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Since the mid-1990s, international division of labor is further refined with the development of production and information technology, gradually shifting from inter-industry division of labor and division of labor within the industry to intra-product specialization. Production can be separated in space and international vertical specialization is becoming increasingly popular. In the production and trade patterns of international vertical specialization, different production processes have different needs to production factors and have different economic impact on countries in different status of value chain. With low-cost manufacturing advantages, China comprehensively participates in international vertical specialization production, which has enormous impact on problems of employment, wages, enterprises'technological progress and industrial upgrading in China. However, the effect of the impact is still uncertain. Moreover, China has been increasingly challenged by other countries or regions which developed at a similar stage with the same comparative advantages (such as Mexico, India, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries). In this economic context, it is of great significance to analyze the economic effects of China's participation in international vertical specialization for China better participating in international vertical specialization, promoting domestic industrial upgrading and enhancing industrial competitiveness.
     Based on the review of domestic and foreign scholar's papers on international vertical specialization, this paper improves the calculation method of international vertical specialization according to China's reality, and does more accurate calculation of the degree of china's international vertical specialization. What's more, further analysis is made of international vertical specialization's influence on employment structure of labor market, relative wage gap between skilled and unskilled labors, technological progress and industrial competitiveness. Through the combination of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, this paper analysis of the mechanism of international vertical specialization's impact on China's economic and the economic benefit it produced, some instructive conclusions are reached. Which is of great significance for grasping China's international vertical specialization status, clearing the way and degree of international vertical specialization'influence on the economy of China, and formulating economic development policies. The innovative points of this paper can be summarized as follows:
     First, according to the characteristics of China's participation in international vertical specialization, this paper improves China's international vertical specialization measurement method. What's more, it makes more accurate estimation at the degree of China's participation in international vertical specialization through improved PA method.
     Second, according to the characteristics of China's labor market, we think that Feenstra&Hanson's assume of international vertical specialization's impact on developing country's labor market is not suitable for analysis the impact of international vertical specialization on China's employment structure. This paper assumes that the production processes transferred from developed countries may not belong to high-tech sectors. At the same time, the industries have different technology level also have different impact on the employment structure.Based on this assumption, we analysis the mechanism of vertical specialization's impact on employment structure of the labor market.
     Third, China as a developing country has abundant non-skilled labor and a large number of rural surplus labor forces, so the non-skilled labor supply curve will not be a line tilt to the right. Instead, it is broken line determined by different supply elasticity. The skilled labor supply curve will be a normal line of positive slope. Based on this assumption, this paper analyse the mechanism of vertical specialization's impact on wage gap of non-skilled labor and skilled labor.
     Fourth, based on Goh's model, this paper improved its hypothesis, assuming that different industry has diffenent R&D cost function.Then, analysis the impact of international vertical specialization on technology transfer and technology spillover in low-tech industry and high-tech industry respectively.
     Fifth, based on the conclutions made by theoretical analysis and empirical analysis on china's international vertical specialization, this paper proposes some policy suggestions on realizing division interest and promoting China's industrial upgrading during particapite in international vertical specialization.
     The main conclusions of this paper can be summarized as follows:
     First, the calculation of China's overall and sub-sector international vertical specialization through PA method and HIY method illustrated that China's overall and sub-sector international vertical specialization have a substantial growth in the last decades. The high-technology industry's degree of international vertical specialization is higher than that of the low-technology industries. This is because high-technology industry's product is easy to segment and developed countries outsource more low-technology products of high-technology industries. The low-technology industry sectors have less production processes and most of their processes can be completed domestically, so the degree of their international vertical specialization is relatively low. Meanwhile, the overall and sub-sector degree of international vertical specialization measured by PA method is higher than that by HIY methods. Comparing to other typical developing and developed countries, we find that the big developed countries has relatively low degree of international vertical specialization, while the emerging economic countries and small developed countries have relatively high degree of international vertical specialization. In developing countries, due to the rapid growth of China's foreign trade and the policies of encouraging developing processing trade, China's degree of international vertical specialization is higher than that of the India and Brazil.
     Second, the analysis of the mechanism of international vertical specialization's impact on employment structure of the labor market and income gap in China shows that the demand for unskilled labor is relatively higher in the low-technology industries with a low degree of international vertical specialization. This may have a negative impact on the employment of skilled labor. When the industry is high-technology industries, China engages in the low-technology production processes transferred from developed countries. These production processes in China may not belong to high-tech sectors. A considerable part of these production processes may still belong to unskilled labor-intensive processes, which makes the demand on skilled labor and unskilled labor increased together in China. In addition, China as a developing country has abundant non-skilled labor and a large number of rural surplus labor forces, so the non-skilled labor supply curve will not be a line tilt to the right. Instead, it is a broken line determined by different supply elasticity. The skilled labor supply curve will be a normal line of positive slope. Therefore, the impact of international vertical specialization on the employment structure will not necessarily reflect in the relative wage gap between skilled and unskilled labor, namely the wages gap between the skilled and unskilled labor may not narrow in the low-technology industry and it may not expand in high-technology industry.
     Empirical analysis finds that the international vertical specialization has a significant impact on China's labor market. The Industry Sector's participating in international vertical specialization generally reduces the relative demand for skilled labor and increases unskilled labor's demand. The regression results of the low-technology industry show that this effect is more significant. However, the analysis on high-tech industries shows that vertical specialization increases the demand for skilled labor and reduces the relative demand for unskilled labor, but the change rate in labor demand is smaller than that of the overall and the low-technology industries. The analysis on wage gap between skilled labor and unskilled labor shows that international vertical specialization narrows the wage gap in the low-technology industries but slight widens the wage gap in the high-technology industries. The empirical analysis conforms to the theoretical analysis.
     Third, the measurement of China's total factor productivity shows that most of the industries'total factor productivity is in the upward trend. The mining and processing industry, metals smelting and pressing industry in the low-technology industry have higher total factor productivity, while other industries have relatively low total factor productivity and high-technology industry has one. The structure of total factor productivity shows that the growth of total factor productivity in most industries stems is embodied in the function of technical progress, and the influence in that of the high-technology industry is more obvious, while technical efficiency index is low. International vertical specialization has a negative impact on total factor productivity, technical progress and technical efficiency, except the influence on low-tech industry's technical progress. As to the total factor productivity, high-technology industry's negative influence is more obvious, while as to technical efficiency, low-technology industry's negative influence is more obvious, which conforms to the theoretical analysis. Analysis indicates that China's participation in the vertical specialization is not significantly beneficial from the technical spillovers. Only because the low technology industry has low level of technology, it benefits from the international vertical specialization.
     Fourth, International vertical specialization has important influence on China's industrial competitiveness. It also has positive impact on trade competitive power Index, and the influence on low-technology industry is higher than high-technology industry. This shows that although China's high-technology industry has a high degree of international vertical specialization, the effect on net exports is small and labor-intensive products'export is still in an important position. The increase of international vertical specialization in high-technology industry has less influence on net export. International vertical specialization has positive impact on net value-added international vertical specialization index, while the influence on high-technology industry was significantly higher than on low-technology industry. This shows that high-technology industry's technology level and the degree of international vertical specialization is high, which has strong industrial linkage effects, so the growth of net value-added index of international vertical specialization is obvious. Meanwhile low-technology industry's technology level and the degree of international vertical specialization is low, which has weak industrial linkage effects, so the growth of net value-added index of international vertical specialization is not obvious.
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