1、下颌骨高速投射物损伤病理学及早期修复的实验研究 2、下颌骨骨折加压内固定的实验和临床初步应用研究
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Experimental Study of Mandibular Injury and Early Repair of the Mandibular Defects Following High-Velocity Missiles Wound In Dogs.
    With the Development of the microreconstruction and trauma treatment techniques, Some experts advocated early repair to the maxillofacial firearm defect. But, there were many controversies to this problem. In order to provide experimental and pathological foundation of madible injury for the early repair of the mandibular defects with the microsugical techniques. this experiment was designed to evaluated the effects of wound ballistic, pathological changes and possibility of early repair of mandibular defect wounded by high velocity missiles.
    Mandibular body of fourty one dogs were wounded by 0.7g steel spheres with the muzzle velocity 1300m/s. The distance from gun to animal was six meters. Experiment was divided into two groups. One group obersered temporary cavitation formation and pathological changes of soft and composite tissue after wounding. Injuried parameter was collected and analysed, and then, Bone tissue specimens were collected respectively from wound edge 1, 2, 3cm at 6 hours, 3 and 7 days after wounding. Another group, after wounding, the wound was debrided and sutured at the 6 hours. According to principle of delayed primary repair, Mandibular defects were repaired with the vascu-larized iliac bone and nonvascularized iliac bone grafts at 7 days after debridment. Postoperation, Possibility of the early repair and feasibility of two methods in the firearm mandibular bone defects were evaluated. Repair effects of two methods were comparied.
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