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钛合金具有比强度高、热强度高、抗断裂性高、耐腐蚀性好等优良特性,在航空航天、化工、船舶和核技术等领域得到了广泛的应用。钛合金同时具有导热系数小,高温化学活性高,弹性模量低,摩擦系数大等特性,易导致其加工性能差。目前国内外钛合金加工主要采用硬质合金刀具,切削速度一般在60m/min左右,大大限制了钛合金的加工效率,如何实现对钛合金材料进行高效精密加工成为一个亟待解决的难题。聚晶金刚石刀具(Polyerystalline Diamond,简称PCD)可以实现对钛合金的高效精密加工,与硬质合金刀具相比具有切削速度高、刀具耐用度长等优势。本文针对TA15钛合金材料,开展了超硬刀具高速铣削钛合金的基础研究,主要研究工作包括以下方面:
Titanium alloys are widely used in aerospace, shipbuilding chemical, and nuclear because of theirhigh specific strength, good corrosion resistance and high thermal stability. However, titanium alloy iswell known as a difficult to machine material, because of its low thermal conductivity, small elasticmodule, and high chemical activity. Nowadays, both in home and abroad, titanium alloys aremachined with carbide cutting tools, and the cutting speed is about60m/min. So it is crucial toenhance the machining efficiency level. Compared with uncoated carbide cutting tools, thepolycrystalline diamond (PCD) cutting tools can have higher cutting speed and longer tool life. Thefundamental research on high speed milling of titanium alloys with super-hard tools has been carriedout. The major research works are included as follows:
     1. Parameter design of super-hard tools in high speed milling titanium alloy. According to thefeatures of titanium alloy and high speed milling experiments, a PCD tool was designed reasonablyfor high speed milling titanium alloy. Chipping of super-hard tool was effectively controlled inhigh-speed intermittent cutting. The contact stress field on cutting edge in high-speed cutting titaniumalloy with PCD tool was simulated. The effect of tool geometric parameters on the tool breakage wasanalyzed. It verified that the design tool parameters were reasonable.
     2. Study on chip formation mechanism in high speed milling of titanium alloy with Super-hard tool.The process of chip formation, chip shape and chip deformation were studied from both theoreticaland experimental aspects. Finite element analysis was used to simulate the process of chip formationin high-speed cutting titanium alloy with PCD tool. The effects of tool materials, cutting parametersand tool wear on macro and micro morphology of the chip were analyzed. By means of microanalysisof metallographic sample, effects of cutting parameters and tool wear on chip deformation werestudied. Variation of the saw tooth level, concentrated shear rate, shear angle and slip angle with thecutting parameters were studied comparatively with different tool materials.
     3. Tool life in high speed milling of titanium alloy with super-hard tool. The three-dimensionalvideo microscope, SEM and EDS were utilized to investigate the effect of cutting speed on tool wearof the titanium alloy. Tool life and tool wear morphology of PCD and carbide cutting tools werestudied comparatively in high-speed finishing milling titanium alloys. It would be helpful forrevealing the tool wear mechanism.
     4. Tool wear mechanism in high speed milling of titanium alloy with super-hard tool. Firstly, thefriction and wear behavior of super-hard tool sliding against TA15alloy were investigated at high sliding speeds. The test platform was established to simulate high speed cutting process. The frictiontests between cutting tool and TA15were carried out. A single point and double point thermocouplecalibration method were used to calibrate the natural thermocouple used in the experiments. The basictribological properties and friction parameters of carbide-TA15friction pair and PCD-TA15frictionpair were measured and analyzed. The friction wear mechanism was revealed deeply. The SEM andEDS were utilized to reveal the super-hard tool wear mechanism.
     5. Surface integrity in high speed cutting of titanium alloy with super-hard tool. By means ofthree-dimensional video microscope, micro hardness tester and surface roughness and otherequipments, effects of the milling parameters and tool wear on surface integrity are investigated. Atheoretical model and prediction model of surface roughness were established. Effects of the millingparameters and tool wear on work hardening and microstructure were studied. Finite element analysisand experimental methods were used to study the effect of cutting speed on residual stress, and theformation mechanism of residual stress was analyzed.
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    [137]中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局. GB-T6611-2008,钛及钛合金术语和金相图

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