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The Identity-Based Encryption(IBE) System and application is more and more important, It have already become a important research aspect, that how to build a public key encryption system with high security and efficiency.
     In IBE system, thepublic key is something about user's ID, such like name, email and so on. or some fake ID, which created by some Hash function. And the private key is created by PKG—A creditable third party administion. However, with development of information times, anonymious is needed for more and more people, It is important that how to exchange information with each other safely, while not know each other' s true ID. That also need PKG can track any nodes' behave.
     This paper concentrates on the theory and technique of identity-based encryption and its application on mobile nodes' anonymious authentication. We use ellipse curve, pairing technology, IBE, and coupling touch off cell automaton as basic knowledge.
     This paper use pairing technology and CTCA to construct a public key Encryption system, which can counteract chosen chiptext attrack and satisfy IND-CCA2 model. As the same time ,this paper also construct the anonymious bidirectional authentication mechanism of mobile nodes, which based on the new Encryption system constructed above and also give the prove of security, analyze of efficiency and the prove of validity, In the end, the paper give an anonymious bidirectional authentication model of mobile nodes.
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