto evaluate the quality of data source. The greedy-selecting algorithm based on trustvalues of data sources is proposed. A preliminary experiment is carried out to evaluatethe efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
     Finally, the realization procedures of RDF-Based Grid-Data Query and IntegrationSystem (RGDS) are illustrated by an instance. Also, the reasoning of RDF data results isintroduced simply.
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