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The researches on aggression are always the focus of our society because the human being is born with aggression. As for the danger of aggression, researchers tried to explain the aggression from different aspects. Studying aggression characteristics of different types and people and its internal mechanism are aiming to prevent, control and intervene the aggression. Recently, researchers pay attention to social cognition of aggression, which focuses on attention, memory and interpretation in the cognitive process and to analyze the formation and maintenance of aggression from the inherent mechanism of cognition. In this thesis, from the perspective of cognitive processing bias and by means of theory of social cognition and paradigm of cognitive processing bias, aggression of Gong-du schools students from Shanghai are explored on processing characteristic of attention, memory and interpretation in order to promote and guide the development of prevention and intervention program on aggression of Gong-du school student.
     According to combing the literature, first, aggression of Gong-du schools students are measured by Emotion Stroop, Dot-probe, Process-Dissociation Procedure and Recognitions memory task, and explored on processing characteristic of attention, memory and interpretation for information related with aggression. The nature of aggressive measured through method of cognitive processing bias is further studied by measuring implicit and explicit of aggression and analyzing aggression in the relationship between attention, memory and interpretation processing. Based on this, the stability of aggression of Gong-du schools students is studied through the Evaluative Conditioning. The differences of aggression of Gong-du schools students is studied by comparing with the ordinary school students, and then the characteristics of grade and gender are analyzed. It is researched what aggression of Gong-du schools students is influenced by their self-characteristics such as personality, self-concept and self-control. Through these studies, it is put forward suggestion on how aggression of Gong-du schools students are intervened.
     The main findings of the study include:
     (1) Gong-du schools students have the cognitive processing bias in the attention, memory and interpretation of the information related with aggression; based on measuring implicit and explicit of aggression, the implicit aggression is mainly reflected on Gong-du schools students' aggression measured by means of cognitive processing bias; based on the correlation analysis and structural analysis on aggression performance between attention, memory and interpretation processing, more unconscious components are reflected on the aggression measured by the paradigm of cognitive processing bias.
     (2) The processing of the information related with aggression of Gong-du schools students is affected by the Evaluative Conditioning, but the effect is not significant. The reason should be the interaction of measurements and the Evaluative Conditioning.
     (3) There are differences between Gong-du schools students and normal schools students in attention, memory and interpretation of the information related with aggression, and Gong-du schools students have a tendency of preference for the information related with aggression; Gong-du schools students with different grades and genders have different performance in the cognitive processing.
     (4) Based on the measurement and analysis on the personality, self-concept and self-control, self-control is related with the attention on the information related with aggression of Gong-du schools students and can partly forecast the attention processing of the information related with aggression; self-concept and self-control can partly and jointly forecast the memory processing of the information related with aggression; personality, self-concept and self-control can partly and jointly forecast the interpretation processing the information related with aggression.
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