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Intensifying of economic globalization and international trade is an economic development's important direction in this world. Because today's globalization is pushed by opening market, the trade occupies main status in the globalization process. The country that holds the inside track in the international competitiveness will obtain initiative. Just because this, every country hopes that own products can have quite big share in opening international market.
    And agricultural trade is an important composing part. So under this backdrop, how to improve China's competitiveness of major agricultural products become more and more important.
    With the Uruguay Round coming to an agreement, agricultural trade was brought into rule of multilateral trade system, and became the focus of trade freedom. Now the prices of some agricultural products in China are lower than international prices, and the qualities are lower than the same products of other countries, how the WTO's access influences China's agriculture? Under the new trade system, interference of government to agricultural products' produce, consume and trade will be restricted, the structure of agricultural products trade will more and more depend on every country's competitive strategies about comparative advantage and competitive advantage of every agricultural product. Under this new position, improving agricultural products' competitiveness must on the basis of implanting comparative advantage, otherwise not only competitiveness of agriculture's improvement will at the cost of the losses of other industries, but also this goal unable to be realized because of multilateral trade negotiati
    on further restricting support measurements.
    On the basis of the theory of the competitiveness and encircling basic hypothesis, this research found approaches of improving competitiveness of China's agricultural products by measuring competitive indexes and analyzing factors of influencing competitiveness of agricultural products.
    The whole country's agricultural products were researching object of the thesis. Classifying agricultural products according to resource intensity of, the research choused and analyzed representative products of different types. By measuring international competitiveness of China's agricultural products, the thesis anatomies their changing trend, and analyzes some products which have comparative advantage but haven't competitiveness in the practice. On the basis of this analysis, the thesis carries through theory and demonstration research from four aspects, factor, demand, trade bulwark and rivals, and analyzes the reasons why these products' competitiveness became lower.
    The research shows that although labors are copiousness in China, but because of lower education lever and ascending labor's cost with the developing economy, the effect of substituting labor factor for other factors is not very well; in another hand excess growth of economy in China lowered competitiveness of some agricultural products. In international markets, many trade barriers; especially technology barriers are main obstructions that influence competitiveness of agricultural products. In the long term, manpower and innovation is the fundamentality of improving competitiveness.
    Last the paper put forward the approaches of improving competitiveness on the basis of conclusion: exerting advantage of labor in a short run, but implanting sustainable resources in a long run; establishing key trade markets of different agricultural products; creating favorable trade environment of agricultural products according to WTO.
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