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The blade plays decisive role for the working performance of the wholemachine. The performance of the blade is related to the energy field, launch vehiclefields and national defense field. So the manufacturing efficiency, machiningaccuracy and surface roughness have important effect to the performance andefficiency of the energy conversion device. Some progress has been obtained inblade processing industry the past few years. There are special machines for thesurface of blades. The grinding process for the blade still depends on manualoperation. The grinding efficiency and the part accuracy are also very low in generalcase. Belt grinding has been used to the precision machining of blade as an efficientmachining technology. The research on the theory of belt grinding, the grindingremoval analysis based on discrete grid dough sheet, the structure and the controlmethod of the machine and the modal analysis of the machine are carried out in thispaper.
     First, the research on the evaluation index of the performance of the belt grindingand the influencing factors of the belt grinding is carried out. The effect of grindingdepth, feed rate and the rotational speed of the tool on the grinding force is discussedin this paper. Then, an empirical formula to calculate the grinding force in surfacegrinding is proposed. The alterable friction coefficient in the grinding process isconsidered in the formula.
     Data points of the blade are collected in this paper. Then the reverse engineeringsoftware is used to deal with the data points. The data points are repaired and thethree-dimensional solid model of the blade is built up.
     The knowledge of probability theory, elasticity and contact mechanics is used tostudy the research on grinding removal depth based on the discrete grid dough sheet.
     A new machine for grinding both sides of blade synchronically is proposed inthis paper to improve the efficiency. The four axes coordinated would be used to cut machining time in the synchronous machining region. The converted mechanism formultiple contact wheels is also developed to fit the blade surface with different radiusof curvature.
     Laser measurement system is used to measure the repetitive position error ofX-orient and Z orient. The measure results show that the errors are in the allowedrange.
     The axial contact stiffness of the feed system is studied based on the elasticcontact theory. Then a control method based on repetitive compensation for the Xaxial transmission system of the double-side blade grinding machine is proposed inthis paper. The simulation results show that the PID controller based on the repetitivecompensation controller had good robustness and high accuracy.
     Modal analysis is the key point to improve the system performance. The modalanalysis of the machine is studied used the finite element analysis software and themodal testing system. The results are helpful to improve the performance of themachine.
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