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     第五章根据定制产品功构模型的树结构特征,提出了基于结构图的定制产品功能结构树相似性算法,其通过最大同构子图获取算法、同构子图相似性算法实现产品功能结构树相似性比较,在此基础上,对功能结构树节点采用BPNN&CBR的相似性获取,即通过BPNN获取节点需求权重,并针对节点特征值类型特点,给出不同类型特征输入与样本实例特征差分距离的计算公式,按照实例推理方法获取与用户需求匹配的节点实例。最后给出了YF32-3150 KN液压机本体功能结构树相似性计算案例,及基于实例的移动工作台特征权重获取的具体应用。
A new method and theory, which is about the mapping between function domain and structure domain of customization products, is presented in this dissertation , mainly consisting of the customization product function-structure model, the granularity of the product function-structure units base on the algorithm of fuzzy cluster means, the mapping procedure between function domain & structure domain based on the weight automata, the implement of mapping between function domain & structure domain based on artificial neural network and case-based reason. Furthermore, the effective applications on several research projects proved advancement and validity as well.
     The frame of this dissertation is as follows:
     Chapter 1 discusses characteristics and status quo of the product concept design, makes research on the theory of customization product design based on knowledge, analyzes the deficiencies in existing mapping methods between function domain & structure domain for customization product. Furthermore, the main ideas are given on the customization product's mapping between function domain & structure domain.
     Chapter 2 analyses the characteristics of customization products, makes research on the main factors which influence the complexity of the customization product's mapping between function domain and structure domain, discusses the representation of customization product requirement, and product requirement information meta model based on the tabular layouts of article characteristics is also presented, then the method and technology of requirement information meta's representation and implementation is given based on the tabular layouts of article characteristics, which leads to the construction of the customization product function-structure model. The construction principles and optimization strategies of product function-structure model is discussed based on the axiomatic theory. Besides, the flowchart of product configuration design base on the product function and structure model is given.
     Chapter 3 makes research on function-structure unit granularity by improving the random initialization of Fuzzy Cluster Means which is based on the customization product function and structure model, moreover, function of granularity has also been constructed as associated with domain mapping according to the axiomatic theory and the characteristics of requirement mapping and instance mapping during the process of mapping. Moreover, a typical instance is given related with elevator manufacturing project.
     Chapter 4 proposes the knowledge representation of customization product function-structure model, aiming at the limitation to implement the mapping of customization product from function domain to structure one. With the structure features of the model above, the mapping implementation for the single-constraint product function-structure model is represented based on semi-ring weight finite state automata. According to the disjunction-conjunction strategy, the multi-constraint product function-structure model can be extracted to several independent single-constraint ones with methods as automata disjunction, equivalency and off-redundancy etc. After all single-constraint ones are solved respectively, all solutions to them are conjunctive which attain the mapping implementation from function domain to structure domain for multi-constraint product function-structure model. In addition, a typical concrete instance is given related with the project of hydraulic machine, which shows the validity and promise of the method mentioned above.
     Chapter 5 puts forward a similarity algorithm of customization product function-structure tree based on graphics, according to the tree-structure characteristic of customization product function & structure model, which implements the similarity of product customization template by the largest subgraph isomorphism attainment and the similarity algorithm of the subgraph isomorphism. Next, the similarity access of nodes in the template is realized as bellow: attain the requirement weight of nodes through artificial neural network; construct the formula of the distance between the feature input and the instance feature with the different characteristic value type. Then, the instance corresponding with the requirement is gotten by the method of CBR. Besides, a typical instance is given related the body of hydraulic machine which type is YF32-3150KN and the moving workstation of hydraulic machine.
     In chapter 6, the mapping platform between customization product function & structure is developed and applied in some project, which shows the validity and feasibility of the new theory and method of product design knowledge in the dissertation.
     In chapter 7, conclusions are given along with recommendations for future research.
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